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Article 17

Article 16 of the Convention becomes article 17 and it is amended as follows:

In paragraph 1, the reference to article 15.2 is

changed to a reference to article 16.2; Paragraph 5 is deleted.

Article 18

Article 17 of the Convention becomes article 18 and it is amended as follows:

In paragraph 1, «Director» is replaced by «Director-General»; the reference to article 5.2, c), is replaced by a reference to article 5.2, d), v);

In paragraph 3, the beginning is deleted. The paragraph begins with: «The Council may, by a decision taken in conformity with article 5.2, a) [...]»

Article 19

Article 18 of the Convention becomes article 19 and reads as follows:

Article 19 Denunciation

1 — After mis Convention has been in force for six years, any Member State may denounce it by notifying the depositary of the Convention, thereby leaving the General Budget, mandatory and optional programmes. The denunciation shall take effect for the General Budget at the end of the five years period for which the financial ceiling was decided, and for the mandatory or optional programmes at the time of the expiration of the programmes.

2 — The State concerned shall retain the rights it has acquired up to tile date the denunciation takes effect with regard to the various programmes in which it was involved.

3 — If a Member State ceases to be a party to die Convention, the scale of contributions for die General Budget shall be adjusted in accordance with article 10.2 for the five years period following the period in which the State concerned denounced die Convention.

Article 20

Article 19 of the Convention becomes article 20 and it is amended as follows:

Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

2 — Unless the Council decides otherwise, EUMETSAT shall be dissolved if, as a result of the denunciation of this Convention by one or more Member States under die provision of article 19.1 or as a result of an exclusion following article 14.1, the contribution rate of each other Member State to the General Budget and to die mandatory programmes is increased by more than one-fifth.

The decision on the dissolution shall be

taken by the Council in conformity with article 5.2, a), a Member State having denounced the Convention or having been excluded not taking part in the vote on this issue.

Article 21

Article 20 of the Convention becomes article 21 and it is amended as follows:

In paragraph c), the reference to article 16 is replaced by a reference to article 17.

Article 22

Article 21 of the Convention becomes article 22 and it is replaced by the following:

Article 22


Upon the entry into force of this Convention, and of any amendments to it, the depositary shall register them with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 23

1 — The Convention and the present Protocol constitute one single unique instrument called «Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)».

2 — The annexes i and n to the Convention, including the system description and the financial provisions relevant to the METEOSAT Operational Programme (MOP), shall remain valid until the expiration of the programme at the end of 1995.

Upon the expiration of MOP, the annexes will be considered as abrogated without requirement of further decision by the Member States of EUMETSAT.

In future no further annexes to the Convention will be established.

3 — The amendment shall enter into force in accordance with article 17.2 of the EUMETSAT Convention. Until completion of the procedure it is recommended to agree to the provisional application of the amendments.


Emendas à Convenção para o Estabelecimento de Uma Organização Europeia para a Exploração de Satélites Meteorológicos (EUMETSAT), de 24 de Maio âe YSW>.

O Conselho da EUMETSAT, de acordo com o disposto no n.° 1 do artigo 17.° da Convenção da EUMETSAT, recomenda a aceitação das seguintes emendas à Convenção para o Estabelecimento de Uma Organização Europeia para a Exploração de Satélites Meteorológicos (EUMETSAT), de 24 de Maio de 1983, designada a seguir por «a Convenção»:

Os considerandos da Convenção sofrem as seguintes emendas:

É criado um novo parágrafo subordinado a «Considerando»;

Todos os parágrafos subordinados a «Notando» são substituídos pelos seguintes;

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