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97 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 6 de Novembro de 2008

The job descriptions for the above functions are included in a separate document with job descriptions of all local staff.
12.2 Service providers The Portuguese Party should obtain support from the manufacturer or service provider of the selected hardware and software for the implementation of this Annex. The support may include site survey, design, implementation and maintenance of the solutions. It will be appropriate to involve ITU in the selection process. In all cases ITU shall be provided with contact details of the Service Providers.
24x7 maintenance support from service providers for any critical components.
13. Documentation The following information should be provided to ITU during the preparatory phase, which is approximately five (5) months ahead of the Events.
13.1 Initial preparatory phase a) Floor plan.
b) A list of key management and IT personnel with their titles, functions and telephone numbers and email addresses.
c) Documentation detailing the physical and logical layout of the existing network.
13.2 Middle preparatory phase a) A list of other IT personnel and service provider contacts with their titles, functions and telephone numbers.
b) RFP for ICT services.
c) Specification of selected hardware: PCs, printers, scanners, plasma screens, servers, UPS, etc.
d) Documentation detailing the physical and logical layout of the Event network, including: i) cabling; ii) network equipment; iii) connectivity; iv) VLANs; v) access control list and firewall definitions; vi) IP addresses; vii) configuration files of the network equipment e) Wireless LAN infrastructure and coverage.
f) Telephone numbering plan.
g) Reference numbers and implementation schedule of the leased lines.

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