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79 | II Série A - Número: 103 | 29 de Abril de 2014


Article 35 Amendments

1. This Supplementary Agreement may be amended by request of any of the Parties.
2. The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the terms specified in Article 33 of this Supplementary Agreement.

Article 36 Duration and termination

1. Following the expiration of an initial period of two (2) years, this Supplementary Agreement shall remain in force for an indefinite period of time.
2. Following the expiration of the initial period of two (2) years, either Party may, at any time, terminate the present Supplementary Agreement upon a prior notification in written and through diplomatic channels.
3. The present Supplementary Agreement shall terminate one (1) year after the receipt of such notification. However, the Parties may subject to specific circumstances and by mutual consent agree to extend this Supplementary Agreement for an additional period of one (1) year.
4. This Supplementary Agreement shall remain in force irrespective of the permanent presence of an Allied Headquarters in the territory of the Portuguese Republic. 5. Without prejudice to the Agreement, Article XV, and the Protocol, Article 16, and subject to the provisions of paragraph 6 below, this Supplementary Agreement shall remain in force in case of hostilities to which the North Atlantic Treaty applies. However, the provisions relating to the location and personnel strength of an Allied Headquarters shall, in the event of such hostilities, immediately be the subject of examination by the appropriate Supreme Headquarters and the Portuguese Republic so that any desirable amendments may be made in the application of this Supplementary Agreement. Moreover, Article 3, paragraph 2, shall not apply to relocations determined necessary by the Portuguese Republic under such circumstances.
6. In the event of hostilities as defined above, each Party shall be entitled, after 60 days’ notice to the other Parties, to suspend the application of any provision, except Article 33, of this Supplementary Agreement in so far as it may be necessary. If this right is exercised, the Parties shall forthwith consult one another so that arrangements may be reached on the proper provisions to replace those in respect of which application has been suspended.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorised thereto have signed this Supplementary Agreement

Done in Brussels, on the 3rd of December 2013, in three originals, in the Portuguese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic.

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