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1. has been convicted of a crime of terrorism in a U.S. or foreign court of

competent jurisdiction; or

2. has been charged with or indicted for a crime of terrorism in a U.S. or

foreign court of competent jurisdiction.

(ii) for Portugal: An individual who has been convicted of a crime of

terrorism in a Portuguese court.

h) “Suspected terrorist”

(i) for the United States: An individual who is reasonably suspected to

be or to have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation

for, in aid of, or related to terrorism and terrorist activities based on

an articulable and reasonable suspicion.

(ii) for Portugal: An individual who has been charged with a crime of

terrorism in a Portuguese court.

i) “Terrorism Screening Information” means unclassified identifying information

about known or suspected terrorists in accordance with the above definitions

for each Party.


Information Exchange

Article III

Exchange of Terrorism Screening Information

Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and regulations and for the

purposes of this Agreement, provide to the other Party access to terrorism

screening information relating to:

a) known terrorists as defined in Article II (g) for the Providing Party, or

b) suspected terrorists, as defined in Article II (h) for the Providing


Article IV

Principles Applicable for the Information Exchange

The information exchange within the framework of this Agreement shall be:

a) Obtained for the purposes specified in this Agreement and shall not be further processed for other purposes;

30 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2012_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Páginas Relacionadas
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A República Portuguesa e os Estados Unidos da América, países ligados por
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Aprovar o Acordo entre a República Portuguesa e os Estados Unidos da Améric
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Página 0005:
a) "Informação Classificada" significa: i. Para a República Portuguesa (Portugal),
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Página 0006:
1. Tenha sido condenado por um crime de terrorismo num tribunal dos EUA ou num trib
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a) Obtidas para os fins especificados no presente Acordo e não ser tratadas para outros fi
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4. Informações adicionais, não classificadas, sobre terroristas conhecidos ou suspe
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Artigo 8.º Procedimentos para determinação da existência de coincidências 1.
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Artigo 10.º Proteção contra a Divulgação 1. A Parte destinatária deverá restr
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Artigo 11.º Segurança da Informação 1. Cada Parte deverá utilizar garantias d
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Artigo 13.º Acesso à Informação Na medida do previsto no respetivo Direito in
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8. Antes de serem transmitidas, as queixas apresentadas aos Estados Unidos deverão ser tra
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presente Acordo cessa a sua vigência catorze dias após a data de receção da respetiva noti
Pág.Página 14
Página 0015:
Pág.Página 15
Página 0016:
Article II Definitions For purposes of this Agreement, the following definit
Pág.Página 16
Página 0018:
b) Adequate, necessary, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are
Pág.Página 18
Página 0019:
4. Additional unclassified information about known or suspected terrorists, beyond
Pág.Página 19
Página 0020:
Article VIII Procedures for Encounters 1. A Party that encounters a potentia
Pág.Página 20
Página 0021:
Article X Protection from Disclosure 1. The Receiving Party shall limit acce
Pág.Página 21
Página 0022:
between the Parties. Article XI Security of Information 1. Eac
Pág.Página 22
Página 0023:
to the information shared by the Providing Party. 5. Each Party shall use the most
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Página 0024:
7. Complaints presented to Portugal should be translated into English before transmission
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Página 0025:
Article XIX Duration and Termination 1. The present Agreement shall remain i
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II SÉRIE-A — NÚMERO 41_________________________________
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