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Article 5 – State obligations and due diligence

1 Parties shall refrain from engaging in any act of violence against women and ensure that State

authorities, officials, agents, institutions and other actors acting on behalf of the State act in

conformity with this obligation.

2 Parties shall take the necessary legislative and other measures to exercise due diligence to prevent,

investigate, punish and provide reparation for acts of violence covered by the scope of this

Convention that are perpetrated by non-State actors.

Article 6 – Gender-sensitive policies

Parties shall undertake to include a gender perspective in the implementation and evaluation of the

impact of the provisions of this Convention and to promote and effectively implement policies of

equality between women and men and the empowerment of women.

Chapter II – Integrated policies and data collection

Article 7 – Comprehensive and co-ordinated policies

1 Parties shall take the necessary legislative and other measures to adopt and implement State-wide

effective, comprehensive and co-ordinated policies encompassing all relevant measures to prevent

and combat all forms of violence covered by the scope of this Convention and offer a holistic

response to violence against women.

2 Parties shall ensure that policies referred to in paragraph 1 place the rights of the victim at the

centre of all measures and are implemented by way of effective co-operation among all relevant

agencies, institutions and organisations.

3 Measures taken pursuant to this article shall involve, where appropriate, all relevant actors, such as

government agencies, the national, regional and local parliaments and authorities, national human

rights institutions and civil society organisations.

Article 8 – Financial resources

Parties shall allocate appropriate financial and human resources for the adequate implementation

of integrated policies, measures and programmes to prevent and combat all forms of violence

covered by the scope of this Convention, including those carried out by non-governmental

organisations and civil society.

Article 9 – Non-governmental organisations and civil society

Parties shall recognise, encourage and support, at all levels, the work of relevant non-governmental

organisations and of civil society active in combating violence against women and establish

effective co-operation with these organisations.

Article 10 – Co-ordinating body

1 Parties shall designate or establish one or more official bodies responsible for the co-ordination,

implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and measures to prevent and combat all

forms of violence covered by this Convention. These bodies shall co-ordinate the collection of data

as referred to in Article 11, analyse and disseminate its results.

30 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2012_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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tant que circonstances aggravantes lors de la détermination des peines relatives aux infractions
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g en veillant, lorsque cela est possible, à ce que les contacts entre les victimes et le
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2 Les Parties prennent les mesures législatives ou autres nécessaires pour que les victimes d’un
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afin d’élire les membres du GREVIO. Il se réunira par la suite à la demande d’un tiers des Partie
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4 Si un Etat visé au paragraphe 1 ou l’Union européenne exprime ultérieurement son consentement
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– l’article 59. 3 Tout Etat ou l’Union européenne peut, au moment de la signatur
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f toute dénonciation faite en vertu des dispositions de l’article 80; g
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6 Les privilèges et immunités sont accordés aux personnes mentionnées au paragraphe 1 de
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Preamble The member States of the Council of Europe and the other signatories h
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Recognising the ongoing human rights violations during armed conflicts that affect the civilian
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2 Parties shall ensure that the bodies designated or established pursuant to this article receiv
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Article 13 – Awareness-raising 1 Parties shall promote or conduct, on a regular
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the elaboration and implementation of policies and to set guidelines and self-regulatory standard
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Article 20 – General support services 1 Parties shall take the necessary legisla
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2 Measures taken pursuant to this article shall include age-appropriate psychosocial counselling
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Article 32 – Civil consequences of forced marriages Parties shall take the nece
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Article 38 – Female genital mutilation Parties shall take the necessary legisla
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Article 43 – Application of criminal offences The offences established in accor
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– withdrawal of parental rights, if the best interests of the child, which may include the safe
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carried out without undue delay while taking into consideration the rights of the victim during a
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– where necessary, issued on an ex parte basis which has immediate effect; – av
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g ensuring that contact between victims and perpetrators within court and law enforcemen
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4 Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that victims of force
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the one where they reside may make a complaint before the competent authorities of their State of
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1 The Group of experts on action against violence against women and domestic violence (hereinaft
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Article 68 – Procedure 1 Parties shall submit to the Secretary General of the Co
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concerning the measures to be taken to implement the conclusions of GREVIO, if necessary setting
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this Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 75, and any State invited to accede
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Article 76 – Accession to the Convention 1 After the entry into force of this Co
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of the Council of Europe, declare that it reserves the right to provide for non-criminal sanction
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In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Conv
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his or her opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and where it can be waived
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Convenção do Conselho da Europa para a Prevenção e o Combate à Violência Contra as Mulhere
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Reconhecendo que a natureza estrutural da violência exercida contra as mulheres é baseada no géne
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e) Apoiar e assistir as organizações e os serviços responsáveis pela aplicação da lei para que co
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Artigo 4º – Direitos fundamentais, igualdade e não discriminação 1. As Partes deverão adot
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Capítulo II – Políticas integradas e recolha de dados Artigo 7º – Políticas abrangentes e
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Artigo 11º – Recolha de dados e investigação 1. Para efeitos de aplicação da presente Con
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5. As Partes deverão garantir que a cultura, os costumes, a religião, a tradição ou a pretensa “h
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Artigo 16º – Programas preventivos de intervenção e de tratamento 1. As Partes deverão ado
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- Assentem numa compreensão da violência contra as mulheres e da violência doméstica, que tem em
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tenham acesso aos mesmos. As Partes deverão promover a prestação de uma assistência especializada
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Artigo 27º – Denúncia As Partes deverão adotar as medidas que se revelem necessárias para
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Artigo 31º – Direito de Guarda, Direito de Visita e Segurança 1. As Partes deverão adotar
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3. As Partes deverão adotar as medidas legislativas ou outras que se revelem necessárias para
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Artigo 41º – Auxílio ou instigação e tentativa 1. As Partes deverão adotar as medidas leg
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2. As Partes deverão adotar as medidas legislativas ou outras que se revelem necessárias para est
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elementos constitutivos da infração, possam nos termos das disposições pertinentes do Direito int
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Capítulo VI – Investigação, ação penal, direito processual e medidas de proteção Artigo 49
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vítima ou da pessoa em perigo ou de as contactar. As medidas adotadas nos termos do presente arti
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Artigo 56º – Medidas de proteção 1. As Partes deverão adotar as medidas legislativas ou o
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Artigo 57º – Apoio judiciário As Partes deverão providenciar no sentido de prever o direit
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forma de perseguição, na aceção da alínea 2) do ponto A do artigo 1º da Convenção de 1951 relativ
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2. As Partes deverão adotar as medidas legislativas ou outras que se revelem necessárias para que
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Artigo 65º – Proteção de dados Os dados pessoais deverão ser conservados e utilizados em c
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6. O GREVIO deverá adotar o seu próprio regulamento interno. 7. Os membros do GREVIO e ou
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8. O GREVIO pode receber informação sobre a aplicação da Convenção por parte do Comissário <
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15. Analisadas as conclusões do inquérito referido no n.º 14, o GREVIO deverá transmitir estas co
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4. Qualquer emenda adotada em conformidade com o n.º 2 entra em vigor no primeiro dia do mês segu
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prevista na alínea d) do artigo 20.º do Estatuto do Conselho da Europa e por unanimidade de votos
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não penais em vez de sanções penais para os comportamentos referidos nos artigos 33º e 34º.
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e) De qualquer reserva e retirada de reserva feitas nos termos do artigo 78º; f) De qualq
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invioláveis na medida em que dizem respeito à atividade do GREVIO. A correspondência oficial do G
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