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Nos termos da alínea d) do n.° 1 do artigo 200.° da Constituição, o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República a seguinte proposta de resolução:

. Artigo único. É aprovado, para ratificação, o Protocolo de Alterações à Convenção da Organização Europeia para a Exploração de Satélites Meteorológicos, assinado em Darmstadt em 5 de Junho de 1991, cujo texto original em inglês e a respectiva tradução para português seguem em anexo à presente resolução.

Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 30 de Setembro de 1993. —O Primeiro-Ministro, Aníbal António Cavaco Silva. — O Ministro das Finanças, Jorge Braga de Macedo. — O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, José Manuel Durão Barroso. — A Ministra do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, Maria Teresa Pinto Basto Gouveia. — O Ministro Adjunto, Luís Manuel Gonçalves Marques Mendes.



Amendments to the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for the Exploitations of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) of 24 May 1983.

The EUMETSAT Council in accordance with article 17.1 of the EUMETSAT Convention recommends to accept the following amendments to the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) of 24 May 1983, hereinafter referred to as «the Convention»:

The considerata of the Convention are amended as follows:

A new paragraph is added under «Considering»; All paragraphs under «Noting» are replaced by the following;

The first paragraph under «Recognising» is replaced by the following. Considering that:

Meteorological satellites, by virtue of their data coverage and operational characteristics, provide long term global data sets of vital importance for the monitoring of the earth and its climate, especially important for the detection of global change;

Noting that:

The World Meteorological Organization has recommended its members to improve meteorological data bases and strongly supported plans to develop and exploit a - global satellite observation system in order to contribute to* its programmes; ; The METEOSAT satellites were successfully

developed by the European Space Agency;

The METEOSAT operational programme (MOP) conducted by EUMETSAT has demonstrated Europe's capacity to assume its share of responsibility in.the operation of a global satellite observation system;

Recognising that:

No other national or international Organization provides Europe with all the meteorological satellite data necessary to cover its zones of interest.

Article 1

Article 1 of the Convention is amended as follows:

The reference to article 15.2 and 15.3 in paragraph 2 is replaced by a reference to article 16.2 and 16.3;

The word «Directon> in paragraph 4 is replaced by «Director-General».

Paragraph 5 is replaced by the following:

The Headquarters of EUMETSAT shall be located in Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany, unless otherwise decided by Council in accordance with article 5.2, b\ v).

Article 2

Article 2 of the Convention is amended as follows:

The title and paragraphs 1 and 2 are replaced by the

following; New paragraphs 4-9 are inserted.

Article 2 Objectives, activities and programmes

1 — The primary objective of EUMETSAT is to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites, taking into account as far as possible the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization.

A further objective of EUMETSAT is to contribute to the operational monitoring of the climate and the detection of global climatic changes.

2 — The definition of the initial system is contained in annex i; further systems shall be established as defined in article 3.

4 — For the purpose of achieving its objectives EUMETSAT shall, as far as possible, and in conformity with meteorological tradition, cooperate with the Governments and national organizations of" the Member States, as well as with Non-Member States and governmental and non-governmental international scientific and technical organizations whose activities are related to its objectives. EUMETSAT may conclude agreements to that end.

5 — The General Budget comprises activities not linked to a specific programme. They shall represent the basic technical and administrative infrastructure of EUMETSAT including basic staff, buildings and equipment as well as preliminary activities authorised by the Council in preparation of future programmes not yet approved.-