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14 DE ABRIL DE 1994


Article IV Flag and symbol

The Group has the right to use its flag and symbol on the Dermises and transports of the Group, and on those belonging to the Secretary-General.

Location sites Article V

Inviolability of the premises and archives of the Group

l)The premises of the Group are inviolable. Their official goods and possessions, regardless of location and holder, are exempt from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation, or from any other form of executive, administrative, judicial or legislative restriction. The Portuguese authorities shall exercise due diligence to ensure the security and protection of the premises of the Group.

2) The archives belonging to the Group are inviolable, regardless of location. The expression «archives» includes all records, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photographs, films and recordings that belong to or are in the possession of the Group, as well as all the information contained in them.

3) The Secretary-General shall inform the Government of the location of the premises and archives belonging to the Group and keep it informed of any changes, as well as of any temporary occupations of the premises. The temporary premises that are currently occupied by the Group to fulfill official functions shall also be given, on agreement of the competent authorities, the statute of a premise belonging to the Group.

4) Representatives of the Government or of public authorities are not allowed to enter any premises belonging to the Group without previous autorizations from the Secretary-General and under the terms established by him. Such autorization is excused in the event of a fire or any other emergency situations that requires immediate intervention. Execution of a judicial sentence or similar action, such as the seizure of private goods in the premises belonging to the Group, is not permitted except when explicitly authorized by the Secretary-General and under the terms approved by him.

5) Without prejudice to the presente Agreement, the Group shall not allow its premises to be used as a refuge for individuals fleeing from Portuguese justice, or for whom an extradition or deportation orther has been issued by the competent authorities.

Article VI Locations

1) The Portuguese Government shall provide an estimated area of 300 square metres in a modern building which shall be acquired by the Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, located in an area with easy access in the centre of Lisbon, free of rent for the first five years. After the year the rent shall be 4500 dollars/month, equivalent to one third of the actual rent, and adjusted every year thereafter in accordance to the fixed commercial rent indexation.

The above mentioned flat shall have: A reception area;

An area with space to install offices for 8 to 10 people, including the Secretariat; A meeting room;

Space for the archives and for a library;

and shall include the use of common services of the Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, such as:

A meeting room for 120 people;

Outlets for telephones, fax, telex and computers;

A two-car parking lot;

Safety measures against trespassing and fire.

2) Until the acquisition of the building occurs, the Portuguese Government is willing to collaborate in the search for an adequate building with occupation conditions similar to the ones mentioned in paragraph 1), in a place near the centre and easily accessible, with no charge whatsoever for the Group.

Immunities and privileges of the Group

Article Vn Jurisdiction immunity

1) In the execution of their official activities, the Group shall have jurisdiction and execution immunity, except:

a) When for a special reason the Group renounces those immunities. In the event of being asked to renounce its immunity because of an action im-terposed by a third party, the Group shall make a declaration with 15 days of its receipt, under the penalty of having its immunity automatically revoked;

b) When a third party initiates a law suit of civil responsibility for the purpose of obtaining compensations for injuries suffered in a a accident provoked by an automobile belonging to the Group or being used by the Group, or in case one of those automobiles is involved in a traffic violation;

c) When a judicial sentence is carried out in accordance with articles xxn or xxin of this Agreement;

d) In the event of a mandate, resulting from a court order, for payment of salaries or other remunerations owed to an employee by the Group.

2) Possessions of the Group may not be subjected to judicial or administrative measures such as requisitions, expropriations or seizure, except when temporarily, needed for the investigation of accidents where automobiles belonging to the Group or being used by it have been involved.

Article VIH Communications

The Group shall enjoy, throughout the Portuguese territory, for its official communications, treatment not less favourable than accorded by the Government to any foreign government, including the latter's diplomatic mission, in the matter of priorities, tariffs and postal taxes that are applicable to cables, telegrams, telephotos, telephone communications, and other communications.