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124. ibidem. 125. nações unidas (1973) Commentary on the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 [pdf]. nova iorque: nações unidas, p.90.

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134. ibidem.135. Consultar: oMs (2003) WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control [pdf]. Genebra: organização Mundial da saúde.

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138. Jelsma, M. et al (2018) Balancing Treaty Stability and Change: Inter se modification of the UN drug control conventions to facilitate cannabis regulation. swansea: The Global drug policy observatory, pp. 9-11. disponível em: https://www.tni.org/en/publication/balancing-treaty-stability-and-change (acesso de 25 de março de 2019).

139. nações unidas (2012) Bolivia (Plurinational State of): Communication. Nova Iorque: Nações Unidas. un doc. C.n.829.2011.TreaTies-28 (depositary notification).

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142. Consultar, por exemplo, C.n.361.2012.TreaTies-Vi.18 (depositary notification), United States of America: Objection to the Reservation Contained in the Communication by the Plurinational State of Bolivia, 3 July 2012.

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146. Boister, n. e Jelsma, M. (2018) Inter se Modification of the UN Drug Control Conventions: An Exploration of its Applicability to Legitimise the Legal Regulation of Cannabis Markets. international Community law review, 20(5), pp. 488. doi: 10.1163/18719732-12341385.

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