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Sábado, 24 de maio de 2014 II Série-D — Número 25



Delegações e Deputações da Assembleia da República: — Relatório referente à participação da Delegação da Assembleia da República à 130.ª Assembleia da União Interparlamentar (UIP), que teve lugar em Genebra, de 16 a 20 de março de 2014.

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A 130ª Assembleia da União Interparlamentar (UIP) realizou-se em Genebra, no

Centro de Conferências Internacional de Genebra, de 15 a 20 de março. A Delegação

Parlamentar da Assembleia da República a esta reunião foi constituída pelo Vice-

Presidente Guilherme Silva (Presidente da Delegação, PSD) e pelos Deputados

Alberto Costa (Vice-Presidente da Delegação, PS), José Matos Rosa (PSD), Rosa

Maria Albernaz (PS), Duarte Pacheco (PSD) Maria Paula Cardoso (PSD),

Fernando de Jesus (PS) e Hélder Amaral (CDS/PP).

Os trabalhos da 130ª Assembleia foram abertos pelo Presidente da UIP, Abdulwahad

Radi, que deu as boas-vindas às delegações parlamentares representantes de 145

países que integraram esta Assembleia, tendo seguidamente sido eleito Presidente da


Para além de participar na Assembleia Plenária e no Conselho Diretivo, a Delegação

da AR participou nas reuniões das comissões permanentes e nas reuniões do “Grupo

dos Doze Mais” e do “GRULAC +3” (anexo I e II – Agenda de trabalhos -



 Intervenção do Presidente da Delegação, Vice-Presidente Guilherme Silva

(PSD), na 126ª Assembleia Plenária

 Apresentação do Relatório dos Auditores no Conselho Diretivo da UIP

pelo Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD)

 Intervenção do Presidente da Delegação, Vice-Presidente Guilherme Silva

(PSD), na reunião do GRULAC +3


Relatório referente à participação da Delegação da Assembleia da República à 130.ª Assembleia da União

Interparlamentar (UIP), que teve lugar em Genebra, de 16 a 20 de março de 2014

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 Copresidência pela Deputada Rosa Maria Albernaz (PS) na reunião do

Grupo de Facilitadores da UIP para a Questão do Chipre

 Intervenções das Deputadas Maria Paula Cardoso (PSD) e Rosa Maria

Albernaz (PS), membros da Delegação em sede de Comissão

 Eleição do Dep. Duarte Pacheco (PSD), como membro do Bureau da

Comissão Permanente de Segurança e Paz Internacional, em

representação do Grupo Geopolítico “Doze Mais”

 A Língua portuguesa como língua de trabalho na UIP

 Eleição do secretário-Geral da UIP

A Assembleia (plenária)

Todos os Deputados membros da Delegação da AR participaram nas várias sessões

da Assembleia da UIP. O número de parlamentos membros da UIP aumentou para

164 durante a 130ª Assembleia Plenária, com a adesão de Tonga. (Anexo III – agenda

de trabalhos)

Ponto de urgência

A Assembleia recebeu quatro propostas de inclusão para o ponto de urgência: “A

contribuição dos parlamentos e da UIP na luta contra o terrorismo e a instauração da

segurança e da paz através de solução pacífica e da crise síria e o respeito das

resoluções legítimas da comunidade internacional e dos princípios da soberania e não

interferência nos assuntos internos de outros Estados”, proposta apresentada pela

Síria; “Contributo para o restabelecimento da paz e da segurança e da consolidação

da democracia na República Centro Africana: o contributo da UIP”, proposta

apresentada por Marrocos; “A agressão da Federação Russa contra a Ucrânia”,

proposta apresentada pela Ucrânia e “A crise na Ucrânia”, apresentada pelo Canadá.

(Anexos IV, V, VI e VII – Propostas de Pontos de Urgência – respetivamente)

Depois de ter pedido a palavra, a delegação da Ucrânia retirou a sua proposta a favor

da proposta do Canadá e este país, reviu a sua proposta, em conjunto com a Ucrânia,

mudando o título para “Agressões contra a Ucrânia”. A delegação do Uruguai reviu

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também a sua proposta, reformulando-a e apresentando-a na Comissão de Segurança

e Paz Internacional.

A proposta de Marrocos, após votação, foi adotada para discussão.

No total, 10 oradores participaram no debate.

Durante o debate, vários oradores manifestaram profunda preocupação com a

situação na República Centro Africana e expressaram o seu repúdio pela horrível

violência infligida a civis, em particular a crianças, velhos e mulheres. Este tipo de

violência vergonhosa e inaceitável forma de limpeza étnica e religiosa.

Esta situação desesperante arrisca espalhar-se para os países vizinhos, ou até

mesmo toda a região.

Foi reiterada a cessação imediata das hostilidades, os oradores também lamentaram o

fato de a crueldade ter suplantado a humanidade e enfatizaram a necessidade urgente

de assegurar que todas as pessoas tenham um lugar onde possam viver em paz.

Também lamentaram o fato de que muito poucas tropas de paz terem sido

implantadas no terreno e tarde demais para resolver a crise.

Outra prioridade igualmente importante foi a satisfação de necessidades básicas,

como comida, abrigo e segurança. A União Africana e a comunidade internacional

tiveram que mobilizar fundos suficientes para apoiar a República Centro Africana;

Atualmente, apenas 50 por cento dos recursos prometidos haviam sido


As preocupações expressas durante o debate foram refletidas no projeto de resolução,

preparado por um comité de redação constituído por representantes dos parlamentos

do Camboja, Chade, Finlândia, França, Alemanha, Irão, Japão, México, Marrocos,

Namíbia, Senegal, Sudão, Uruguai e Zimbabué.

Nos dias seguintes teve lugar o debate geral na Assembleia, que se centrou no tema

“125º Aniversário da União Interparlamentar: Renovar o nosso compromisso e

empenho ao serviço da paz e da democracia”.

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Neste debate participaram representantes de todas as delegações presentes, entre os

quais o Presidente da Delegação Parlamentar de Portugal, o Vice-Presidente

Guilherme Silva (PSD), que afirmou:

“Realiza-se esta 130ª Assembleia, por ocasião do 125º

Aniversário da União Interparlamentar, subordinada ao feliz

tema, “Renovar o nosso compromisso e empenho ao serviço da

paz e da democracia”.

Temos todos de nos considerarmos muito honrados por

pertencer a uma Organização internacional com o percurso e

com a História da UIP.

É com particular satisfação que, neste 125º Aniversário da UIP e

nesta 130ª Assembleia Plenária, vejo consagrar o Português,

como língua de trabalho da nossa organização, graças ao

contributo empenhado dos Parlamentos dos Países de Língua

Oficial Portuguesa, que quero aqui agradecer.

É justo que comecemos por invocar e por prestar homenagem à

memória dos nossos fundadores, William Randal Cremer e Frédéric Passy, por terem sido

capazes de, sob o signo da paz, criar, no já longínquo ano de 1889, o “primeiro fórum

permanente de negociações políticas multilaterais”.

O Mundo não terá sido, a partir de então, quanto aqueles fundadores, eminentes pacifistas,

terão desejado, mas, seguramente, e apesar de tudo, foi, por certo, melhor do que teria sido

sem a UIP.

E a razão é simples – assegurar a subsistência, durante 125 anos, de uma organização, à

escala mundial, que tem na sua essência a ‘diferença’, só é possível, por ser depositária de

‘valores’ e de ‘princípios’ de dimensão universal e cada vez mais intemporais, que têm como

centro a pessoa humana e a sua dignidade!

Tal qual os valores e os princípios que promove, desde sempre, a UIP não tem limites no

espaço e no tempo.

Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores,

– A paz;

– O desarmamento;

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– A cooperação internacional;

– A resolução pacífica dos conflitos;

– A Democracia;

– A Liberdade;

- A igualdade;

– A defesa dos Direitos do Homem;

– O pluralismo ideológico;

– O Estado de Direito;

– A tolerância política e religiosa;

– O respeito pelas minorias;

- A não discriminação, em função do sexo, da etnia, da religião, da condição social ou outras;

- O direito à Educação, à Saúde, à Proteção Social e à Informação;

– O combate à corrupção;

– A transparência;

– A boa governança.

Estes, entre outros, os valores cuja defesa e promoção a UIP, nos seus “fóruns“ de reflexão,

nas suas Comissões, na sua cooperação com outras Instituições, designadamente a Nações

Unidas, na interacção dos Parlamentos e parlamentares que a integram, tem levado a cabo, ao

longo de mais de um século de existência.

Não é por acaso que do seio da UIP, que esteve na primeira linha da criação do Tribunal

Internacional de Haia, emergiram, nada mais, nada menos, do que oito Prémios Nobel da Paz.

Aos Parlamentos Britânico e Francês, em especial, e bem ainda aos Parlamentos da Bélgica,

Hungria, Espanha, Dinamarca, Itália, Estados Unidos e Libéria, dirijo uma palavra especial de

saudação e de reconhecimento, por se terem associado, desde logo, ao impulso inicial da UIP,

como fundadores.

M. Jules Simon foi premonitório, na alocução que proferiu na sessão fundadora, de 28 de

Junho de 1889, em Paris, ao referir: “Representando os diversos países do mundo, nós

podemos implementar a maior força que existe, ou seja, a força que nos é dada pelos eleitores,

fazendo dela o uso mais adequado.”

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E tem sido este o lema da UIP, associado à sua maior riqueza, que é exatamente a sua


E hoje, em pleno Século XXI, aqui estamos, 125 anos depois, neste país, a Suíça, e nesta

cidade, Genebra, de grande tradição na defesa da paz e da cooperação internacional, país e

cidade, que acolhem, com especial hospitalidade, uma panóplia de organizações que, estando

aqui sediadas, não deixam, pelos fins que prosseguem e pela sua dimensão universal, de

pertencer ao Mundo.

Apesar de tudo, a UIP não conseguiu impedir que se consumassem duas guerras mundiais, de

má memória, mas tem contribuído, de forma decisiva, para pôr termo e prevenir o alastramento

de conflitos regionais, evitando, muitas vezes, efeitos devastadores.

Não posso deixar de, em nome de Portugal e do Parlamento português, dirigir um apelo, em

especial aos Parlamentares dos países mais diretamente envolvidos, no sentido de ser

encontrada, o mais rapidamente possível, uma solução política para o grave conflito da Síria e

para a delicada situação na Ucrânia.

Devo expressar um especial reconhecimento à Jordânia e ao Líbano pelo acolhimento que as

autoridades e os povos daqueles países vêm dando a milhares e milhares de refugiados da


Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores,

Estamos confrontados, ciclicamente, e em diferentes pontos do Mundo, com graves violações

dos direitos humanos e com desvios, e mesmo ausência, de Democracia.

A cada um de nós, parlamentares, cabe ser a frente ativa, nos respetivos países, na defesa e

promoção dos valores da UIP, contrariando, se necessário, tradições, usos ou costumes

ancestrais, que atentem com tais valores, fazendo a pedagogia dos direitos do Homem e da

dignidade da pessoa humana, bem como prevenindo e denunciando quaisquer abusos do


Temos a obrigação de assumir o papel de promotores da mudança e do progresso das

sociedades a que pertencemos.

Estamos, também, confrontados com outras problemáticas de dimensão mundial, a que não

podemos ser indiferentes e para o que temos de sensibilizar os nossos Governos e os nossos

concidadãos. É o caso das mutações climáticas, cada vez mais associadas a catástrofes, bem

como à necessidade da preservação do ambiente e dos valores ecológicos.

Cabe-nos, ainda, combater o “dumping” ambiental e o “dumping” social que viciam as regras do

comércio internacional, e da concorrência, e põem em causa o desenvolvimento sustentável.

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Em tempos de globalização, que vem acentuando as assimetrias Norte/Sul, cabe-nos aqui, na

UIP, e por seu intermédio, promover, também, e cada vez mais, a globalização dos princípios e

dos valores, que assumiram, como definitiva conquista da Humanidade, dimensão universal e

têm como centro o Homem e a sua dignidade.

Está é uma luta sem fim, que a já secular UIP, vai, com certeza,continuar por muitos séculos

mais. Assim saibamos passar, incólume, às novas gerações, o elevado e gratificante

testemunho que recebemos dos que nos antecederam!”

Na tarde de dia 17, o Presidente da Assembleia Constituinte da Tunísia, Mustafa Ben

Jaafar, dirigiu-se à Assembleia, como orador convidado, sobre a “Primavera Árabe” e

a transição para uma democracia na Tunísia.

Na manhã de dia 18, o Diretor-Geral da Organização Mundial de Imigração, William

Lacy Swing, dirigiu-se à Assembleia, como orador convidado, sobre as migrações e os

desafios que colocam.

Na tarde de dia 20, a resolução “Ajudar a restaurar a paz e a segurança e consolidar a

democracia na República Centrafricana: A contribuição da UIP” foi aprovada por

unanimidade pela Assembleia da UIP. (Anexo XI – Resoluções)

Primeira Comissão Permanente – Paz e Segurança Internacional “Rumo a um mundo livre de armas nucleares: A contribuição dos parlamentos”

A Comissão reuniu no dia 17 de março, de manhã e à tarde, e no dia 18 de março, da

parte da tarde. O trabalho foi conduzido pelo Presidente da Primeira Comissão, o

Deputado SH Chowdhury (Bangladesh). Os corelatores, a Deputada Y. Ferrer Gómez

(Cuba) e o Deputado B. Calkins (Canadá) apresentaram o projeto de resolução.

Esta reunião contou com a participação dos Deputados Duarte Pacheco (PSD) e

Helder Amaral (CDS-PP).

Várias delegações tomaram a palavra para expressar o seu apoio, mas algumas

reservas foram expressas nessa fase pelas delegações de Cuba, Índia, Irão e


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O projeto de resolução foi apresentado à Assembleia na sessão plenária da tarde de

20 de Março, e aprovada por consenso. Foram expressas reservas pelas delegações

da Federação Russa, Índia, Irão e Paquistão (anexo VIII - Resoluções).

O Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD) foi eleito para a Comissão Permanente desta

Comissão, em representação do Grupo Geopolítico do qual Portugal pertence, Grupo

Doze Mais.

O Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD) esteve presente na primeira reunião deste

bureau após a sua eleição, no dia 18 de março, com a seguinte ordem de trabalhos:

1. Discussão dos temas a debater na próxima reunião;

2. Discussão do Plano de Atividades da Comissão;

3. Candidatura a Presidente e Vice-Presidente.

O representante português, Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD), eleito para este

bureau em representação do Grupo Geopolítico dos Doze Mais, teve ocasião de

subscrever a candidatura do Gregory Scheneeman e de Azzam Al-Ahmad

respetivamente para Presidente e vice-Presidente da Comissão, representando a

África do Sul (Grupo Geopolítico Africano) e Marrocos (Grupo Geopolítico Árabe).

Nas suas várias intervenções, teve ocasião de defender a necessidade da UIP reforçar

a sua notoriedade junto da opinião pública evidenciando eficácia nas suas ações, quer

pela aprovação de resoluções efetivamente implementadas, quer por visitas no terreno

que confirmem a concretização dos seus objetivos.

Nestes termos opôs-se a aprovação das sugestões do plano de ação preparado pelos

serviços, sugerindo antes que fosse solicitado à Comissão um voto de confiança para

que o Bureau apresente na próxima reunião um plano de ação concreto e realista para

o período de dois anos.

Estas sugestões foram aceites, devendo o Bureau estudar, recolher contributos e

reunir antes de outubro para preparar o plano concreto de atividades da Comissão.

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Segunda Comissão Permanente - Desenvolvimento, Financiamento e Comércio: “Para um desenvolvimento resiliente face aos riscos: consideração das tendências demográficas e os condicionalismos naturais”

A Comissão reuniu no dia 18 de março, de

manhã, no dia 19 de março, de manhã e à

tarde, e no dia 20 de abril da parte da

manhã. Os trabalhos foram dirigidos pelo

Deputado F. X. Donnea (Bélgica), Vice-

Presidente da Segunda Comissão

Permanente da UIP. Esta reunião contou

com a participação dos Deputado José

Matos Rosa (PSD), Maria Paula Cardoso (PSD) e Fernando de Jesus (PS).

Trinta e um Deputados fizeram uso da palavra, tendo a Deputada Maria Paula

Cardoso(PSD) feito uma intervenção:

“A crise mundial criou a necessidade de se refletir sobre novos modelos


Surgiu a ideia de se criar uma economia solidária por oposição ao modelo

económico tradicional, uma vez que este destruiu a própria economia,

bem como o sistema social e ambiental.

A economia sustentável deve promover uma maior coesão social,

corrigindo discrepâncias e injustiças sociais.

A economia moderna deve ser um mecanismo para lutar contra a pobreza

e a exclusão social.

O modelo tradicional aumentou a lacuna entre ricos e pobres.

Temos de escolher modelos económicos que respeitem o ambiente e os

ecossistemas, preservem a biodiversidade e os recursos locais.

As recentes catástrofes e as alterações climáticas chamam a nossa atenção para a

necessidade de mudança.

A economia sustentável deve respeitar a diversidade cultural, porque esta promove a inter-

religiosidade e os diálogos interculturais.

A gestão deve ser mais eficaz, numa lógica de boa governação.

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A boa governação deve ser avaliada diariamente. Deve incluir decisões claras e evidentes.

Deve criminalizar os governantes que geriram intencionalmente os seus países de forma


Uma economia mais territorial, regional, e menos global promoverá o aumento do

desenvolvimento social.

A dicotomia investigação/ação, a parceria entre universidades e empresas, o investimento na

criatividade e na inovação conduzem-nos a uma economia mais sustentável.

A igualdade de género, a eliminação das disparidades salariais entre homens e mulheres e a

capacitação das mulheres com vista a alcançarem lugares de topo na tomada de decisão

política e económica são fundamentais.

Estas não são só questões de género, são também, indubitavelmente, questões económicas.

Enquanto estas questões não forem resolvidas, teremos uma baixa produtividade e uma

reduzida taxa de natalidade.

Estes são os desafios da atual economia, que originam algumas perguntas:

Devemos acabar com a tradicional economia de mercado?

Devemos preocupar-nos mais com os direitos humanos?

O novo modelo económico deve ser mais respeitador do ambiente e dos direitos humanos,

mais preocupado com a inovação, a criatividade, e os recursos e as culturas locais.

Sem nunca esquecer que os direitos humanos podem e devem ser promovidos em simultâneo

com a economia.

Esta é a lição que Portugal aprendeu e que outros países também deveriam aprender.

O desafio é o seguinte:

os parlamentares têm uma grande responsabilidade na redução do impacto e do risco de

catástrofes, bem como na proteção das pessoas e do desenvolvimento socioeconómico dos

seus países contra as catástrofes e as alterações climáticas.

Os parlamentares devem fiscalizar a execução das políticas governamentais relativas às

alterações climáticas e ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Devem, também, fiscalizar a legislação

relativa à corrupção e aos fluxos financeiros ilegais, o que se apresenta como uma prioridade,

porque afeta consideravelmente a mobilização e a atribuição correta de recursos, em

detrimento dos componentes ambientais do desenvolvimento sustentável.

Por último, mas não menos importante, a questão do género e do respeito pelos direitos

humanos é uma questão económica e deve estar na ordem do dia dos parlamentos de todo o


É necessária uma economia mais solidária.”

A Comissão também ouviu uma apresentação feita pela Sra. M. Wahlström,

representante especial do Secretário-Geral da ONU para a Redução do Risco de

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Desastres, sobre os preparativos do quadro pós-2015 para a redução de risco de


No final do debate, o Presidente da Comissão nomeou uma Comissão de Redação

que posteriormente apresentou uma versão final da proposta de resolução. Esta foi

adotada por consenso e submetida ao plenário que a aprovou por unanimidade (anexo

IX - Resoluções).

O projeto de resolução foi apresentado à Assembleia na sessão plenária da tarde de

20 de Março, e aprovada por consenso. Foram expressas reservas pelas delegações

da Federação Russa, Índia, Irão e Paquistão (anexo VIII - Resoluções).

Terceira Comissão Permanente – Democracia e Direitos Humanos: “O papel dos parlamentos na proteção dos direitos das crianças, em especial as crianças migrantes não acompanhadas, e na prevenção da sua exploração em situações de guerra e de conflito”.

A Comissão reuniu no dia no dia 18 de março da parte da manhã e no dia 19 de março

da parte da tarde. Os trabalhos foram dirigidos pelo Deputado Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu

(Gana), Presidente da Comissão Permanente sobre Democracia e Direitos Humanos.

O Presidente solicitou à Deputada Nassif (Bahrain), ao Deputada Gabriela Cuevas

Barrón (México) para apresentaram o projeto de resolução preparado conjuntamente.

Este debate contou com a participação da Deputada Rosa Maria Albernaz (PS) que


“O papel dos parlamentos na proteção de crianças, em particular em situações de conflito, é

fundamental não só na prevenção mas ainda como fator motivador na condenação. A

preocupação dos parlamentos tem que encerrar tanto a sua proteção da criança como vítima

do conflito mas também no se recrutamento “voluntário”.

É preciso combater os fatores motivadores que levam crianças aceitar, por exemplo, o papel de

crianças-soldado, como a pobreza: para algumas crianças o ingresso em grupos armados é

uma garantia de comida e, como tal, de sobrevivência.

A discriminação é outro fator motivador fundamental, tanto perante as famílias, os grupos

étnicos e os seus pares.

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É em relação a estes fatores que nós, parlamentares, temos que combater – nunca

esquecendo que os mais vulneráveis são os que mais exigem o espírito e a ação na proteção.

Infelizmente, ainda existem inúmeras situações de tratamento discriminatório “em função da

origem, etnia, sexo, idade, condição económica e orientação sexual”. Neste último domínio,

relembro o apelo que fiz na Assembleia da UIP que se realizou no Uganda em 2012: “há ainda

países que continuam a considerar a homossexualidade um crime e a puni-la da forma mais

gravosa, chegando nalguns casos mesmo a optar pela «prisão perpétua» ou pela «pena de


É e sempre será inadmissível punir alguém pelo livre exercício da sua personalidade, pela livre

expressão da sua natureza e pelo direito a procurar a sua felicidade. Sugerir que alguém seja

sujeito à pena de morte ou prisão perpétua em função da sua orientação sexual, procurar e

forçar as famílias a denunciar os seus membros e promover a perseguição de quem é

diferente, esse sim são comportamentos criminosos e inadmissíveis numa sociedade justa e


Especialmente grave é a situação quando se pretende invocar argumentos religiosos para

fundamentar essa opção pela criminalização; não só se trata de uma visão deturpada e errada

das mensagens de inclusão e paz que se encontram nos textos religiosos em particular nos

Evangelhos, como o manipular dos sentimentos dos crentes mobilizando-os para o ódio

dirigido contra quem é diferente.

O caminho de construção da igualdade que descrevo não é fácil, mas felizmente em muitos

países do mundo, o avanço contra a discriminação e a homofobia foi notável. Devemos, pois,

neste Parlamento dos representantes dos povos do mundo, ser capazes de juntar a nossa voz

a milhares de outros que clamam por justiça e respeito por todos os seres humanos, porque

então «quem legisla ou castiga também, todos aqueles que assinaram e aprovaram legislação»

contra o igual tratamento perante a lei e o reconhecimento da sua identidade.?

Não podemos ficar surdos aos seus apelos de respeito e direito à inclusão.

Cabe-nos a nós parlamentares eleitos pelo povo, legislar por uma sociedade mais «justa». É

legislar por uma sociedade mais justa é legislar sem discriminação. É legislar sem ódio no


No final do debate o Presidente da Comissão nomeou uma Comissão de Redação que

posteriormente apresentou uma versão final da proposta de resolução. Esta foi

adotada por consenso e submetida ao plenário que a aprovou por unanimidade (anexo

X - Resoluções).

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Quarta Comissão Permanente – Assuntos das Nações Unidas: “A cooperação entre as Nações Unidas, os Parlamentos Nacionais e a UIP”

A Comissão reuniu no dia no dia 19 de março da parte da manhã. Os trabalhos foram

dirigidos pelo Deputado M. Traoré (Burkina Faso), Presidente da Comissão

Permanente sobre Assuntos das Nações Unidas.

Esta reunião teve uma intervenção inicial feita pelo Senhor Michael Møller, Diretor

Geral do Gabinete das Nações Unidas em Genebra, subordinado ao tema “A

cooperação entre as Nações Unidas, os Parlamentos Nacionais e a UIP”.

Este debate contou com a participação do Vice-Presidente Guilherme Silva(PSD)

que interveio, congratulando-se pelo trabalho desenvolvido por Timor-Leste à Guiné-

Bissau, e pelo apoio dado pelo país nomeadamente pelo Parlamento Nacional de

Timor-Leste e propôs que se reforçasse a cooperação entre a União Interparlamentar

e as Nações Unidas.

O Conselho Diretivo

A Delegação portuguesa participou

nas reuniões do Conselho Diretivo

(CD), tendo sido representada pelo

Vice-Presidente Guilherme Silva

(PSD) e pelos Deputados Alberto

Costa (PS), Duarte Pacheco (PSD) e

Rosa Maria Albernaz (PS).

Na sua sessão de 17 de março, o Conselho Diretivo aprovou o pedido de inscrição do

Parlamento de Tonga.

O Conselho Diretivo examinou o relatório Financeiro Anual e os relatórios das

auditorias para 2013. O auditor interno das contas, o Deputado Duarte Pacheco

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(PSD), juntamente com o seu colega da Tanzânia,H.R. Mohamed apresentou o

relatório, do qual se destaca:

“as contas refletem com precisão a situação financeira da

IPU e cumpria todas as normas legais em vigor. Os Auditores

Internos observaram que as receitas da UIP aumentaram em

3%, graças a um aumento significativo do financiamento

voluntário. A receita adicional tinha permitido um aumento

das atividades, o que tinha por sua vez geraram despesa

maior em comparação a 2012, incluindo em matéria de pessoal e serviços de terceiros. Os

esforços devem continuar a ser feitos para aproveitar ao máximo todos os recursos


Por recomendação dos auditores internos, o Conselho do BCE aprovou a

administração financeira do Secretário-Geral da UIP e os resultados financeiros para


Na sua sessão de 20 de março, o Conselho Diretivo aprovou o pedido de estatuto de

observador solicitado pela Organização Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras

Superiores (INTOSAI).

Nesta mesma sessão o Conselho Diretivo ouviu uma breve apresentação dos três

candidatos ao cargo de Secretário-Geral da UIP propostos pela Comissão Executiva:

Sr. Martin Chungong (Secretário-Geral Adjunto da UIP), Ms. Shazia Rafi (Paquistão) e

o Sr. Geert Versnick (Bélgica).

O Sr. Martin Chungong foi, eleito, através de votação secreta, Secretário-Geral da

União Interparlamentar por um período de quatro anos (01 de julho de 2014 a 30 de

Junho de 2018) com 199 votos dos 352 possíveis.

Relativamente à cooperação com as Nações Unidas, o Conselho Diretivo tomou nota

das atividades desenvolvidas em cooperação com o sistema das Nações Unidas. Foi

solicitado por um delegado o pedido para um maior envolvimento da UIP no apoio ao

acordo de mudança climática global a ser adotado em 2015. O Conselho Diretivo foi

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também informado dos preparativos para o debate na Assembleia Geral das Nações

Unidas, maio 2014 sobre a cooperação entre as Nações Unidas, os parlamentos

nacionais e a UIP. O Comitê Executivo e a Comissão Permanente de Assuntos das

Nações Unidas tinha revisto e finalizado um projeto de resolução que será proposto

aos Estados-Membros da ONU para a aprovação pela Assembleia Geral da ONU. O

Conselho instou os delegados a mobilizar o apoio de seus respetivos governos,

convidando-os formalmente a patrocinar a resolução.

Grupo dos Doze Mais

Participaram nas reuniões do Grupo dos Doze Mais o Vice-Presidente Guilherme

Silva (PSD) e o Deputado Alberto Costa (PS).

Entre as várias matérias da agenda de trabalhos do Grupo destacam-se:

Eleição de membros para Bureaux: O Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD) foi eleito

para a Comissão Permanente da Primeira Comissão – Paz e Segurança Internacional,

como representante do Grupo dos Doze Mais, em conjunto com dois colegas de

França e Chipre.

Eleição do Secretário-Geral da UIP: o Grupo dos Doze Mais ouviu uma breve

apresentação dos três candidatos ao cargo de Secretário-Geral da UIP propostos pela

Comissão Executiva: Sr. Martin Chungong (Secretário-Geral Adjunto da UIP), Ms.

Shazia Rafi (Paquistão) e o Sr. Geert Versnick (Bélgica).

Reuniões Conexas

GRULAC +3 (Portugal, Espanha e Andorra)

“Responsabilidade social das empresas”

Participou na reunião do GRULAC +3 o Vice-Presidente Guilherme Silva (PSD) que

interveio sobre o tema fixado que era a “Responsabilidade social das empresas”:

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“A responsabilidade social vai, hoje em dia, muito além

das simples ações de solidariedade das empresas.

Ser uma empresa socialmente responsável tem que ver

com o ampliar dos impactos positivos que a atividade das

empresas gera sobre todos os stakeholders, sobre toda a

envolvente, e, consequentemente, com a redução dos

impactos negativos destas.

Nem todas as empresas o conseguem percecionar hoje em dia desta forma.

O momento que vivemos hoje em Portugal é muito particular. O processo de assistência

financeira externa a que estamos sujeitos desde 2011 tem, em termos empresariais, tido um

impacto significativo. O número de empresas que fecharam aumentou, a constituição de novas

unidades diminuiu e, dentro das empresas que sobrevivem, a redução de custos tem sido uma

das principais preocupações.

O tecido empresarial Português caracteriza-se, no que diz respeito ao número de empresas, na

sua quase totalidade, por Micro e Pequenas empresas – numa percentagem acima dos 97%.

No entanto, ainda que em número muitíssimo inferior, as médias e grandes empresas que

representam apenas 2 a 3% do total conseguem representar quase 50% dos trabalhadores e

65% do volume de negócios global.

Algumas destas empresas perceberam que o momento poderia ser o ideal para a

implementação de um conjunto de estratégias, que visa a melhoria contínua da sua forma de

estar e da sua forma de olhar a envolvente.

Ainda recentemente num estudo realizado em Portugal foram apresentadas como principais

preocupações as seguintes áreas relevantes no contexto da sustentabilidade:

- Preocupações Económico-financeiras: 94% das empresas inquiridas;

- Saúde e segurança dos colaboradores: 89%

- Preocupações em torno do Produto e/ou do Serviço: 87%

- Preocupações Ambientais: 85%

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- Preocupações com Impacto na comunidade: 62%

Consegue-se perceber que grande parte das preocupações estão ainda no interior da

organização e só depois viradas para o envolvente externa – tal sucede essencialmente pela

capacidade de pressão que os atores internos têm sobre a empresa – muito mais que qualquer

stakeholder externo. No entanto, é também um sinal da importância que as empresas dão aos

seus colaboradores.

No geral, e no que a Portugal diz respeito, devo assumir que temos ainda um longo caminho a

percorrer, quando comparado com alguns dos melhores exemplos europeus em ternos de

responsabilidade social empresarial.

No que diz respeito ao conceito que comummente nos referimos, quando se utiliza a expressão

“responsabilidade social”, em termos empresariais, e baseando-me num estudo de uma

conceituada consultora, as empresas portuguesas apostam sobretudo na Educação, na

Cultura, na Ajuda Humanitária e no Ambiente.

Embora muitas vezes associado a contribuições monetárias ou apoios financeiros a

determinadas iniciativas, o investimento social abarca um conjunto mais vasto - e, muitas

vezes, mais interessante - de formas de contribuição para a sociedade. Para além dos

donativos, as empresas têm desenvolvido a sua atividade através do voluntariado ou de

contribuições em géneros ou serviços, o que, numa conjuntura de crise, como a que vivemos,

assume especial relevância.

No essencial, e creio ser aquilo com o qual, na condição de parlamentar me devo preocupar,

importa perceber até que ponto a sociedade civil no seu todo está a complementar aquilo que o

Estado na sua vertente social não consegue atalhar. É por demais evidente que o Estado,

personificado no Governo, no Parlamento, nas suas instituições, não consegue, no

desempenho das suas funções sociais, quer na área da Saúde, da Educação, da Segurança

Social e mesmo na proteção da área ambiental, chegar a todo o lado, ou, pelo menos, não

consegue responder a todos os problemas com a devida profundidade – a distância a que está

do cidadão, por mais atenção que dê, de facto não o permite.

No entanto, é aqui que, claramente, a sociedade civil, quer através das ONG’s, quer através da

responsabilidade social das empresas, tem um papel essencial de proximidade, de

conhecimento, e de ação concreta. Esta ação tende a ser tanto mais eficaz quanto maior é o

envolvimento da empresa com o meio onde se insere.

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Há muito que Estados e empresas discutem o tema e procuram linhas orientadoras comuns

para esta matéria.

Importa referir que em Setembro de 2010, mais de 90 países e 50 organizações internacionais

reconheceram, formalmente, que a Responsabilidade Social é o caminho para a

Sustentabilidade, com a aprovação da norma ISO 26000 designada “Guia para a

implementação da Responsabilidade Social”, visando uma orientação harmonizada tanto para

o sector público, como para o sector privado.

A aprovação de um guia comum, com o objetivo de apoiar as organizações a adotar e a

integrar políticas e comportamentos socialmente responsáveis, na sua estratégia e operações,

visando o seu crescimento no quadro da Sustentabilidade tornou-se algo de essencial para o

desenvolvimento e crescimento pleno e sustentado das sociedades.

Este guia, mais do que ser uma norma assente em requisitos e destinada à certificação é um

guia que enfatiza resultados e melhorias de desempenho.

De acordo com o que foi redigido em 2010 esta linha orientadora é aplicável a todo o tipo de

organizações, visa resultados positivos ao nível dos impactos gerados pela atividade da

organização, consagra o conceito de Responsabilidade Social e fornece as linhas de

orientação para a integração da Responsabilidade Social, através da abordagem a sete temas


Direitos Humanos;

Práticas Laborais;


Práticas Operacionais Justas;


Envolvimento e Desenvolvimento da Comunidade;

e Governação Organizacional, que assume a função principal, pois é sobre este que assentam

os processos, a estrutura de tomada de decisão, delegação de poder e controle. Tudo isto

suportado por um conjunto de valores éticos e princípios, e salvaguardando os interesses dos

diferentes stakeholders.

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Esta norma de âmbito internacional surge para dar resposta à necessidade de existir um único

instrumento, um único guia que permita orientar a Responsabilidade Social no seu conjunto.

Para finalizar, diria que é essencial que cada um de nós, na sua condição de cidadão, esteja

atento à sua envolvente. No desempenho dos diferentes papeis, e na vivência em sociedade,

cada um de nós tem o dever de se preocupar com a forma como se relaciona com o que o


Se fizermos a pedagogia de interiorização destas questões como núcleo essencial de

preocupações naturais e intrínsecas, estou certo de que, no desempenho do papel de cada

um, seja como parlamentar, como empresário, como funcionário ou como cidadão, todos nós

acabaremos por participar ativamente naquilo a que hoje se designa por “Responsabilidade


O crescimento da sociedade não pode ocorrer a qualquer preço. Nomeadamente, no que diz

respeito às empresas, o respeito pelos stackeholders internos e externos é essencial.

Nenhuma empresa cresce, nem nenhum país se desenvolve hoje, numa sociedade onde a

informação circula a velocidades impressionantes, sem dedicar alguns dos seus esforços,

alguns dos seus recursos, àquilo a que hoje denominamos por “Responsabilidade Social” e que

assenta nos 7 pilares fundamentais que referi há pouco, internacionalmente reconhecidos.

As organizações mundiais, bem como os seus stakeholders estão a tornar-se cada vez mais

sensíveis às necessidades e aos benefícios dos comportamentos socialmente responsáveis.

E o objetivo desses comportamentos é contribuir, crescentemente, para um desenvolvimento

da sociedade cada vez mais sustentado.

Se cada um de nós, dentro da sua organização, se envolver um pouco mais e assentar a sua

ação nos valores éticos e morais comummente aceites, seguramente que teremos um

crescimento global mais sustentado e mais responsável.

Façamos a nossa parte, para que, tornando a nossa comunidade mais justa, construamos

todos, um Mundo melhor!

Desta forma “humanizaremos”, com a necessária componente ética, relações que tendem a

resvalar para a especulação e para a busca do lucro desenfreado.

Numa palavra, neutralizaremos a “economia que mata”, de que nos fala, com profundidade e

acertado sentido crítico, o Papa Francisco!”

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Comissão das Mulheres Parlamentares

A Décima Nona Reunião de Mulheres Parlamentares ocorreu em 16 e 18 de Março de

e participaram nestas reuniões as Deputadas Maria Paula Cardoso (PS) e Rosa

Maria Albernaz (PS) e o Deputado Duarte Pacheco (PSD).

A Assembleia aprovou alterações ao regulamento da Comissão de Coordenação de

Mulheres Parlamentares.

Os participantes ouviram uma apresentação sobre Mulheres na Política produzida em

conjunto pela UIP e ONU Mulheres, e sobre os progressos e retrocessos no que diz

respeito à participação das mulheres nos parlamentos em 2013.

Os itens da agenda da Comissão Permanente foram propostos e aprovados a partir de

uma perspetiva de género:

 Para um desenvolvimento resistente ao risco: Levando-se em consideração as

tendências demográficas e os condicionalismos naturais

 O papel dos parlamentos na defesa dos direitos das crianças, em especial as

crianças migrantes não acompanhadas, e na prevenção da sua exploração em

situações de guerra e de conflito.

Os relatórios deram origem a propostas de emendas aos projetos de resolução e

todas as alterações propostas foram incorporados nos projetos de resolução.

A sessão da tarde incluiu um painel de discussão sobre quais são “as prioridades

para as mulheres nos próximos dez anos?”

A discussão identificou as seguintes prioridades: garantir o respeito dos direitos

fundamentais das mulheres, a eliminação da violência contra as mulheres e meninas,

a melhoria da satisfação dos direitos económicos das mulheres e sua emancipação

econômica, superando estereótipos e fortalecendo a participação política das


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Grupo de Facilitadores para Chipre

O Grupo de Facilitadores para Chipre

reuniu em 18 de março de 2014. A

reunião contou com a presença dos

dois facilitadores, Deputada Rosa

Albernaz (PS) e o Sr. J. Lobkowicz

(República Checa), o Sr. Marios

Garoyian, Mrs. Skevi Koutra -

Koukouma e o Sr. George Varnava,

representando a Câmara dos Representantes da República de Chipre, e o Sr. Erkut

Sahali, Mr. Hamze Ersan Saner, Mr. Mentes Gündüz e o Sr. Zeki Celer, representando

os partidos políticos cipriotas turcos.

As partes manifestaram um forte apoio para a recente Declaração Conjunta aprovada

pelo Presidente da República, Sr. Nicos Anastasiades, e o líder cipriota turco, Sr.

Dervis Eroglu, no início das negociações.

Afirmaram a importância de uma solução duradoura e viável para a unificação de

Chipre com base em uma bizonal, federação bicomunal e igualdade política, em

conformidade com as resoluções pertinentes das Nações Unidas e os valores e

princípios da União Europeia, e manifestou a esperança de que seria encontrada uma

solução. Congratularam-se com o facto de o Grupo de Facilitadores continuar a reunir-


Outros assuntos

 A Língua Portuguesa como língua de trabalho na UIP

No dia 17 de março, teve lugar uma reunião entre os Presidentes das Delegações dos

países da CPLP presentes (Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Portugal, Timor-

Leste e São Tomé e Príncipe).

Esta reunião teve por objetivo agilizar os procedimentos relativos à implementação da

língua portuguesa na UIP.

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Todas as delegações se congratularam com a utilização da Língua Portuguesa como

língua de trabalho na UIP e nos seus órgãos (Assembleia Geral, Conselho Diretivo e 1

Comissão) e foram unanimes no sentido de que a língua é um fator de influência

política e que proporcionará uma maior participação nos debates por parte das

delegações dos países da CPLP.

O Presidente da Delegação de Timor-Leste afirmou que o Parlamento Nacional de

Timor-Leste se mantém disponível para continuar a suportar os custos da quota-parte

da Guiné-Bissau na implementação do português como língua de trabalho.

O Presidente da Delegação do Brasil afirmou não ter possibilidade de fazer o

pagamento em 2014 da parte correspondente ao Brasil, visto ter sido implementada

um novo imposto sobre as remessas de dinheiro para o estrangeiro o que inviabiliza a

sua contribuição para este ano civil, mas que no entanto para os anos seguintes

poderá contribuir, na quota-parte para que a língua portuguesa se mantenha como

língua de trabalho na UIP. Neste sentido, o Presidente da Delegação Portuguesa

assumiu o pagamento da quota-parte do Brasil para o ano de 2014, havendo

posteriormente um acerto de contas entre os dois países.

Ficou decidido que a Delegação Portuguesa manter-se-á a coordenar a interpretação

da língua portuguesa com o apoio das outras delegações, consoante o local de

realização das Assembleias.

Ficou também, a Delegação Portuguesa, de verificar os custos inerentes à

implementação da língua portuguesa em todas as reuniões, aquando da realização

das Assembleias.

 A Delegação da AR e o Consulado-

Geral de Portugal convidaram a

comunidade portuguesa em Genebra para

um encontro, que se realizou no dia 16 de

março, ao final da tarde, na Sala da

Comunidade Portuguesa da Igreja de

Santa Clotilde.

Durante este encontro os Deputados

portugueses ouviram as preocupações da comunidade portuguesa, nomeadamente,

os programas de português língua cidadãos portugueses na Suíça, os salários dos

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professores de português na Suíça, a situação financeira de Portugal e os reflexos na

comunidade portuguesa na Suíça e a imigração de jovens portugueses para a Suíça.

 A Delegação da AR reuniu com funcionários Consulares de Genebra e Sion,

no dia 18 de março no Centro Internacional de Conferências de Genebra.

Os funcionários consulares expressaram a sua preocupação com a situação que se

vive na Suíça, por causa da desvalorização do Euro face ao Franco Suíço, câmbio

desfavorável, impostos elevadíssimos, a qual designaram de extremamente grave e


Foi também referido pelo grupo de funcionários consulares que existem casos em que

o ordenado ganho nos respetivos postos consulares é abaixo do salário mínimo na

Suíça (2.800,00 CHF vs 3.250,00 CHF).

O Grupo de funcionários entregou também uma Carta Aberta (Anexo 12)

A delegação Portuguesa, perante os factos apresentados pelo grupo de funcionários,

comprometeu-se a “veicular as pretensões dos funcionários consulares na Suíça”. Foi

solicitado ao grupo de funcionários que mantenham o contato e vão colocando a

Delegação da AR à UIP a par do desenrolar desta situação.

 A Delegação da AR participou ainda num almoço oferecido pela presidência,

francesa, do Grupo Geopolítico dos “Doze Mais” no dia 16 de março e num almoço

oferecido pelo Embaixador de Portugal junto das Organizações e Organismos

Internacionais em Genebra, e numa receção oferecida pela Confederação Suíça no

dia 17 de março.

Palácio de S. Bento, 7 de maio de 2014

A Assessora Parlamentar

Ana Margarida Isidoro

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Secrétariat des 12+ (F) Groupe français de l’UIP - Palais du Luxembourg - 75291 Paris cedex 06 - France

Tel : (+33) 1 42 34 26 12 - (+33) 1 42 34 43 61 - (+33) 1 42 34 27 93 Fax : (+33) 1 42 34 27 99 - Courriel : secretariat12plus@senat.fr - 12plus.net Président : Robert-Denis del Picchia - Chef du Secrétariat : Philippe Bourassé

Groupe des Douze Plus à l ’Union interparlementaire

Group of the Twelve Plus in the Inter-Parl iamentary Union


16 MARS 2014 – 9 H 00 À 12 H 45

Deux membres du Conseil de chaque Groupe ou leurs délégués, et leur personnel accompagnant, participeront aux réunions du Groupe. D’autres membres du Groupe pourront être présents en tant qu’observateurs.



1. Ouverture de la réunion 2. Adoption de l’ordre du jour 3. Approbation des comptes rendus des réunions du Groupe tenues à Genève, les 6 et 9 octobre 2013 4. Rapport sur la réunion du Comité directeur du groupe tenue à Paris le lundi 10 février 2014


5. Rapport des représentants du Groupe sur les travaux du Comité exécutif : budget UIP ; élection du Secrétaire général : auditions des candidats

6. Élections aux postes à pourvoir 7. Point d’urgence 8. Réunion du Comité de coordination des femmes parlementaires 9. Réunions des commissions permanentes :

a)Commission permanente de la paix et de la sécurité internationale « Pour un monde exempt d’armes nucléaires : la contribution des parlements » Co-rapporteurs : M. Blaine Calkins (Canada) et Mme Yolanda Ferrer Gómez (Cuba) ;

b) Commission permanente du développement durable, du financement et du commerce « Pour un développement résilient face aux risques : prendre en compte l’évolution démographique et les contraintes naturelles » Co-rapporteurs : M. S.H. Chowdhury (Bangladesh) et M. P. Mahoux (Belgique) ;

c) Commission permanente de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme « Protéger les droits des enfants, en particulier des enfants migrants non accompagnés, et empêcher l’exploitation des enfants dans les situations de guerre et de conflit : le rôle des parlements » Co-rapporteurs : Mme Gabriela Cuevas (Mexique) et Mme Jameela Nasaif, (Bahreïn) ;

d) Commission permanente des Nations Unies : « Contribution des Parlements à l’élaboration, par l’ONU des prochains objectifs de développement ; débats sur les relations entre l’ONU, l’UIP et les Parlements ».


10. Questions financières 11. Calendrier des réunions du Groupe pour la 131ème Assemblée à Genève (12-16 octobre 2014) 12. Divers

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Anexo 2



Sábado 15 de marzo de 2014

09:00 - 18:00 Apertura de la inscripción

Hall principal, CICG

09:00 - 10:00 Grupo de Partenariado de Género*

Sala de reunión principal, Sede de la UIP

09:30 - 13:00 Comité de Derechos Humanos de los Parlamentarios*

Sala B, Anexo CCV, CICG

10:00 - 12:00 y

15:00 - 18:00


Sala C, Anexo CCV, CICG

12:00 - 13:30REUNIÓN DEL GRULAC+3 (Andorra, España y Portugal): Tema:

"Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa"

Sala C, Anexo CCV, CICG

10:00 - 13:00 Comité Ejecutivo*

Sala de reunión principal, Sede de la UIP

14:30 - 18:00 Comité de Derechos Humanos de los Parlamentarios*

Sala B, Anexo CCV, CICG

15:00 - 18:00 Comité Ejecutivo*

Sala de reunión principal, Sede de la UIP

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Anexo 3


Item 1 - Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 130th Assembly

Item 2 - Consideration of requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda

Item 3 - General debate on The IPU at 125: Renewing our commitment to peace and democracy

Item 4 -Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: The contribution of parliaments (Standing Committee

on Peace and International Security)

Item 5 - Towards risk-resilient development: Taking into consideration demographic trends and

natural constraints (Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade)

Item 6 - The role of parliaments in protecting the rights of children, in particular unaccompanied

migrant children, and in preventing their exploitation in situations of war and conflict (Standing

Committee on Democracy and Human Rights)

Item 7 - Report of the Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

Item 8 - Approval of the subject items to be taken up by the Standing Committees and appointment

of the Rapporteurs

Item 9 - Helping to restore peace and security and consolidate democracy in the Central African

Republic: The contribution of the IPU

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Geneva, 16 – 20.3.2014

Assembly A/130/2-P.2 Item 2 5 March 2014


Request for the inclusion of an emergency item

in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union submitted by the delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic

On 4 March 2014, the President of the IPU received from the Speaker of the People's Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic a request for the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of an emergency item entitled:

"The role of parliaments and the IPU in fighting terrorism and achieving international peace and security through a peaceful political solution to the situation in Syria and respect for

resolutions with international legitimacy and the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States".

Delegates to the 130th Assembly will find attached the text of the communication submitting the request (Annex I), as well as an explanatory memorandum (Annex II) and a draft resolution (Annex III) in support thereof.

The 130th Assembly will be required to take a decision on the request of the delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic on Monday, 17 March 2014. Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the IPU may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members. Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that: (a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international

concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

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Damascus, 3 March 2014

Dear Mr. President, The People's Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic would like to request that the following emergency item be included in the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly, to be held in Geneva (Switzerland), from 16 to 20 March 2014:

"The role of parliaments and the IPU in fighting terrorism and achieving international peace and security through a peaceful political solution to the situation in Syria and respect for

resolutions with international legitimacy and the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States".

The delegation of the Syrian People's Assembly makes this request in accordance with the

Rules of the Assembly, in particular Rule 11, paragraphs 1 and 2.

Please find attached:

1. An explanatory memorandum; and 2. A draft resolution in both English and French; These are meant to clarify the context and purpose of the emergency item.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my highest consideration.

(Signed) MHD. Jihad AL-LAHAM

Speaker of the Syrian People's Assembly

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Explanatory memorandum submitted by the delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic The delegation of the People's Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic requests that the Members of the IPU approve the inclusion of the following emergency item in the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly:

"The role of parliaments and the IPU in fighting terrorism and achieving international peace and security through a peaceful political solution to the situation in Syria and respect for resolutions with international legitimacy and the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States".

What has been taking place in Syria over the past three years has become a topic of interest for people across the world, which forces the IPU to express its opinion on that situation and to take the initiative to do what is necessary. This also obliges it to create a real movement among its Member Parliaments, especially those whose governments act in a way that harms our people more than anything else. The crisis actually started on 15 March 2011, with planned protests to appear peaceful. Under the pretext of those demonstrations, armed groups carried out armed terrorist acts targeting the police. Despite strict instructions not to use force against protesters, they also targeted civilians, who, even in the early weeks, made for dozens of innocent martyrs. The Syrian Government tried to contain these protests by remaining ever attentive to their demands, especially those concerning political reform. It lifted the state of emergency, passed a contemporary law on political parties, a new electoral law, a new law on local administration, granted citizenship to all Kurds who had not been included in the 1962 census, set up a commission entrusted with drafting a new constitution that provides for the political system in Syria to be based on political pluralism and the peaceful transition of power. That commission completed its work within the stipulated deadlines and a referendum on the new constitution was held, which was approved by the Syrian people and which has been in force since 27 February 2012. The new Constitution is premised on the principles of democracy and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Parliamentary elections took place on 7 May 2012 on the basis of the new Constitution, which itself is premised on political pluralism. As a result, certain opposition forces were successful in becoming members of the People's Assembly of Syria. Yet interference by governments wishing to harm the Syrian people and State by financing, arming, training and giving refuge to terrorist elements who brand others as atheists, facilitating their movement within Syria, fuelling their terrorist activities with a global media-staged war that distorts the truth and misleads global public opinion means that Syria is facing an unprecedented external war in terms of style, ferocity and the harm it is inflicting on the Syrian people and State. This includes mobilizing terrorist organizations from across the world to kill and destroy Syria. The number of suicide terrorist operations carried out by those organizations, in particular by AI-Nusra Front with links to AI-Qaida, exceeds 700 to date, to which thousands of Syrian civilians have fallen victim.

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The extent of the harm being done to our people, the everyday bloodshed, the destruction of towns, villages, mosques, churches and archaeological monuments listed as world heritage sites, have also damaged the foundations of the Syrian State and its institutions: hospitals, schools, universities, power stations, the electricity grid, the oil and gas network, in addition to the deliberate pillage of over 1,500 factories in the town of Aleppo alone. This has been compounded by the transfer of factory machinery and products to Turkey, where they were sold at the lowest price to finance the terrorist operations of AI-Nusra Front and other groups with links to AI-Qaida, that are supported by the governments of UN Member States, and whose parliaments are IPU Members. All of this appeals to the conscience of parliaments to start working seriously towards putting an end to this oppression plaguing our people through a political solution, by overseeing and questioning their governments on their role in implementing resolutions with international legitimacy, especially those dealing with respect for the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States. The repercussions of the Syrian crisis will not be limited to within its borders if this crisis persists much longer, especially if the above-mentioned States continue to stoke it. The transformation of Syria and its surroundings may well be such that there is a polarization of jihadists who brand others as atheists from all corners of the earth, with all the attendant risks for regional and international security from this sensitive region of the world. Taking into consideration that the IPU brings together the parliaments of sovereign States, it expresses the common interests of humanity, and must shoulder its responsibility in playing an effective role to end the crisis while respecting the principles of sovereignty and non-interference and by rejecting and branding as criminal the terrorist acts aimed at achieving political ends through brute force and terrorism.

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Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of the SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (1) Reaffirming the purposes of the UN Charter, the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the objectives of the IPU as set forth in Article 1 of its Statutes,

(2) Also reaffirming the need to respect international law, especially the UN Charter and resolutions with international legitimacy on countering terrorism and non-interference in the internal affairs of States, specifically in the Syrian crisis,

(3) Reiterating its commitment to preserve the unity of the territory and people of the Syrian Arab Republic, its sovereignty and independence,

(4) lnsisting on the need for Syrians among themselves to find a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis under Syrian leadership, and on Syria's right to combat terrorism given that this is a fundamental principle of international law,

(5) Expressing serious concern over the worsening security and humanitarian situation in Syria, resulting from the violence perpetrated by armed, terrorist extremist groups who brand others as atheists, who have turned Syria, through their terrorist acts, into a place where the worst fears of the Syrian people have come to life through terrorizing Syrians of all political persuasions without exception,

(6) Considering the aspirations of the Syrian people to achieve political, economic and social reform through a solution based on national dialogue and the peaceful struggle to enshrine the principles of democracy and social justice,

(7) Considering Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), which obliges all UN Member States to implement fully this resolution by considering that the Security Council is acting under Chapter VIl of the UN Charter, and which decides that all States shall:

(a) Prevent and suppressthe financing of terrorist acts, treat as criminals those who

commit them, oblige States to freeze their assets and prohibit their nationals or any persons and entities within their territories from making any funds available to carry out terrorist acts;

(b) Refrain from providing any form of support to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists;

(c) Takethe necessary steps to prevent the commission of terrorist acts, including by provision of early warning to other States by exchange of information;

(d) Deny safe haven to those who finance terrorist acts; and

(e) Preventthe movement of terrorists by effective border controls,

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(8) Also considering the UN Security Council resolutions condemning terrorism, especially resolutions 1368 (2001), 1438 (2002), 1440 (2002), 1450 (2002), 1452 (2002), 1455 (2003) and 1456 (2003), adopted during the Meeting of Foreign Ministers, and resolutions 1516 (2003), 1989 (2011), 2082 (2012), 2083 (2012) and others, especially those adopted under Chapter VIl of the UN Charter, all of which affirm that terrorism in all its forms and aspects, represents one of the greatest threats to international peace and security, that each terrorist act is an unjustifiable criminal act irrespective of its motivations, that terrorism leads to crimes against humanity and war crimes against which the international community must take a firm stance, take all the necessary and appropriate steps to suppress terrorist acts and prosecute those who commit them, finance them, provide safe haven to perpetrators and facilitate this type of act, as well as those who incite others to commit such acts or do not take the necessary steps to suppress these crimes and bring those who commit them to justice, (9) Reaffirming UN Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), that condemns all terrorist acts which are considered the most dangerous and threaten international peace and security on the one hand, and repudiates the justification or glorification of terrorist acts on the other; and calling on all States to take all the necessary steps to ban incitement to terrorist acts, extremism and intolerance,

(10)Expressing its deep concern for the ability to extend this scourge of terrorism into other safe States given the emergence of new terrorist groups such as AI-Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,

(11) Drawing inspiration from the Universal Declaration on Democracy, adopted by the 98th lnter-Parliamentary Conference (Cairo, September 1997), which affirms that each State has the sovereign right, freely to choose and develop, in accordance with the will of its people, its own political, social, economic and cultural systems, without interference by other States, in strict conformity with the United Nations Charter, and affirming the provisions of point 12 of the Declaration: the key element in the exercise of democracy is the holding of free and fair elections at regular intervals enabling the people's will to be expressed; such elections must be held on the basis of universal suffrage and secret ballot so that all voters can choose their representatives,

(12) Also drawing inspiration from the resolution adopted by the 110th IPU Assembly on Promoting international reconciliation, helping to bring stability to regions of conflict, and assisting with post-conflict reconstruction, which affirms that parliament is the institution par excellence that embodies the diverse attributes and opinions of society and reflects and channels this diversity in the political process, and that its mission is to defuse tensions and maintain a balance between rival aspirations of diversity and uniformity, and the individual and the collective, with the aim of strengthening social cohesion and solidarity,

1. Clearly distinguishes between the legitimate demands of the Syrian people and their

aspirations to political, economic and social reform on the one hand and the terrorist acts perpetrated by armed extremist groups branding others as atheists on the other, many of whom belong to AI-Qaida, especially AI-Nusra Front, lslamic Front, the lslamic State of Iraq and the Levant and others;

2. Condemns in the strongest terms all suicide attacks targeting civilians irrespective of

their political, social or religious affiliation; 3. Also condemns in the strongest terms the destruction of State infrastructure, the

pillage of over 1,500 factories in the town of Aleppo, the transfer of machinery and products to Turkey and the complicity of the Turkish Government, targeting power stations, steeling seeds, silos and oil wells; destroying hospitals, health sector infrastructure, schools and public and private properties;

4. Distinguishes between opposition Syrian citizens and elements of terrorist groups,

most of whom are foreigners, estimated at tens of thousands, who were brought to Syria from different countries;

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5. Condemns the governments of certain States that finance, arm, train, send terrorists,

facilitate their movement and give them safe haven, which runs counter to international law and all resolutions with international legitimacy, especially UN Security Council resolutions adopted under Chapter VIl of the UN Charter;

6. Requests the governments of States supporting the armed opposition to stop

forthwith from doing so as this contravenes international law and the purposes of the UN Charter, as well as its principles aimed at maintaining peace and international security;

7. Also requests the governments of neighbouring countries, especially Turkey and

Jordan, to refrain from giving safe haven to, training and sending weapons and terrorists from across the world to Syria through its territory, and to not interfere in the internal affairs of Syria;

8. Encourages all Syrians to reject violence and to judge the situation based on

democratic principles and peaceful political action; 9. Urges the parliaments and parliamentarians of Member States to question their

governments who interfere in the internal affairs of Syria and oblige them to observe international law and standards and resolutions with international legitimacy, and to act to consolidate peace and international security, strengthen friendly relations among nations and help find a peaceful settlement to internal conflicts;

10. Encourages regular meetings between the parliaments of those countries that

interfere in the internal affairs of Syria and the People's Assembly of Syria to help find a peaceful solution;

11. Requests the Syrian Government to provide shelter and immediate and urgent relief

in a more effective manner to all persons displaced in Syrian territory; 12. Also requests all international and non-governmental organizations to provide

immediate and urgent assistance to all Syrian refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries to avoid military clashes in accordance with international law;

13. Urges all Syrians to accept dialogue as the only means of resolving the Syrian crisis,

which will lead to the realization of the aspirations of the Syrian people for the construction of a democratic State based on plurality, dignity and social and political justice;

14. Calls on Member Parliaments to urge their governments to lift the forced economic

one sided sanctions imposed by some States on Syria, which have a negative impact on the life of ordinary Syrian citizens.

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Geneva, 16 – 20.3.2014

Assembly A/130/2-P.3 Item 2 10 March 2014


Request for the inclusion of an emergency item

in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union submitted by the delegation of Morocco

On 7 March 2014, the President of the IPU received from the President of the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco a request for the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of an emergency item entitled:

"Helping to restore peace and security and consolidate democracy in the Central African Republic: The contribution of the IPU".

Delegates to the 130th Assembly will find attached the text of the communication submitting the request (Annex I), as well as an explanatory memorandum (Annex II) and a draft resolution (Annex III) in support thereof.

The 130th Assembly will be required to take a decision on the request of the delegation of Morocco on Monday, 17 March 2014. Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the IPU may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members. Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that: (a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international

concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

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Rabat, 7 March 2014

Dear Mr. President, In accordance with Rule 11.1 of the IPU Statutes, I have the honour to submit herewith a request for the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly, to be held in Geneva (Switzerland) from 16 to 20 March 2014, of an emergency item entitled:

"Helping to restore peace and security and consolidate democracy in the Central African Republic: The contribution of the IPU".

Please find attached a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution to this effect. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(Signed) Mohamed Cheikh BIADILLAH

President of the House of Councillors Kingdom of Morocco

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Explanatory memorandum submitted by the delegation of Morocco

The parliamentary delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Inter-Parliamentary Union hereby requests the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of an emergency item entitled: “Helping to restore peace and security and consolidate democracy in the Central African Republic: The contribution of the IPU”. The grounds for this request are as follows. The severe security and humanitarian crisis that has been afflicting the Central African Republic for a year now poses a major risk for the stability of the Central African region and a threat to international peace and security. This crisis culminated last December when 200 Central Africans were executed in the town of Bangui in a single day, 5 December 2013. That same day, the UN Security Council took the emergency decision of authorizing an African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA), as well as the use of force by French troops to protect civilians and maintain peace. According to data published by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, as part of their operations in the Central African Republic, the entire Central African population of 4.7 million has been affected by this crisis: 1.6 million have been displaced, more than 68,000 have taken refuge in neighbouring countries - Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Republic of the Congo (Congo), Chad and Cameroon - nearly 700,000 face severe food insecurity, and more than 450,000 require urgent humanitarian assistance. The parliamentary delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco considers it important for the Inter-Parliamentary Union to lend its support to the activities being conducted by the United Nations and by various regional and subregional organizations to restore peace and security, provide humanitarian assistance to the populations affected by this crisis and support the transitional authorities in the Central African Republic in their efforts to consolidate the democratic process. This will create the conditions needed for the organization of free, transparent and credible elections and permit a return to constitutional order, suspended since 24 March 2013.

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Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of MOROCCO

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (1) Expressing its grave concern over the security situation in the Central African Republic, which continues to deteriorate, as characterized by a breakdown in public order, a decline in the rule of law and a rise in interreligious and intercommunity tensions,

(2) Remaining deeply concerned about the proliferation and intensification of violations of international humanitarian law and widespread human rights violations and abuses – including extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, acts of torture, sexual violence against women and children, and the recruitment and use of children – that have been committed both by former elements of Séléka and by militia groups, in particular those referred to as “anti-balaka” and “the Lord’s Resistance Army”,

(3) Reaffirming that some of these acts may constitute crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to which the Central African Republic is a party, and that the perpetrators must be held accountable, (4) Considering the risk that interreligious and intercommunity tensions in the country might degenerate into religious and ethnic conflict on a nationwide scale and imperil national unity and territorial integrity, with potentially grave repercussions throughout the Central African region, (5) Underscoring that the alarming situation in this country threatens to create a climate conducive to transnational criminal activity, including arms trafficking and the illicit exploitation of natural resources, (6) Considering that the situation in the Central African Republic constitutes a threat to international peace and security, (7) Recalling resolution 2134 (2014), adopted by the United Nations Security Council at its 7103rd session, held on 28 January 2014,

1. Affirms its support for the Libreville Agreement of 11 January 2013, for the N’Djamena Declaration of 18 April 2013, and for the Brazzaville Appeal of 3 May 2013 and for the Declaration on the Central African Republic, adopted by the International Contact Group at its third meeting, held in Bangui on 8 November 2013;

2. Strongly condemns the continuing violations of international humanitarian law and the

widespread human rights abuses and violations perpetrated by armed groups in the Central African Republic, and in particular by former elements of Séléka, as well as forces referred to as “anti-balaka” and “the Lord’s Resistance Army”, which imperil the population; and underscores that the perpetrators must be held accountable for their acts;

3. Also condemns the escalation of interreligious and intercommunity violence in the

Central African Republic and demands that the protagonists immediately halt all acts of violence, whatever their motivation, and in particular those grounded in religion or ethnicity;

4. Further demands that all parties to the conflict facilitate safe and free access for

humanitarian organizations and their personnel, without delay, to areas where populations are in need so that they may swiftly provide the necessary humanitarian assistance in accordance with United Nations guiding principles on humanitarian emergency assistance;

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5. Calls upon the national parliaments that are Members of the IPU to press their

respective governments to respond rapidly to appeals for urgent humanitarian action and to the pressing and growing needs of affected populations and of refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries; and encourages international organizations and their partners to proceed without delay in executing their humanitarian projects;

6. Welcomes the nomination by the National Transition Council, on 20 January 2014, of

H.E. Catherine Samba-Panza as transitional Head of State and of H.E. André Nzapayeke as transitional Prime Minister, as well as the formation of a transitional government; and underscores that it is incumbent primarily upon the transitional authorities of the Central African Republic to protect the population and to guarantee the security and national and territorial unity of the country;

7. Also welcomes the creation on 22 January 2014 of an international commission of

inquiry into reported violations of international humanitarian and human rights law as well as human rights abuses allegedly perpetrated in the Central African Republic, irrespective of party, since 1 January 2013;

8. Demands that all parties to the current armed conflict in the Central African Republic, former elements of Séléka as well as groups referred to as “anti-balaka” or “the Lord’s Resistance Army”, expressly prohibit violations and abuses committed against women and children, in contravention of applicable international law, and expressly prohibit acts of sexual violence; and requests the transitional authorities to undertake and fulfil a firm and explicit commitment, when violence against women or children is alleged, to ensure that investigations are conducted as soon as possible and that perpetrators are prosecuted and held to account for their acts;

9. Welcomes the decision of the United Nations Security Council to prepare plans for the imposition of targeted sanctions, including a travel ban and freezing of the assets of individuals having acted to undermine peace, stability and security, in particular by engaging in violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law, the recruitment and deployment of children in armed conflict, sexual violence, or by lending their support to illegal armed groups or criminal networks involved in the illicit exploitation of natural resources in the Central African Republic;

10. Urges the transitional authorities to develop and implement disarmament, demobilization and reintegration or repatriation programmes; and underscores the importance of strengthening the institutional capacity of the police, the judiciary and the penitentiary system to uphold the rule of law;

11. Also urges the transitional authorities to establish an inclusive national dialogue

among all forces in the country – political, social and religious – with a view to institutionalizing in the near future a credible process of national equity and reconciliation;

12. Thanks the countries that have already deployed contingents to help restore peace and security in the Central African Republic; and urges African countries to help ensure that the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA) has the funding it needs to fulfil its mandate;

13. Welcomes the establishment of a special fund through which States and international, regional and subregional organizations can contribute to the MISCA, and expresses support for the organization of an international donors conference as soon as possible to request contributions, in particular through this fund;

14. Also welcomes the establishment of a national electoral authority on 16 December 2013and underscores how important it is for the transitional authorities, with support from the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA), to organize free and regular elections, providing in particular for

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the participation of women – and this without delay: during the second half of 2014 if possible and by February 2015 at the latest;

15. Decides to make available the IPU’s expertise in providing technical assistance for

the organization of free, transparent and credible elections to the national electoral authority of the Central African Republic; and, to that end, decides to send a needs identification mission to work with the transitional authorities;

16. Recommends that the United Nations Security Council deploy, by the earliest possible

date, a UN peacekeeping mission to the Central African Republic with an expanded mandate to cover support for the political transition, the restoration of State authority throughout the country, the organization of elections, protection for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and the return of refugees and of persons displaced by violence; and

17. Entrusts the Secretary General with the task of transmitting this resolution to all IPU

Members, Associate Members and Observers and to the other international organizations.

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Geneva, 16 – 20.3.2014

Assembly A/130/2-P.4 Item 2 13 March 2014


Request for the inclusion of an emergency item

in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union submitted by the delegation of Ukraine

On 13 March 2014, the President of the IPU received from the Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine a request for the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of an emergency item entitled:

"Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine".

Delegates to the 130th Assembly will find attached the text of the communication submitting the request (Annex I), as well as an explanatory memorandum (Annex II) and a draft resolution (Annex III) in support thereof.

The 130th Assembly will be required to take a decision on the request of the delegation of Ukraine on Monday, 17 March 2014. Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the IPU may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members. Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that: (a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international

concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

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Courtesy translation from Ukrainian

Kiev, 12 March 2014

Dear Mr. President,

In accordance with IPU Assembly Rule 11.1, the delegation of the Parliamentary Group of

Ukraine to the IPU proposes the inclusion on the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly, to be held in Geneva from 16 to 20 March 2014, of an emergency item entitled:

“Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine”.

We are pleased to enclose, for the attention of the Assembly, an explanatory memorandum

and draft resolution on the subject of this proposal. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Oleksandr TURCHYNOV Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine

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Explanatory memorandum submitted by the delegation of Ukraine The Parliamentary Group of Ukraine to the Inter-Parliamentary Union requests the inclusion of an emergency item entitled Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine on the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly. The grounds for this request are set out below. On 27 February 2014, the Russian Federation committed an act of aggression against Ukraine by deploying troops on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The deployment of military forces and equipment of the Russian Army, involving troops from the Russian Black Sea Fleet provisionally stationed on the territory of Ukraine and from the territory of the Russian Federation, is a major violation of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, the Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the Stay of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the Territory of Ukraine, and of international legal instruments enshrining the principles of territorial integrity and the inviolability of national borders. In response to calls by former President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled the country, and the self-proclaimed "prime minister" of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, on 1 March 2014 the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly endorsed President Putin’s address on the use of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. However, under Ukrainian legislation, only the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine may, if needed, appeal to other States for the deployment of foreign troops. The Russian Federation accuses Ukraine of numerous violations of the rights of Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens and uses this to indirectly justify the aggression. However, to date there have been no confirmed cases of violations of the rights of Russian Federation citizens in the territory of Ukraine, including in Crimea. In addition, on 6 March 2014 Ms. Astrid Thors, the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), stated that she had found no evidence of violations of or threats to the human rights of Russian and Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine during her mission to Crimea. Moreover, Ukraine agrees with the High Commissioner that it is the actions of the Autonomous Republic’s self-proclaimed authorities, including their illegal decisions to become part of the Russian Federation and to hold the so-called "all-Crimean referendum”, that have greatly exacerbated interethnic tensions. Citizens of Ukrainian ethnic origin and Crimean Tatars in particular are in danger. After Russian military forces were deployed in the territory of the Autonomous Republic, including its central city of Simferopol, the local Supreme Council decided on 6 March 2014 to join the Russian Federation as a constituent entity and to hold the "all-Crimean referendum” on 16 March 2014. Ukraine does not recognize these decisions and considers that they are in breach of the Ukrainian Constitution and therefore unlawful. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly protested the statement made on 11 March 2014 by the Russian Foreign Ministry recognizing the legitimacy of the "Declaration of Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol City” adopted by the Supreme Council of Crimea. The “Declaration” is yet another unconstitutional act and legally null and void because it violates Ukrainian national legislation and the provisions of many international instruments ratified by United Nations Member States, including the Russian Federation. The Russian troops currently in Crimea are forming, arming and controlling local paramilitary forces. The situation is characterized by an unprecedented number of flagrant violations of human rights and by disregard for Ukrainian legislation and international law.

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International observers arriving in Ukraine to monitor respect for human rights are not allowed into the territory of the Autonomous Republic or are forced to leave the peninsula. For instance, the United Nations special envoy, Mr. Robert Serry, was forced to interrupt his visit to Crimea. None of the attempts made by a group of OSCE observers to reach the peninsula has been successful: the group was turned back at checkpoints manned by armed guards, including Russian troops. Ukrainian servicemen have shown restraint and refused to react to provocation while blocked at their bases and in the face of constant pressure from armed groups, mostly Russian military units that have no right to be present in the territory of Ukraine. Journalists, local Ukrainian activists and Ukrainian armed forces personnel have been violently abducted by illegal armed groups coordinated by Russian instructors, in flagrant disrespect for all the fundamental norms of Ukrainian and international law. In view of the above, on 11 March 2014 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution in which it referred to the safeguards enshrined in the Memorandum on Security Assurances signed in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum) and appealed to the Memorandum’s signatories and international organizations to take practical measures to ensure the security and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada also demanded that the Russian Federation immediately withdraw its illegally deployed troops from the territory of Ukraine and cease its aggression against the Ukrainian State. We urge the Inter-Parliamentary Union to make a clear assessment of the political and diplomatic actions of the Russian Federation, in order to roll back a dangerous precedent that poses a direct threat to the sovereignty of Ukraine and to global peace and stability.

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Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of UKRAINE

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (1) Affirming its respect forthepolitical independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and recognizing the legitimacy of the Government of Ukraine throughout the territory of Ukraine,

(2) Recalling the internationally recognized principles that are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and various United Nations declarations and conventions and have been repeatedly endorsed by the IPU,

(3) Affirming the validity of the principles of international law and the duty of all States, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,

(4) Recalling also that the States party to the Charter of the United Nations are bound to respect the principle of non-intervention,

(5) Mindful ofthe resolution adopted by the 91st Inter-Parliamentary Conference (Paris, March 1994) on Prevention of conflicts, maintenance and consolidation of peace: Role and means of the United Nations and regional organizations,

(6) Reaffirming that the United Nations Security Council has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security,

(7) Deeply concerned by recent events caused by the military action of the Russian Federation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine,

(8) Confirming that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the only legitimate authority on the territory of Ukraine empowered to adopt decisions relating to referendums on any questions, including the territorial structure of Ukraine,

1. Condemns the use of force by the Russian Federation in contravention of its

commitments under the Charter of the United Nations and relevant agreements and treaties;

2. Acknowledges that such unlawful actions by the Russian Federation constitute an act

of aggression against Ukraine and threaten international peace and security; 3. Requests the Russian Federation to withdraw from the territory of the Autonomous

Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, all the troops it deployed there in contravention of the relevant bilateral agreements;

4. Notes with satisfaction that the Ukrainian armed forces have exercised restraint and

refrained from actively resisting the aggression, thus preventing a further escalation of the crisis;

5. Urges the Russian Federation to respect the principles of international law by

refraining from interfering in the domestic affairs of Ukraine, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations;

6. Condemns the unlawful document adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the

Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, on 6 March 2014 concerning Crimea’s entry into the Russian Federation and the holding of the so called “all-Crimean

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referendum” on 16 March 2014; considers this document to be unconstitutional and both the document and the outcome of the “all-Crimean referendum” as null and void;

7. Deeply regrets the statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian

Federation on 11 March 2014 recognizing the “Declaration on the Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol City” adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of theAutonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine;

8. Welcomes the steps taken by the United Nations Secretary-General, the Organization

on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe to facilitate dialogue between the two parties and to monitor the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine;

9. Deeply regrets that international organizations have been prevented from entering the

Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, in order to monitor the situation and denounces the use of force against some of them in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine;

10. Calls on both parties to strive to settle their differences by peaceful means, in

conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, to engage in substantive negotiations and to do everything possible to achieve lasting peace;

11. Reaffirms that a just and lasting solution to the situation in the Autonomous Republic

of Crimea, Ukraine, must be based on the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and be the outcome of an active process of negotiation between the parties.

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Geneva, 16 – 20.3.2014

Assembly A/130/2-P.5 Item 2 14 March 2014


Request for the inclusion of an emergency item

in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union submitted by the delegation of Canada

On 14 March 2014, the President of the IPU received from the President of the Canadian IPU Group a request for the inclusion in the agenda of the 130th Assembly of an emergency item entitled:

"The crisis in Ukraine".

Delegates to the 130th Assembly will find attached the text of the communication submitting the request (Annex I), as well as an explanatory memorandum (Annex II) and a draft resolution (Annex III) in support thereof.

The 130th Assembly will be required to take a decision on the request of the delegation of Canada on Monday, 17 March 2014. Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the IPU may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members. Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that: (a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international

concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

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Ottawa, 14 March 2014

Dear Mr. President,

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, in particular Assembly Rule 11.1, the Canadian IPU Group would like to request the inclusion of an emergency item in the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 16 to 20 March 2014, entitled:

"The crisis in Ukraine". Please find attached an explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution in support of this request. I would ask you kindly to circulate this request to the Members of our Organization. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my highest consideration.


Honourable Salma ATAULLAHJAN (Mrs.), Senator President of the Canadian

IPU Group

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Explanatory memorandum submitted by the Inter-Parliamentary Group of Canada The Canadian IPU Group wishes to propose the inclusion of an emergency item in the agenda of the 130th IPU Assembly, entitled "The crisis in Ukraine", for the reasons provided below. Since protests in Kyiv and other parts of Ukraine began in late November 2013 in response to the Government of Ukraine’s decision to step away from closer relations with the European Union, the situation in Ukraine has escalated rapidly to crisis level. The initial protests, having metamorphosed into demonstrations against corruption and the pursuit of personal interests by those in power, became violent. To date, nearly 100 Ukrainians have died and numerous others have been injured or remain missing. The former president has fled to the Russian Federation, from where he issues statements that fuel political divisions and undermine the caretaker government approved by the Ukrainian parliament. Groups of individuals bent on violence are exploiting Ukraine’s regional, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity and challenging political and constitutional authority across the country. As the 130th IPU Assembly convenes, Ukraine has become the victim of an unprovoked act of aggression. Its Autonomous Republic of Crimea is unlawfully occupied by Russian military forces, unidentified armed groups are controlling Crimea’s borders, and an unlawful referendum on Crimea’s secession from Ukraine is set for Sunday, 16 March 2014. In sum, the future of Ukraine within its internationally recognized and guaranteed borders — as a unified, politically independent country with a population of 46 million people who have forged bonds transcending linguistic, religious, ethnic, historical and regional lines, lying at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, a fusion of western and eastern values and outlook — is in jeopardy. That this crisis has escalated to such an extreme and so quickly is alarming. This escalation, brought about by the Russian Federation’s illegal occupation, has taken place despite the international consensus on Ukraine’s territorial integrity, security and stability, and international commitments to the peaceful settlement of disputes. It undermines the rules and principles of international law, the cornerstone of international peace and security, as well as friendly relations and cooperation among States. It is also of deep concern for those who uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression and association, the rights of minorities, and freedom of religion and belief. The situation in Ukraine constitutes a major event of international concern under Assembly Rules 11.1 and 11.2. It is unfolding contemporaneously with the 130thAssembly, and has no certain outcome or timeframe for a timely and peaceful resolution. Moreover, daily events and developments appear to be sustaining the crisis mode of the situation. The Ukrainian people are traumatized by the crisis. International efforts to find a negotiated end to the crisis have been repeatedly compromised by unilateral actions or rebuffed. Moreover, the presidential elections scheduled for 25 May 2014, which will be held under international scrutiny and according to democratic norms and principles, are being undermined by supporters of the former president who say they are illegitimate. Unabated and unresolved, the crisis in Ukraine will have implications for all IPU Member Parliaments. The role of the IPU is clear: to offer a forum for debate among parliamentarians and to take a strong stand when the general rules and principles of international law, representative democracy and human rights are so flagrantly violated.

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Draft resolution submitted by the Inter-Parliamentary Group of CANADA

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (1) Reaffirming the Charter of the United Nations, the rules and general principles of international law regarding international peace and security — including the prohibition on the use of force set out in Article 51 of the Charter — State sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the rule of law among nations, (2) Recalling the United Nations General Assembly Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in particularits provisions:

(a) Recalling the duty of States to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State,

(b) Considering it essential that all States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations,

(c)Considering it equally essential that all States shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the Charter,

(3) Alarmed by the clear violation of international law and of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity precipitated by the unlawful Russian military intervention in Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea, (4) Stressing that anyfree and fair referendum reflecting the genuine, democratic will of the people cannot be held under duress, including during an unlawful military intervention, (5) Gravely concerned about the devastating impact of the crisis on the people of Ukraine, (6) Extremely worried that the crisis has the potential to undermine international peace and security if it continues unabated and unresolved, (7) Welcoming international efforts to resolve the crisis through negotiations and the deployment of envoys and unarmed observers,

1. Urges all parties and stakeholders to take action immediately to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine;

2. Calls on the relevant governmental and legislative bodies to play a constructive role

in defusing tensions by creating an atmosphere that is conducive to dialogue, reconciliation and cooperation, that respects international law, and that promotes a peaceful outcome to the crisis;

3. Rejects the unlawful use of force and acts of aggression as tools for advancing

political interests and responding to crises;

4. Reiterates the need for scrupulous respect for international humanitarian and international human rights law;

5. Stresses thata free and fair referendum reflecting the genuine, democratic will of the

people of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea cannot be held during an unlawful military occupation;

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6. Strongly encourages efforts at all levels to resolve the crisis in Ukraine and its

underlying causes as expeditiously as possible through political dialogue and a reaffirmation of commitments to:

(a) Respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, unity, sovereignty and political

independence and enforce the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances;

(b) Protect the rights of minorities, including all religious and linguistic communities, in all regions of Ukraine;

(c) Promote democratic institutions, the rule of law and freedom of expression and association; and,

(d) Peacefully resolve international disputes.

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Anexo 8


Resolution adopted by consensus* by the 130th IPU Assembly

(Geneva, 20 March 2014)

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Convinced of the need to achieve and maintain a nuclear-weapon-free world,

Affirming the key role of parliaments and parliamentarians in addressing nuclear risks and building

the legislative and political framework needed to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world,

Recalling previous IPU resolutions on the disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, in

particular the resolution adopted by the 120th IPU Assembly (Addis Ababa, April 2009),

Noting with grave concern that more than 17,000 nuclear weapons exist worldwide, constituting a

serious threat to international peace and security, and that any use of nuclear weapons, whether by

accident, miscalculation or intent, would have devastating humanitarian and environmental


Welcoming the Conferences on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons held in Oslo, Norway,

in 2013 and in Narayit, Mexico, in February 2014, and the conference to be held in Vienna, Austria,

in 2014,

Underscoring the mutually reinforcing nature of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation,

Recognizing the importance of the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT),

which embodies the international consensus on the need to pursue the interrelated pillars of

disarmament, non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy,

Reaffirming that all States must ensure compliance with their nuclear disarmament and

non-proliferation obligations, especially those under the Non-Proliferation Treaty,

Also reaffirming the nuclear disarmament obligations of nuclear-weapon States under Article VI of

the Non-Proliferation Treaty, notably to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures

relating to urgent cessation of the nuclear arms race and to nuclear disarmament, and the obligation

of all NPT States Parties to pursue negotiations on general and complete disarmament,

Mindful of the 64-point Action Plan adopted by the 2010 NPT Review Conference, which, inter alia,

“calls on all nuclear-weapon States to undertake concrete disarmament efforts and affirms that all

States need to make special efforts to establish the necessary framework to achieve and maintain a

world without nuclear weapons”,

Noting its strong support for the essential work of the International Atomic Energy Agency and for

the universal implementation of its system of safeguard agreements and their additional protocols

as essential tools for strengthening the non-proliferation regime,

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Also noting its strong support for the work of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization and its monitoring system,

Further noting the partial contribution made by unilateral and bilateral disarmament initiatives,

reaffirming the continued importance and relevance of multilateral frameworks and action, and

underlining the urgent need for progress,

Noting the United Nations Secretary-General’s five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament and his

address on nuclear disarmament, of the opening Public Plenary of the Conference on Disarmament,

held on 21 January 2014,

Also notingthe New START Treaty and efforts made by the Russian Federation and the United States

of America to implement it,

Affirming the key role of the Conference on Disarmament in the negotiation of multilateral

agreements to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world,

Acknowledging the significant contribution made by a number of countries to realizing the objective

of nuclear disarmament by establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones and voluntarily renouncing

nuclear weapon programmes or withdrawing all nuclear weapons from their territories,

Affirming that all States must ensure unconditional respect for such nuclear-weapon-free zones,

Welcoming the first ever High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Nuclear

Disarmament, held on 26 September 2013,

Encouraged by the emergence of other multilateral initiatives, including the United Nations General

Assembly’s decision to establish a group of governmental experts to begin discussion of possible

elements of a fissile material cut-off treaty and to set up the United Nations Open-ended Working

Group to develop proposals to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations,

Welcoming the Geneva interim agreement of 24 November 2013 between the Islamic Republic of

Iran, on the one hand, and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and

Germany, on the other, which paves the way for the gradual lifting of economic sanctions against

the Islamic Republic in exchange for an in-depth review of its nuclear programme; inviting all the

parties to the agreement to apply all its provisions faithfully and speedily,

Determined to work with governments and civil society to generate and mobilize the political will

needed to achieve a world without nuclear weapons,

1. Calls on all Member Parliaments and parliamentarians to promote nuclear disarmament and

non-proliferation as objectives of the highest priority and urgency;

2. Encourages parliamentarians to engage in dialogue and to build multiparty networks and

coalitions at all levels in the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation;

3. Appeals to parliamentarians to educate citizens and raise awareness about the continuing

dangers of nuclear weapons and the need for and benefits of their total elimination;

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4. Calls on all parliamentarians to promote and commemorate the International Day for the

Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons each year on 26 September, in accordance with

United Nations General Assembly resolution 68/32;

5. Calls on parliaments to encourage their governments to advance the goal of a sustainable

nuclear-weapon-free world in all appropriate international forums and treaty bodies and to

take the necessary concrete steps to that end;

6. Calls for the universalization of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and appeals to parliaments to

ensure that States that have not signed and ratified the Treaty do so without further delay

or any conditions;

7. Highlights the importance of securing the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-

Test-Ban Treaty, and urges those States identified in Annex 2 of the Treaty, in particular

nuclear weapon States, that have not yet done so to accelerate the process of signing and

ratifying it, as a matter of priority and an indication of their political will and commitment to

international peace and security, and in the meantime to respect their moratoria on nuclear


8. Calls on all States to refrain from conducting any kind of nuclear weapon test;

9. Stresses the need forparliamentarians to work with their governments to ensure full

compliance with all provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and all commitments under

the 2000 NPT Review Conference (the 13 practical steps) and the 2010 NPT Review

Conference (the Action Plan);

10. Calls on parliaments to work together and with governments and civil society to build

momentum for a constructive NPT Review Conference in 2015;

11. Urges parliaments to strengthen the safety of all nuclear materials, including those intended

for military use, notably by monitoring the implementation of United Nations Security

Council resolution 1540 (2004), and by ensuring the ratification of relevant multilateral

treaties such as the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear

Terrorism and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005


12. Calls on parliaments in States that have not yet done so to bring into force, as soon as

possilbe, a comprehensive safeguards agreement and additional protocol, which, together,

constitute essential elements of the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards system;

13. Calls on parliamentarians to use all available tools, including committees, closely to monitor

national implementation of the above commitments, including by scrutinizing legislation,

budgets and progress reports;

14. Recommends that parliaments urge their governments to start negotiations on a nuclear

weapons convention or on a package of agreements to help achieve a nuclear-weapon-free

world, as outlined in the United Nations Secretary-General’s five-point proposal and noted in

the 2010 NPT Review Conference Action Plan;

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15. Also recommends that parliaments urge their governments to start multilateral negotiations

on a verifiable, robust, non-discriminatory and multilateral treaty banning the production of

fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;

16. Encourages parliaments in States possessing nuclear weapons to demand, in keeping with

Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, deeper and faster action on disarmament and

increased transparency from their governments in relation to nuclear weapons arsenals,

stockpiled fissile material, and information on related programmes and spending

17. Invites parliaments, pending a fissile material cut-off treaty, to encourage their governments

who have not yet done so to establish a moratorium on the production of fissile material by

unilaterally ceasing such production and dismantling their production facilities;

18. Encourages parliaments to work with their governments in the pursuit of confidence-

building measures, including by eliminating the role of nuclear weapons in security doctrines

and policies;

19. Also encourages the parliaments of nuclear-weapon-possessing States to demand, in

accordance with Action 5(e) of the Final Document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference, a

reduction in the operational status of nuclear weapons;

20. Further encourages parliaments to strengthen existing nuclear-weapon-free zones and to

support their expansion and the establishment of new zones;

21. Calls on parliamentarians to support the convening, at the earliest possible date, of a

conference for a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, to be attended by all

States in the region on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at;

22. Urges parliaments to demand the return to substantive work of the United Nations

Conference on Disarmament;

23. Reiterates the need to reach an early agreement in the Conference on Disarmament on an

effective, universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument in order to give assurances

to non-nuclear States regarding the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;

24. Calls on parliamentarians to use the IPU as a global forum to focus political attention on the

need for effective, verifiable and irreversible nuclear disarmament, and on concrete and

practical actions that can be taken in the immediate future to advance this goal.

* The delegation of the Russian Federation expressed reservations on operative paragraphs 1 and 2.

The delegation of India expressed reservations on operative paragraphs 6, 7 and 17. The delegation

of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed reservations on preambular paragraphs 11 and 21 and on

operative paragraphs 11, 12 and 15. The delegation of Pakistan expressed reservations on

preambular paragraphs 7, 10 and 20 and on operative paragraphs 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 and 19.

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Anexo 9



Resolution adopted unanimously by the 130th IPU Assembly

(Geneva, 20 March 2014)

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Expressing deep concern at the continued mounting impact and risk of disasters worldwide, which

threaten people’s lives and livelihoods, derail socio-economic development and damage the


Noting that development patterns, including poorly planned and managed urbanization, population

growth in high-risk areas, endemic poverty, weak governance and institutions, and environmental

degradation, are important drivers of disaster risk,

Also noting that disasters, especially those resulting from climate change and exacerbated by

population growth and distribution and other factors, such as poor use and management of

resources, have been identified by the international community, for instance in the Outcome

Document of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), as major

challenges for sustainable development,

Reaffirming the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and

Communities to Disaster, and underscoring the need to accelerate its implementation at

international, regional, national and particularly local level,

Recognizing the urgent need to integrate and build stronger linkages between policies and

programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and disaster recovery, climate change, long-term

economic and social development, urban planning, demographic dynamics and environmental

protection, so as to be able to address the underlying causes of disaster risk,

Also recognizing that global population growth, which is expected to continue for several more

decades, and demographic distribution, especially increased population density and urbanization,

heighten vulnerability to disasters and that the demographic factor has a direct effect on food

security and self-sufficiency in areas that are prone to drought-induced famine and malnutrition,

Underscoring that demographic dynamics are a significant contributor to climate change and

disaster risk insofar as they place additional stress on natural resources, heighten the vulnerability of

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communities to natural hazards and add to the human impact on ecosystems, primarily by

increasing demands for food, fresh water, timber and fuel,

Affirming that all women have the right to plan their own lives, including when and whether to have

children, and stressing that unintended pregnancy is the factor of continued population growth most

amenable to policy intervention,

Convinced that governments are a critical stakeholder when it comes to addressing disaster risk

resilience and population dynamics in the context of sustainable development, which is a matter of

political responsibility, and that parliamentarians have a critical role to play in ensuring that the

political will exists to achieve results through legislation, policy oversight and the allocation of


Noting that women and children are more likely to suffer physically and psychologically in disasters

and during the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction period,

Acknowledging that women have to be part of disaster management, from prevention to


Underscoring the need for education at all levels and the importance of winning over local players in

order to raise awareness of disaster risk resilience and related demographic issues and to galvanize

public support for the measures needed to build resilience,

1. Calls on all members of parliament to acquire information on and knowledge of issues

related to disaster and risk trends, so as to enhance their oversight role with regard to

reducing the impact and risk of disasters, building resilience, protecting people and

safeguarding development gains from disasters and the effects of climate change, while

guaranteeing that this becomes an important issue on the national agenda and that the

relevant measures are implemented;

2. Also calls on all members of parliament to take immediate action to review existing

legislation related to disaster risk reduction in the light of community realities and

considering their environment, natural habitat and people as the main resources for

developing relevant processes, and to determine whether it is sufficient to hold key players,

including policymakers and the private sector, to account for the consequences of risk-

intensive development policies or investments;

3. Invites the United Nations to formalize the principle of reparation for victims of natural

disasters and reparation for damage caused by States with development strategies that run

counter to the recommendations made by the 1992 United Nations Conference on

Sustainable Development;

4. Appeals to all governments to take immediate action to review national policies and

regulations so as to ensure that socio-economic development is balanced against the need

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to reduce the risk, to the population and the economy, of disasters in the long run, as more

engagement is needed to keep development policies and practices coherent and aligned

with those for disaster risk reduction, environmental protection and adaptation to climate


5. Also appeals to all governments to improve and enhance their mechanisms for disaster risk

reduction and ensure that development policy and strategies build the disaster risk

resilience of their people and the economy by drawing up a map of at-risk areas by nature of

risk, by putting in place early warning systems and guaranteeing construction safety, and by

improving legislation, institutional frameworks, policy and accountability and increasing

budgetary allocations for disaster-resilient development, with due regard for the specific

needs of women and particular attention to those of people with disabilities;

6. Urges parliaments and governments to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women

when it comes to land and livestock ownership and to facilitate women’s access to credit as

means of strengthening women’s resilience;

7. Calls on governments and parliaments to integrate gender and age perspectives into the

design and implementation of all phases of risk management;

8. Encourages governments and parliaments to evaluate risk and build resiliency to disasters by

investing in shock-resistant infrastructure and inclusive social protection systems,

particularly for vulnerable and at-risk communities;

9. Calls on governments and parliaments to advance food security and to promote sustainable

agricultural development, with a particular emphasis on strategies that prioritize the needs

and circumstances of rural communities, as key components of resilient communities;

10. Urges governments and parliaments to invest in early warning systems and to ensure that

those systems are integrated into their disaster risk reduction strategies, relevant

governmental policy and decision-making processes, and emergency management systems;

11. Urges the United Nations system and other international and intergovernmental

organizations to promote the building of resiliency to disasters and shocks as a fundamental

aspect of development, to ensure that resiliency and risk assessments are integrated into

international efforts targeting poverty reduction and sustainable development, and to be a

role model for improved governance for disaster risk reduction by advocating the key

principles thereof and acting transparently and with accountability for the consequences of

decisions on country-level programmes and investment;

12. Also urges the United Nations system to provide special support to developing countries so

that the findings of relevant reports can be implemented and solutions found to facilitate

the financing of mitigation works in those countries;

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13. Urges governments to integrate factors of population growth, family planning and

demographic dynamics into policy measures for sustainable development, which should also

promote resilience to disasters and to climate change;

14. Calls on parliaments to work, at national, regional and international level, for the inclusion of

a reproductive health indicator as part of the post-2015 development goals in the areas of

health, equity and women’s empowerment, to promote a rights-based approach to

reproductive health and to take appropriate measures, through legislation and budget

allocations, to provide universal access to voluntary family planning services;

15. Urges governments to participate actively in the ongoing consultations on the post-2015

development agenda and the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction in order to

gain information, knowledge and technical support for the development of a national post-

2015 disaster risk-resilient development agenda, as the post-2015 development agenda and

framework are both indissociable from the promotion of sustainable and risk-resilient

poverty reduction and development;

16. Also urges governments and the United Nations system to ensure that the post-2015

development agenda and framework for disaster risk reduction are mutually reinforcing;

17. Calls on all parliaments to support government efforts to develop disaster-resilient

development policies and strategies that give serious consideration to disaster risk

assessment, including population factors, at the planning and programme stages, as

development without disaster resilience is not sustainable;

18. Calls on governments, when they develop disaster risk reduction legislation, policies and

plans, to take into consideration the specific role of women, in particular women holding

office in local government and councils and women in grassroots organizations, in risk

reduction, planning, relocation, housing and infrastructure development efforts;

19. Reiterates that reducing disaster risk and protecting people’s lives are the legal responsibility

of all elected representatives, and thus encourages all parliaments to develop a national

forum for legislators on disaster risk reduction and risk-resilient development;

20. Calls for the involvement, together with governments and parliaments, of civil society, the

private sector and the scientific community, with a view to reducing disaster risks and

promoting measures to fight problems arising from climate change;

21. Calls on parliaments to scrutinize government policy and actions with regard to disaster risk

reduction, climate change and sustainable development, and to use all available

instruments, including legislation and in particular environmental and public policy impact

studies, to ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures are

integrated into national planning and budgeting processes;

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22. Calls for the establishment of specific committees to study climate change in those

parliaments where they do not exist, so that they are aware of and analyse all the problems

related to sustainable development in order to promote measures and strategies to prevent

and alleviate them;

23. Urges donor countries and international development agencies to take a responsible

approach and play a leading role in integrating disaster risk reduction and reproductive

health measures, in particular consideration of the rights to sexual and reproductive health

of each individual, into development planning and programmes, to ensure that

aid-supported development activities contribute to disaster risk-resilient development;

24. Calls on all parliamentarians to make combating corruption and illegal financial flows a

priority, as these significantly affect the mobilization and proper allocation of resources to

the detriment of the environmental components of sustainable development programmes;

25. Urges donor and recipient countries to focus increasingly on promoting national resource

management, particularly management of water and energy resource supplies and use, in

order to prevent and mitigate high disaster risks, strengthen resilience and ultimately

contribute to sustainable development;

26. Urges governments, parliaments and international organizations to enhance international

cooperation in support of risk identification and management and resilient development, by

providing technical assistance and capacity-building, as appropriate, in developing countries;

27. Calls on all parliaments to drive the process for political ownership and will at the

governmental level in order to achieve tangible results in sustainable development and to

contain human-induced environmental changes that contribute to the occurrence or

severity of natural disasters, especially as a result of climate change; in particular, calls for

the conclusion by 2015 of an ambitious global agreement that has legal force under the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is applicable to all the Parties


28. Invites all IPU Member Parliaments to take urgent action to follow up on the

recommendations made in this resolution in their respective countries and regions.

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Anexo 10




Resolution adopted unanimously by the 130th IPU Assembly

(Geneva, 20 March 2014)

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Considering that Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as “every

human being below the age of eighteen years”,

Acknowledging that efforts have been made globally to promote the protection of and respect for

the human rights of unaccompanied migrant children, separated children and children involved in

armed conflicts pursuant to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,

Recognizing the fundamental principles and rights that must be guaranteed to all children, especially

unaccompanied or separated children, boys and girls, in accordance with the Convention on the

Rights of the Child, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant

Workers and Members of Their Families and States’ other obligations under international law,

including the best interests of the child; non-discrimination; non-punishment; non-detention; non-

refoulement; family unity; the right to physical and legal protection; the right to an identity, the right

to life, survival and development; the right to be heard and to participate in decisions that affect

them; the right to be protected from violence; the right to education; the right to due process

guarantees and the right to access to health care and psychological support, reintegration assistance

and legal aid,

Recalling that paragraph 7 of General Comment No. 6 (2005) on the Treatment of Unaccompanied

and Separated Children Outside their Country of Origin, issued by the Committee on the Rights of

Child, defines “unaccompanied children” as those “who have been separated from both parents and

other relatives and are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom, is responsible for

doing so”, while paragraph 8 defines “separated children” as “children who have been separated

from both parents, or from their previous legal or customary primary caregiver, but not necessarily

from other relatives”,

Also recalling that paragraph 13 of General Comment No. 13 (2011) on The right of the child to

freedom from all forms of violence, issued by the Committee on the Rights of Child, states that

“Addressing and eliminating the widespread prevalence and incidence of violence against children is

an obligation of States parties under the Convention. Securing and promoting children’s

fundamental rights to respect for their human dignity and physical and psychological integrity,

through the prevention of all forms of violence, is essential for promoting the full set of child rights

in the Convention”,

Recognizing the importance of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women, the general recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of

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Discrimination against Women, UN Security Council resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions on

women, peace and security calling for special measures to protect girls from trafficking, sexual and

gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and many forms of harmful practice, such as child/early

marriage, forced marriage and female genital mutilation, the incidence of which increases in conflict

and post-conflict situations,

Considering that the international legal framework dealing with children and armed conflict includes

instruments such as Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 relating to the Protection of

Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (1977); the Convention on the Rights of the Child

(1989); ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination

of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights

of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (2000),

Also considering that the international legal framework dealing with children and transnational

organized crime includes instruments such as the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

(2000), the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and

Children (2003), the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air (2004), and the

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child

prostitution and child pornography (2002),

Aware that, in accordance with the Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed

Forces or Armed Groups (Paris Principles, 2007), a child associated with an armed force or armed

group is “any person below 18 years of age who is or who has been recruited or used by an armed

force or armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as

fighters, cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes”,

Recalling that, in accordance with Articles 26 and 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of

Treaties (1969), any State party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child must ensure that the

rights and principles enshrined in the Convention are fully reflected and given legal effect in relevant

domestic legislation,

Recognizing that parliaments have a crucial role to play in ratifying international legal instruments

on the protection of children and accordingly, in implementing domestic legislation,

Underscoring that the role of parliaments in protecting the rights of children, in particular

unaccompanied migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict or affected by

organized crime, must be in line with international law and based on the best interests of the child,

Considering that policies criminalizing migrant children have a negative impact on children’s access

to basic rights,

1. Invites the parliaments of States which have not yet signed the three Optional Protocols to

the Convention on the Rights of the Child to urge their governments to proceed with their

signature and full accession;

2. Urges parliaments to prohibit all forms of violence and discrimination against children and to

pass enabling domestic legislation in order to give full effect to the Convention on the Rights

of the Child;

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3. Calls on parliaments, especially those in countries experiencing situations of armed conflict,

internal conflict or occupation, to amend their existing legislation so as to prevent and

punish the recruitment of children for direct participation in hostilities and other forms of

exploitation of children in such situations; also calls on parliaments to prevent, suppress and

punish the exploitation of children by organized criminal groups, in line with relevant

international law;

4. Also calls on parliaments to design efficient legislative tools for the legal protection of

minors, thus establishing a legal framework effectively guaranteeing the rights of children

and to enact legislation aimed at establishing comprehensive and effective protection

systems with adequate resources and coordinated by a high-ranking government official in

order to ensure the best interests of the child;

5. Urges parliaments to enact specific legislation aimed at protecting unaccompanied migrant

girls and girls in armed conflict and post-conflict situations from trafficking, sexual

exploitation, sexual and gender-based violence, including rape, and many forms of harmful

practice, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation;

6. Encourages parliaments to enact legislation aimed at addressing the special needs of

separated and unaccompanied children and children involved in armed conflicts which, as a

minimum, should provide for specific procedures in keeping with the rule of law;

7. Urges governments to take action so that separated and unaccompanied children fleeing

illegal recruitment by armed forces or groups can cross borders and exercise their right to

request asylum and so that no child in this category is returned to the border of a State

where his/her life is truly at risk;

8. Also urges parliaments of countries with compulsory military service to raise the minimum

age to 18 years and to ban the voluntary recruitment of children under the age of 18; further

urges parliaments to take appropriate steps to have amendments made to Article 2 of the

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of

children in armed conflict, Article 77 of Protocol I additional to the Geneva Conventions of

12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts,

and Article 4 of Protocol II additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and

relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, with a view to

banning the voluntary recruitment of persons under the age of 18;

9. Encourages parliaments to underscore the importance of working together with United

Nations bodies, non-governmental organizations and other entities in order to collect

accurate and reliable data on the number of separated or unaccompanied migrant children

and children involved in armed and internal conflicts and situations of organized crime in

their respective countries;

10. Also encourages parliaments to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of children involved in

demonstrations and political rallies, including their right to protection from violence and to

freedom of association and expression;

11. Urges parliaments to discourage the premeditated use of children in violent demonstrations;

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12. Calls on the parliaments of countries involved in armed conflict to urge their governments,

in close collaboration with the United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the

Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, to release child combatants or prisoners

of war and seek lasting solutions, such as family unification, where possible signing relevant

action plans to this end;

13. Invites parliaments to share best practices on the protection of children from the

perspective of restorative justice with the governments, parliaments and human rights

organizations of countries where armed conflict and situations involving organized crime are


14. Calls on parliaments to ensure compliance with international standards for the protection of

separated or unaccompanied migrant children, including the principles of non-discrimination

and non-punishment, prohibition of inappropriate detention of the child, the best interests

of the child, the right of the child to life and development, and the right of children to

participate in decisions that affect them;

15. Also calls on parliaments to ensure that adequate resources are allocated from national

budgets to enforce laws, implement policies and improve practices related to the protection

of children, especially separated or unaccompanied migrant children and children in

situations of armed conflict, and to guarantee that these budgets are gender-sensitive;

16. Invites parliaments to hold hearings and consultations so as to assess the effectiveness of

existing laws, policies, and practices on protecting children, especially separated or

unaccompanied migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict, collect age-

and sex-disaggregated data on the scope of the problem, and identify appropriate responses

to combat it;

17. Also invites parliaments, in partnership with UNICEF and in consultation with Interpol, to

promote the establishment of a comprehensive international and up-to-date register of

foreign separated or unaccompanied minors as an efficient tool for safeguarding the rights

of such children, and to entrust the responsibility for coordinating such data to a single

national authority;

18. Urges parliaments to hold governments to account for their humanitarian duty to provide

children, especially separated or unaccompanied migrant children and children in situations

of armed conflict, with the necessary services, in order to guarantee basic human rights such

as education, medical treatment, counselling, rehabilitation and reintegration, child care,

accommodation and legal assistance, bearing in mind the special needs of girls; also urges

them to support the establishment of national referral mechanisms to this end;

19. Calls on governments to ensure that minors under the age of 18 recruited illegally into

armed forces who are accused of crimes under international law are considered first and

foremost as victims, rather than perpetrators, of international law violations;

20. Invites parliaments to support awareness-raising efforts, especially by working with the

media to address xenophobia and violations of the rights of children, especially separated or

unaccompanied migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict, and notes that

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Universal Children’s Day, 20 November, provides a favourable framework for mobilizing and

sensitizing public opinion to the protection of minors;

21. Also invites parliaments to support efforts aimed at raising awareness of discrimination

against children who have been exploited in armed conflicts and of the importance of the

disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process;

22. Further invites parliaments to support initiatives aimed at training, educating and

continuously building the capacities of child protection professionals, specifically offering

training in international human rights law to all members of the armed forces, law

enforcement and immigration officials, border guards and other individuals and agencies

involved in protecting the rights of children, especially separated or unaccompanied migrant

children, children in situations of armed conflict and children affected by organized crime;

23. Encourages parliaments to support implementation of the Minimum Standards for Child

Protection in Humanitarian Action and ensure that they are integrated into official policies

to protect children, especially separated or unaccompanied migrant children and children in

situations of armed conflict, so that all stakeholders, including government officials, UN

agents and civil society representatives, are aware of them;

24. i>Requests parliaments to promote action to prevent the migration of separated or

unaccompanied minors from their countries of origin, by strengthening cooperation and

promoting bilateral conventions with countries of origin;

25. Calls on parliaments to adopt the necessary legal instruments, such as memoranda of

understanding and bilateral and multilateral agreements on collaboration with international

organizations and technical and financial assistance, so as to enhance international

cooperation on the protection of the rights of separated and unaccompanied children,

especially migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict;

26. Also calls on parliaments to promote the establishment of an international legal framework

guaranteeing that States and corporations, non-governmental groups and individuals who

exploit children in demonstrations and armed conflicts, in time of war or peace, are held to

account for their actions and compensate the victims of these imprescriptible crimes and

their families;

27. Calls for a review of international law and international humanitarian law conventions with a

view to harmonizing the provisions on special guardianship for minors under 18 years of age;

28. Urges parliaments to take appropriate measures to ensure that an effective birth

registration system is in place for all children, including separated or unaccompanied

migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict;

29. Requests parliaments to promote an international protocol for unaccompanied minors

establishing basic and unified action lines that take account of gender concerns, regardless

of the country where the minor is, and enabling coordination of the work of all relevant

institutions and departments, and to facilitate the early identification of children at risk,

boys and girls, especially separated or unaccompanied migrant children and children in

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situations of armed conflict, so that they can be looked after and brought into a

comprehensive protective structure that will guarantee all their rights and facilitate their

reunification with their families;

30. Invites parliaments and governments to raise awareness of children’s rights in receiving

communities and to work actively for the most efficient coordination between agencies

responsible for receiving unaccompanied children, in recognition of the high incidence of

post-traumatic stress among unaccompanied children and in order to take every measure to

help them;

31. Calls on parliaments and governments to open borders based firmly on values such as the

rule of law, democracy, respect for human rights and international conventions, especially

when so many victims are children, and to find a way to combine respect for border

protection and the right to seek asylum;

32. Also calls on parliaments to ensure proper and qualified evaluation of whether

unaccompanied minors should return to their country of origin, and to find ways to ensure

the humane and safe return of those who must return after receiving a final rejection of

their asylum application, so that no minor returns home without a safe and appropriate

reception, acknowledging that an important step in the process is to make sure that minors

are reunited with their parents, bearing the child’s perspective in mind in every case and

ensuring the rights of each individual child;

33. Invites parliaments and other institutions to share with the IPU their best practices in the

protection of children’s rights, in particular the rights of separated or unaccompanied

migrant children and children in situations of armed conflict, with a view to developing a

relevant model law;

34. Further invites parliaments to work closely with the IPU, in particular its geopolitical groups,

to promote the organization of regional forums to address specific situations requiring

customized solutions, thus promoting the establishment of comprehensive protection


35. Calls on governments and parliaments to assume their responsibility for protecting the rights

of children, in particular separated or unaccompanied migrant children, children in

situations of armed conflict or occupation and children affected by organized crime, and to

fulfill their obligations to protect child refugees and asylum-seekers;

36. Urges parliaments and governments to incorporate the perspective of minors and to place

greater emphasis on children in legislation, budgets and policymaking, with a view to

ensuring that the voices of young people and children are better heard;

37. Calls on parliaments and governments to enact all provisions of the Convention on the

Rights of the Child in national legislation in order to guarantee equal rights for all children.

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Anexo 11

Resolução – Ponto de Urgência - Marrocos



Resolution adopted unanimously by the 130th IPU Assembly

(Geneva, 20 March 2014)

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Deeply concerned about the security situation in the Central African Republic, which continues to

deteriorate and is characterized by a breakdown in public order, a decline in the rule of law and a

rise in interreligious and intercommunity tensions,

Also deeply concerned about the proliferation and intensification of violations of international

humanitarian law and the widespread human rights violations and abuses – including extrajudicial

executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, acts of torture, sexual violence

against women and children, and the recruitment and use of children – that have been committed

both by former elements of Séléka and by militia groups, in particular those referred to as the “anti-

balaka” and the Lord’s Resistance Army,

Reaffirming that some of these acts may constitute crimes under the Rome Statute of the

International Criminal Court, to which the Central African Republic is a party, and that the

perpetrators must be held to account,

Considering the risk that interreligious and intercommunity tensions in the country might

degenerate into religious and ethnic conflict on a nationwide scale and imperil national unity and

territorial integrity, with potentially grave repercussions throughout the Central African region,

Underscoring that the alarming situation in the country threatens to create a climate conducive to

transnational criminal activity, including arms trafficking and the illicit exploitation of natural


Considering that the situation in the Central African Republic constitutes a threat to national and

regional stability and to international peace and security,

Noting that the European Union expressed the intention, at the Council meeting of 20 January 2014,

to consider establishing an operation to provide temporary support for the International Support

Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA), and that the transitional authorities in the Central

African Republic have agreed to that operation,

Recalling United Nations Security Council resolutions 2134 (2014) of 28 January 2014, 2127 (2013) of

5 December 2013, and 2121 (2013) of 10 October 2013,

1. Affirms its support for the Libreville Agreement of 11 January 2013, for the N’Djamena

Declaration of 18 April 2013, for the Brazzaville Appeal of 3 May 2013 and for the

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Declaration on the Central African Republic, adopted by the International Contact Group at

its third meeting, held in Bangui on 8 November 2013;

2. Strongly condemns the continuing violations of international humanitarian law and the

widespread human rights abuses and violations perpetrated by armed groups in the Central

African Republic, in particular by former elements of Séléka, the forces referred to as the

“anti-balaka” and the Lord’s Resistance Army, which imperil the population; underscores

that the perpetrators must be held to account for their acts;

3. Also condemns the escalation of interreligious and intercommunity violence in the Central

African Republic and demands that the protagonists immediately halt all acts of violence,

whatever their motivation, in particular those said to be grounded in religion, ethnicity or


4. Further demands that all parties to the conflict facilitate safe and free access for

humanitarian organizations and their personnel, without delay, to areas where populations

are in need so that they may swiftly provide the necessary humanitarian assistance in

accordance with United Nations guiding principles on humanitarian assistance;

5. Calls upon the Member Parliaments of the IPU to press their respective governments to

respond rapidly to appeals for urgent humanitarian action and to the pressing and growing

needs of the populations affected and of refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries,

including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo

and Sudan; encourages international organizations and their partners to execute their

humanitarian projects without delay;

6. Expresses support for the role played by the country’s religious authorities at national level

in an attempt to calm relations and prevent violence between religious communities, and

believes that their message should be vigorously relayed at local level;

7. Applauds the action of MISCA, of the countries providing contingents for it and of the French

armed forces, which, since the adoption of Security Council resolution 2127 (2013), have

worked to protect civilians and stabilize the security situation, and thanks the partners that

have provided air assets to speed the deployment of troops to the area;

8. Welcomes the appointment by the National Transition Council, on 20 January 2014, of the

transitional Head of State and of the transitional Prime Minister, and expresses support for

the transitional government; underscores that the transitional authorities of the Central

African Republic bear primary responsibility for protecting the population and guaranteeing

the country’s security and national and territorial unity;

9. Expresses support for the creation, on 22 January 2014, of an international commission of

inquiry into the violations of international humanitarian and human rights law perpetrated

in the Central African Republic, by no matter which party, since 1 January 2013;

10. Demands that all parties to the current armed conflict in the Central African Republic,

former elements of Séléka as well as the groups referred to as the “anti-balaka” and the

Lord’s Resistance Army, put an immediate stop to violations and abuses committed against

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women and children, acts of sexual violence and acts of extremism and sectarian violence;

requests the transitional authorities to make and fulfil a firm and explicit commitment to

ensure that investigations are conducted as soon as possible when violence against women

or children is alleged and that the perpetrators are prosecuted and held to account for their


11. Welcomes the decision of the United Nations Security Council to prepare plans for the

imposition of targeted sanctions, including a travel ban and freezing of the assets of

individuals having acted to undermine peace, stability and security, in particular those who

have violated human rights and international humanitarian law, recruited and deployed

children in armed conflict, committed acts of sexual violence, or lent their support to illegal

armed groups or criminal networks involved in the illicit exploitation of natural resources in

the Central African Republic;

12. Urges the transitional authorities to develop and implement disarmament, demobilization

and reintegration or repatriation programmes; underscores the importance of strengthening

the institutional capacity of the police, the judiciary and the penitentiary system to uphold

the rule of law;

13. Also urges the transitional authorities to establish an inclusive national dialogue between all

stakeholders in the country – political, social and religious – with a view, in the near future,

to restoring State authority and to institutionalizing a credible and fair process of national


14. Welcomes the establishment of a special fund through which States and international,

regional and subregional organizations can contribute to the MISCA, and expresses support

for the organization of an international donors conference as soon as possible to request

contributions, in particular through this fund;

15. Also welcomes the establishment of a national electoral authority on 16 December 2013and

underscores how important it is for the transitional authorities, with support from the

United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA), to

organize free and regular elections, providing in particular for the participation of women

and without delay (during the second half of 2014, if possible, and by February 2015 at the


16. Recommends that the United Nations Security Council deploy, by the earliest possible date,

a UN peacekeeping mission to the Central African Republic with an expanded mandate

covering support for the political transition, the restoration of State authority throughout

the country, the organization of elections, protection for the delivery of humanitarian

assistance and the return of refugees and of persons displaced by the violence;

17. Takes note that the IPU has already conducted a needs assessment and requests it to take

urgent follow-up action with the National Transition Council, including by offering advisory

expertise in the recently launched process of constitutional reform;

18. Entrusts the Secretary General with the task of conveying this resolution to all IPU Members,

Associate Members and Observers and to the other international organizations.

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