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Quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2022 II Série-D — Número 29
Delegações da Assembleia da República: — Relatório da participação de uma Delegação da Assembleia da República à Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa (APCE) – 4.ª Parte da Sessão Plenária de 2022 –, que teve lugar em Estrasburgo, de 10 a 14 de outubro de 2022.
— Relatório da participação de uma Delegação da Assembleia da República à Assembleia Parlamentar para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (APOSCE) – Reunião inaugural da Rede de Mulheres da APOSCE, por videoconferência, em 27 de outubro de 2022.
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Estrasburgo, 10 a 14 de outubro de 2022
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A 4ª Parte da Sessão Plenária de 2022 da Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa (APCE) teve
lugar, como habitualmente, em Estrasburgo, de 10 a 14 de outubro. Participaram, por parte da Delegação
Portuguesa, os membros efetivos da Delegação, Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), Presidente da Delegação,
Deputada Catarina Rocha Ferreira (PSD), Vice-Presidente, Deputado Paulo Pisco (PS), Deputada Isabel
Moreira (PS), Deputado Paulo Moniz (PSD), membro suplente, em representação do Deputado Fernando
Negrão (PSD), Deputada Mónica Quintela, membro suplente, em representação da Deputada Isabel
Meirelles (PSD), e Deputado Pedro Cegonho (PS). Tiveram ainda lugar reuniões das Comissões,
Subcomissões e Grupos Políticos.
Entre os pontos altos da Sessão de outono destacou-se a intervenção do Presidente da Ucrânia,
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, por videoconferência, os debates sobre uma perspetiva europeia para os Balcãs
Ocidentais, a luta contra a islamofobia ou o racismo antimuçulmano, a discriminação vacinal e a revisão
dos direitos laborais.
A Assembleia debateu ainda os Relatórios sobre a má utilização do Sistema de Informação Schengen pelos
Estados para impor sanções por motivos políticos, o impacto do Brexit nos direitos humanos na Irlanda,
países terceiros seguros para os requerentes de asilo, discriminação contra as mulheres no desporto e o
cumprimento das obrigações de adesão ao Conselho da Europa pela Turquia, Roménia e Hungria.
Tiveram ainda lugar os debates de atualidade sobre “Hostilidades militares entre o Azerbaijão e a
Arménia, incluindo ataques contra colonatos e infra-estruturas civis" e “Ameaças de proibição de eventos
de Orgulho nos Estados membros do Conselho da Europa” e o debate de urgência sobre “Consequências
políticas da agressão da Federação Russa contra a Ucrânia”.
De salientar as intervenções do Presidente da Irlanda, Michael D. Higgins, do Presidente da Confederação
Suíça, Conselheiro Federal Ignazio Cassis, e do Primeiro-Ministro da Albânia, Edi Rama.
O Ministro de Estado para os Assuntos Europeus da Irlanda e Presidente do Comité de Ministros, Thomas
Byrne, apresentou uma comunicação no âmbito da Presidência Irlandesa do Conselho da Europa, e a
Secretária-Geral do Conselho da Europa, Marija Pejčinović Burić, trocou impressões com os membros da
Assembleia Parlamentar.
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Abertura da Sessão Plenária
A Sessão de abertura, no dia 10 de outubro, teve lugar com a intervenção do Presidente da Assembleia
Parlamentar, Tiny Kox, que afirmou que "O Conselho da Europa apoia a corajosa luta do povo da Ucrânia
para proteger, defender e recuperar a soberania nacional e a integridade territorial do seu país". Em
seguida, os parlamentares fizeram um momento de silêncio por todas as vítimas de "uma guerra que
nunca deveria ter começado e que deve terminar o mais depressa possível". O Presidente referiu que no
início da manhã, a Ucrânia tinha acordado sob sirenes "enquanto outra série de bárbaros ataques russos
em zonas residenciais e infra-estruturas civis" teve lugar visando o centro histórico de Kiev, as cidades de
Zaporizzhya, Dnipro, Odessa, Lviv, Zhytomyr e muitas outras.
O Presidente Tiny Kox sublinhou ainda que “A agressão unilateral da Rússia levou a uma série de reações
multilaterais e informou os presentes que convocara para o dia seguinte uma reunião do Comité Misto da
Assembleia e do Comité de Ministros, com o objetivo de decidir a necessidade de convocar, na primeira
oportunidade possível, uma 4ª Cimeira de Chefes de Estado e de Governo de todos os 46 Estados membros,
para decidir sobre o futuro papel do Conselho da Europa, como a mais antiga e mais ampla comunidade
política europeia baseada em Tratados, na futura arquitetura multilateral para proteger a paz e promover
a prosperidade para todos os cidadãos europeus, com base no respeito pelo Estado de direito, pelos
direitos humanos e pela democracia".
O Presidente da APCE acrescentou ainda que “Muitos outros desafios importantes na Europa requeriam a
atenção dos parlamentares durante a semana da sessão. Um deles, a mais recente escalada das
hostilidades entre a Arménia e o Azerbaijão, que levou a mais vítimas de ambos os lados e incitou ambos
os países a duplicarem os seus esforços para encontrar uma solução pacífica sustentável para o conflito
que afeta de forma tão negativa a vida de milhões de pessoas na região do Cáucaso Meridional". Apelou
aos deputados arménios e azerbaijaneses para que utilizem a Assembleia como uma ágora de
oportunidades para discutir as questões mais difíceis e estabelecer um diálogo significativo para tentar
ultrapassar os desacordos.
Da Ordem de Trabalhos (Anexo 1), destaca-se:
Apresentação e discussão de Relatórios das Comissões, tendo sido aprovados diversos documentos
(Anexo 2):
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“Apoiar uma perspetiva europeia para os Balcãs Ocidentais” (Doc. 15609). Foram adotadas a
Recomendação 2237 (2022) e a Resolução 2456 (2022), a 11 de outubro. A Deputada Catarina Rocha
Ferreira (PSD), estava inscrita no debate, mas devido ao elevado número de oradores inscritos não teve
oportunidade de apresentar a sua intervenção, que ficou registada na ata da Sessão:
Dear Mr President,
Dear Colleagues,
To start, I would like to remind this Assembly that there is an important friendship to be maintained
between the European Union and the Western Balkan countries.
As an example, the EU is the leading trade partner for all Western Balkans, with almost 70% of the region's
total trade.
Taking a close look at the years from 2011 to 2021 we verify that the EU trade with the Western Balkans
has grown by almost 130%. And in the same period, Western Balkans exports to the EU have increased by
So there is an important interconnection and the aim should be to create a better Europe for everyone.
In this regard both the Council of Europe and the European Union have a long tradition of co-operation
which draws on their shared values:
- human rights,
- democracy,
- and the rule of law.
I underline the capacity and the indispensible role of the Council of Europe building bridges and promoting
more cooperation and dialogue.
In fact, the EU integration of the Western Balkans is a shared strategic objective that unites the whole
region and the European Union.
So, if we want to focus on building a credible EU future for the Western Balkan countries, that also means
creating the right conditions in order to move forward with further European enlargement.
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Russia's illegal and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine has changed the international order and
made the European Union a geopolitical entity and, to that extent the possibility of creating new standards
for the enlargement of European Union. However, the keyword in this process is commitment.
Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.
But it must be a shared commitment also in implementing reforms and to transform the reforms into
And the necessary reforms include: - strengthening the rule of law,
- the fight against corruption, and
- the independence of justice and media freedom
Defending these reforms is paramount for protecting democracy. As the report states: a closer European
integration is important not only for the countries concerned but for the European continent and the
European citizens.
Thank you.
“Utilização indevida do Sistema de Informação Schengen pelos Estados-Membros do Conselho da
Europa para impor sanções por motivos políticos” (Doc. 15600). Foi adotada a a Resolução 2458 (2022),
a 11 de outubro. A Deputada Catarina Rocha Ferreira (PSD), participou no debate com a seguinte
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,
First of all, let me remind this Assembly that the free movement of
persons, established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992, is a cornerstone of the
European Union citizenship.
And to this regard, the conclusion of the two Schengen agreements represented a key milestone.
In addition, this is a domain in which the Council of Europe has been active since the early years of its
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And it is always important to recall, that this Parliamentary Assembly has approved previous work
regarding this issue, namely in its Resolution 1894 adopted in 2012 regarding “The inadmissibility of
restrictions on freedom of movement as punishment for political positions”.
In which it had been stressed out that:
“(...) freedom of movement should not be restricted as a sanction for the expression of peacefully held
political opinions”.
So, this Assembly has a clear position about this issue since 2012 and I trust that after 10 years the position
remains the same.
Besides this Resolution, it is never enough to mention that:
The States limited themselves in their own sovereignty to determine the conditions of entries into their
territory, in order to comply both with international treaties on human rights protection and the rule of
In fact, the obligation to protect requires specifically that the States protect individuals and groups against
human rights abuses.
So, the use of alerts in the Schengen Information System should not lead to any misuse of the system.
More important, the use of alerts should not infringe fundamental rights and freedoms.
In reality, before entering an alert in the Schengen Information System, an assessment of proportionality
must be made.
And there are 3 requirements to be fulfilled:
- the case must be adequate,
- relevant,
- and important enough to warrant entry of the alert in Schengen Information System.
Nevertheless, in case of misuse or violations identified, they should be immediately addressed.
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And Schengen member States are under a duty to genuinely provide for swift judicial review of any entry
into the database.
Human rights are a priority in the European integration process and must always be safeguarded.
Thank you.
“O cumprimento de obrigações e compromissos pela Turquia” (Doc. 15618). Foi adotada a a Resolução
2459 (2022), a 12 de outubro. O Deputado Pedro Cegonho (PS), participou no debate em representação
do Grupo Político SOC, com a seguinte intervenção:
Thank you very much, Mr. President
First of all, I would like to congratulate the two rapporteurs for the excelent
analisys and reflections written in this report, about “The honouring of
obligations and commitments by Türkiye”.
We believe that all moniture procedure was developed in a spirit of dialogue and co-operation with the
Turkish authorities.
On the other hand, we also would like to thank the work of the experts who cooperated in the preparation
of this report, in special to the Venice Commission.
After reading the draft resolution, your explanations and of your conclusions, we underline several issues:
The Turkish authorities need to ensure that all conditions will be met to guarantee free and fair elections,
including the ability of the opposition to operate, and journalists to work in an independent way. Freedom
of media has been a longstanding concern. During an electoral campaign, access to media and media
coverage is crucial to provide voters with pluralistic information.
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The presidential and parliamentary elections in 2023 should be observed by this Assembly. We underline
the fact of lowering of the electoral threshold from 10% to 7% was a long-lasting request from the
Parliamentary Assembly and is a welcome development.
Türkiye is an important member state of Council of Europe, and we believe that turkish institutions can be
in compliance with human rights, rule of law and democracy standards. This Assembly must remain at the
disposal of the Turkish authorities to pursue a constructive dialogue.
As the Assembly must require the need for reforms to restore the full independence of the judiciary and
effective checks and balances, on the positive side, we note the Turkish authorities and the Council of
Europe are implementing several co-operation programmes aimed at addressing relevant issues of
concern and improving the legal practice, which is key to enhancing the independence and impartiality of
the judiciary.
The Assembly must also welcomes the mediation efforts undertaken by Türkiye between Russia and
Ukraine to present a view to resolve the conflict.
This Assembly must remains vigilant about the safeguard of women’s rights and gender equality, and must
regrets the decision to withdraw from the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating
Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the “Istanbul Convention”) and sincerely hopes that
could be found a way to Türkiye reintegrate the Istanbul Convention.
We, in This Assembly, must therefore decisively support the work of our two rapporteurs and aprove the
draft resolution that was presented to us.
Thank you, Mr. Chairperson.
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Debate de urgência
No dia 13 de outubro, imediatamente a seguir à intervenção do Presidente da Ucrânia,
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, por videoconferência, teve lugar um debate de urgência sobre “Nova escalada na
agressão da Federação Russa contra a Ucrânia”(Doc. 15631). Foi adotada a a Resolução 2463 (2022), a
13 de outubro.
O Deputado Paulo Pisco (PS), participou no debate com a seguinte intervenção:
Thank you Mr. Chairman,
Dear colleagues, we should address directly from this assembly to Mr. Putin,
ask him to stop immediately the war in Ukraine and leave all the territories
illegally occupied, including Crimea. All the referendums done since 2014 are
an obscene violation of international law.
All along these height months of war Mr. Putin didn’t achieve any of its objectives and he will not achieve
any, unless he prefer the mutual destruction. But even thou, he will always be defeated.
Mr. Putin, you have been, since the beginning of the invasion, manipulating and lying to your people,
saying it was a special military operation. But today, according to some sources, you have in your hands
maybe close to hundred thousand deaths of your one people.
Your military capacities are now weakening faster and the moral of Russian troops are destroyed. They
don’t want to fight anymore to feed your imperialistic fantasy. And now you are calling to death hundreds
of thousands of reservists, while hundreds of thousand others are running away from your insane war,
even knowing the risks of their escape.
NATO, European Union, Council of Europe and other organizations are stronger and united than ever, while
your economy is in collapse and your people in suffering and despair. And because of this, you are forced
to use more and more repression to silent the voices protesting against your brutal dictatorship.
Mr. Putin, swallow your pride and recognise that your expansionist fantasy is destroying also your country.
You wanted to make Russia great again, but instead you are destroying all prospects of future of your
country and of your people, that in reality you despise. Your regime is falling apart and you are more
isolated than ever, internally and externally. Even China is stepping away from you.
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Stop the barbarism. Respect international law, human rights and sovereignty of nations. Don’t turn the
world into a jungle with no law nor moral.
Killing more and more people, ruining a country and blackmailing the world with food and energy will not
give you the victory. On the contrary, it will destroy you faster.
You have no way out. You will be judge for your war crimes and crimes against humanity for the inhuman
war you brought with no reason.
Justice must be done and the only place you will have in history will be in jail.
Thank you
A Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), na qualidade de Relatora da Comissão da Igualdade e da Não
Discriminação e de Co-Relatora da Comissão para o Respeito das Obrigações e Deveres dos Estados-
membros do Conselho da Europa (Suivi / Monitoring), apresentou dois Relatórios, no dia 13 de outubro.
No âmbito do Relatório sobre “A luta por uma igualdade de condições - acabar com a discriminação
contra as mulheres no mundo do desporto”, (Doc. 15611), Resolução 2465 (2022), a Deputada Edite
Estrela fez a seguinte intervenção:
Thank you, Mr President.
Dear colleagues,
The preparation of this report "Levelling the playing field - ending
discrimination against women in sport" has given me a better
understanding of the reality of the world of sport and of the many deep-seated inequalities that still often
go unnoticed. Inequalities in salary, treatment and status between women and men are still common in
the field of sport.
Women, in all their diversity, are poorly represented in decision-making bodies, national federations and
clubs. Sexist comments and stereotypical images of sportswomen, questioning their so-called femininity,
are regularly broadcast in the media and on social networks. In parallel, there is a hypersexualization of
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sportswomen reinforced by the media. All women are subjected to standards in the field of sports,
regarding their body, their behavior and their performance.
Serena Williams, after an extraordinary career in tennis, has announced that she is leaving the sport to
focus on her family. She said, "Believe me, I never wanted to have to choose between tennis and family.
It's not fair. If I were a man, I wouldn't be writing this, because I would be playing and making money,
while my wife would be doing the physical work of growing our family."
This statement says a lot about inequality in sport. If Serena were a man, it would be easier to balance
work and family. The reconciliation of family and professional life is particularly complicated for top
athletes. On the other hand, the world of sport is not immune to violence or discrimination and is known
to be a more male-friendly environment. Attributes recognized as masculine, such as physical strength,
are valued.
A "Me Too" movement has also emerged in this area. It is disturbing to note that the testimonies of the
victims implicate a large number of associations and sports federations, which would have failed to
prevent violence or to react quickly enough when facts were denounced. Sarah Abitbol, a former figure
skater, called on all survivors of gender-based violence to break the silence, as she has done.
LBTI women face invisible and multiple discrimination in sport. Their families may oppose or not support
their participation in sport. They may be rejected when they join a team. Their performance is constantly
questioned. The media portrays negative stereotypes about LBTI athletes, who may be the target of hate
speech, harassment and violence.
An Icelandic athlete told ILGA-Europe: "Being a woman in sport means being less than a man, having less
experienced coaches, less money, less respect and interest from clubs. Being a queer woman was
something that was not talked about." Anti-gender movements in Europe and the United States have
seized on the topic of sport, calling for the exclusion and non-recognition of LBTI athletes.
My report does not claim to be exhaustive. I have chosen to focus on the urgent need to prevent and
combat gender-based violence, discrimination against LBTI women, disparities in status and income, and
the still limited participation of women in decision-making bodies in sport.
I have tried to prepare relatively concrete recommendations with a call to action. The recommendations
include the fight against gender stereotypes through awareness-raising, violence prevention, training of
sports personnel and gender equality education in general. Sports federations and clubs can, for example,
develop codes of conduct and be vigilant with regard to equality issues. Making the adoption and
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implementation of strategies on gender equality, anti-violence and equal pay a condition of funding for
federations and clubs could also be an effective measure.
The resolution, approved unanimously by the commission, is a political recognition of discrimination
against women in sport. LBTI athletes, those with disabilities or of different religious backgrounds, are
often victims of multiple discrimination. The Olympic Committee has made the promotion of inclusion,
gender equality and diversity one of its priorities. This should be accompanied by strong actions, especially
in terms of accessibility and the fight against racism.
I am proud to announce that the Government of my country, Portugal, created a few months ago a working
group coordinated by a former Paralympic athlete, with the mission to present contributions and
recommendations for public policies on equality in sport. I hope that other countries will follow this
I take this opportunity to pay public tribute to the Portuguese women's soccer team, which is getting closer
and closer to winning the World Cup.
We can recognize that sport can have an emancipating power and that much progress has been made in
recent years. We have seen this with the audiences for the Women's Euro soccer tournament.
But we need to continue the efforts to ensure that these relative successes are extended to other sports
and that the place of women in sport is truly valued, both professionally and non professionally.
Thank you very much.
No final do debate e antecedendo as votações, a Deputada Edite
Estrela (PS), proferiu as seguintes palavras:
I would like to thank the colleagues who have spoken, both
women and men.
With regard to what Ms Margreet De Boer asked, "Where are the men?", I would like to emphasise that
discrimination against women is not a women´s problem: it is a societal problem.
I also want to thank the colleague who spoke first, who gave a testimony that touched me, because she
spoke about her own experience.
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I would also like to thank the colleague who reminded us that Iranian women are not allowed to play
sports. I want to take this opportunity to repudiate the violence against Iranian women and support their
Whether in sports, politics or society, women do not want privileges: they want rights and women's rights
are human rights.
I will end by saying that it is necessary to abandon the idea that women are used to working but do not
know how to make decisions. The road is long and full of pitfalls, but it must be travelled without wasting
No one voluntarily gives up power: women must be the ones to fight for the right to share equality with
men, both in the sports and public spheres and in the private sphere.
One thing is certain: one who has the privileges does not want to lose them and one who is well seated in
the chair of power will not get up if they do not have to. History shows that. In this respect, male courtesy
has not worked.
I would also like to thank the secretariat of the Commission on Equality, in particular Ms Elodie
Fischer, whose professionalism and dedication must be highlighted. She was tireless in preparing the
hearings and the many debates - and online hearings - that we held throughout the process.
Now, I hope that the resolution will be approved.
Thank you very much.
A Resolução adotada, sublinha que as desigualdades de remuneração, tratamento, acesso e estatuto
entre mulheres e homens são ainda comuns no desporto profissional e não profissional, e que as mulheres
estão pouco representadas nos órgãos de decisão.
Declara ainda que existe uma necessidade urgente de prevenir a violência baseada no género, no sexismo,
na discriminação e nos estereótipos de género no mundo do desporto, promover a igualdade de género,
investir no desporto para todos, e pôr fim à invisibilidade das mulheres e raparigas neste domínio.
Apelou aos Estados membros para que tomem medidas para prevenir a violência contra mulheres e
raparigas no desporto - incluindo nas escolas e nas organizações desportivas – que apoiem as vítimas e
processem os culpados. Condenou o discurso de ódio e sexismo dirigido a atletas do sexo feminino,
incluindo atletas LBTI, e apelou aos Estados para prevenir e combater o assédio a atletas LBTI e para abolir
as políticas discriminatórias.
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Refere ainda que os Estados deveriam assegurar o acesso pleno e igualitário à prática do desporto a todas
as mulheres, e permitir que atletas transexuais e intersexuais possam participar em competições
desportivas coerentes com a sua identidade de género.
Defende ainda o investimento no desenvolvimento do desporto para todos e considerá-lo como um meio
de integração e emancipação.
A Resolução apoia plenamente a continuação do projeto conjunto do Conselho da Europa e da União
Europeia "All in:Towards gender balance in sport".
A Resolução 2465 (2022) foi adotada com 44 votos a favor, 4 votos contra e 0 abstenções.
Relatório sobre “O cumprimento das obrigações de adesão ao Conselho da Europa pela Roménia” (Doc.
15617). Foi adotada a Resolução 2466 (2022).
A Resolução adotada, com base no Relatório da Deputada Edite
Estrela (Portugal, SOC) e da Deputada Krista Baumane (Letónia,
ALDE), sublinha uma série de preocupações, em parlicular no que
diz respeito à liberdade e pluralismo dos meios de comunicação
social, à inclusão de cidadãos romenos pertencentes à minoria
cigana, e ao facto da Roménia se encontrar entre os Estados com
o maior número de sentenças não executadas do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem.
No entanto, reconhece que a Roménia tem feito progressos significativos no sentido do cumprimento das
normas do Conselho da Europa desde a sua adesão, em áreas cruciais para o funcionamento das
instituições democráticas, incluindo o sistema judicial e a luta contra a corrupção.
Em particular, congratulou-se com as reformas estruturais em curso do sistema judicial - destinadas a
responder a uma série de preocupações formuladas pela Comissão de Veneza e pelo GRECO - a adopção
de uma Estratégia Anti-Corrupção para 2021-2025, e o seu compromisso de proteger os direitos das
pessoas pertencentes a minorias nacionais.
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A Assembleia Parlamentar também elogiou a Roménia pela sua rápida resposta às grandes vagas de
refugiados da Ucrânia e pela assistência que tem prestado a um grande número de pessoas que
necessitam de proteção internacional.
A Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), fez a apresentação do seu Relatório, com a seguinte intervenção:
Dear Colleagues,
Romania was one of the first three countries selected by the
Monitoring Committee according to the new procedure of
periodic reports. It has taken longer than initially expected to
prepare this report. Firstly, procedural questions had to be
clarified, then there was a pandemic, a political crisis and elections in Romania. Rapporteurs have also
been replaced several times due to their internal elections.
We have based our report on a variety of sources: findings of relevant Council of Europe monitoring
mechanisms; relevant work of the European Commission and its monitoring reports on the judiciary and
the fight against corruption; opinions of the Venice Commission and relevant judgements of the European
Court of Human Rights.
We then verified all this information in direct contact with the representatives of the civil society in
Romania, in a series of online meetings and during our visit in Bucharest on 4 and 5 July 2022.
We received exhaustive comments to our draft memorandum from the Romanian authorities and in
particular from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Superior Council for Magistracy.
First of all, I wish to stress that we have recognised the substantial progress accomplished by Romania
towards compliance with Council of Europe standards, in particular with regard to the judiciary and the
fight against corruption, and this is despite the backslide which occurred between 2017 and 2019.
In the area of the judiciary, the Government adopted the Strategy for the Development of the Judiciary for
2022-25, defining clear deadlines for the implementation of the reforms.
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The authorities followed the recommendations of the Venice Commission, the GRECO and the European
Commission to dismantle the controversial section for the investigation of criminal offences in the
On 11 March 2022, the law dismantling the section was adopted. The competence to investigate criminal
offences committed by magistrates has been transferred to designated prosecutors within the prosecutor's
offices attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Courts of Appeal. However, there are
some issues which should be followed.
The ongoing reform foresees the adoption of three justice laws which define the judicial system in
Romania. They include the Law on the Status of Magistrates, the Law on the Organisation of the Judiciary
and the Law on the Superior Council of Magistracy. They have already been submitted by the Government
to the Parliament, and they are undergoing the legislative procedure.
The Monitoring Committee has requested the Venice Commission's opinion on the drafts. It should be
adopted in December 2022. We hope that the authorities will take into account the Venice Commission's
Regarding the fight against corruption, it should be noted that the Government is implementing the Anti-
Corruption Strategy for 2021 to 2025, which has already given encouraging results in terms of increased
effectiveness of the investigation and sanctioning of medium and high level corruption.
We have also been informed that amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code
relating, inter alia, to corruption crimes and abuse of office are under preparation.
Among the outstanding concerns, the question of implementation of European Court's judgements
remains one of the most worrying. The situation of media raises another concern.
Concerning human rights, we are much more positive in our assessment. Romania is considered as an
example of good European practices in the field of rights of persons belonging to minorities by the
monitoring body of the Framework Convention on Minorities. Minority groups represent in Romania over
10% of total population. They are represented in the Government's consultative body which has
constitutionally guaranteed representation in Parliament.
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Romania should also be commended for the way it has handled the inflow of refugees from Ukraine
following the invasion of that country by the Russian Federation.
Last but not least, Romanian authorities should be commended for the recent amendment to Article 369
of the Penal Code which extends the application of the motion of “incitement to hatred or discrimination”
to a larger number of vulnerable groups.
Thank you very much for your attention.
No final do debate e antecedendo as votações, a Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), proferiu as seguintes
Thank you, Chair.
A few words to thank the colleagues who participated in this debate.
A word of thanks is due to the Romanian delegation for their collaboration and constructive attitude, and
also to the Romanian authorities who received us in Bucharest and answered our questions and doubts.
Many thanks to the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee, especially to Ms Agnieszka Nachilo, who
accompanied us at all times and was tireless to make sure everything went well.
We hope, Ms Krista Baumane and myself, that our work deserves your approval.
Thank you very much.
A Resolução 2466 (2022) foi adotada com 31 votos a favor, 3 votos contra e 3 abstenções.
Debate conjunto
O debate conjunto sobre Países terceiros seguros para os requerentes de asilo (Doc. 15592) e Pushbacks
em terra e no mar: medidas de gestão da migração ilegal (Doc. 15604), teve lugar a 12 de outubro.
Foram adotadas a Recomendação 2238 (2022) e as Resoluções 2461 (2022) e 2462 (2022).
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Na sequência da apresentação e debate de outros Relatóriosdas várias Comissões, foram ainda
adotados os seguintes documentos (Anexo 2):
Sensibilizar e combater a islamofobia, ou o racismo anti-muçulmano, na Europa (Doc. 15616). Foi
adotada a Resolução 2457 (2022), a 11 de outubro; O cumprimento das obrigações decorrentes da
adesão da Hungria ao Conselho da Europa (Doc. 15619). Foi adotada a Resolução 2460 (2022), a 12 de
outubro; As consequências de Brexit para os direitos humanos na ilha da Irlanda (Doc. 15615). Foi
adotadas a Resolução 2464 (2022), a 13 de outubro; O futuro do trabalho depende de uma revisão dos
direitos laborais (Doc. 15620). Foram adotadas a Recomendação 2239 (2022) e a Resolução 2467 (2022),
a 14 de outubro; Prevenir a discriminação vacinal (Doc. 15608 e 15625). Foram adotadas a
Recomendação 2240 (2022) e a Resolução 2468 (2022), a 14 de outubro.
De referir ainda:
Apresentação e discussão do Relatório de Atividades do Bureau e da Comissão Permanente, pela
Deputada Selin Sayek Böke (Turquia, SOC) - (Doc. 15626), a 10 e a 14 de outubro.
Entrevistas – Media Box
No dia 13 de outubro, a Deputada Edite Estrela concedeu duas entrevistas sobre o conteúdo dos
Relatórios apresentados:
Na entrevista sobre o Relatório sobre a discriminação contra as
mulheres no desporto, a Deputada Edite Estrela disse acreditar que o
campo se abriu gradualmente às mulheres, mas que é preciso fazer
mais para se conseguir uma verdadeira valorização do desporto
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Na entrevista conjunta com a Deputada Krista Baumane (Letónia, ALDE) no âmbito do Relatório conjunto
sobre o cumprimento das obrigações de adesão ao Conselho da
Europa pela Roménia, as Relatoras exprimiram as suas preocupações
sobre corrupção, independência judicial e liberdade dos meios de
comunicação social.
Prémio Václav Havel dos Direitos Humanos 2022
No dia 10 de outubro, teve lugar a Cerimónia de Entrega do Prémio Václav Havel de Direitos Humanos de
2022, que homenageia defensores dos direitos humanos. O Prémio deste ano foi atribuído ao líder da
oposição russo Vladimir Kara-Murza, que se encontra detido.
No dia 11 de outubro, a Comissão de
Igualdade e Não Discriminação, adotou
por unanimidade uma declaração na
qual condenou a repressão e a negação
dos direitos das mulheres e raparigas
iranianas, e apelou ao fim da resposta
violenta à revolta liderada pelo Estado,
expressando ao mesmo tempo
solidariedade para com os
manifestantes. Segundo a Comissão,
não se trata apenas de demonstrar
solidariedade, mas também de tomar medidas concretas, estabelecendo e reforçando o diálogo com as
mulheres oprimidas no Irão e prestando assistência específica.
Face aos desafios atuais e ao recuo observado em alguns países, a Comissão de Igualdade realizou
também uma audição para avaliar os progressos realizados na implementação da Convenção de Istambul,
com abertura pela Deputada Zita Gurmai (Hungria, SOC), Relatora Geral sobre violência contra as
mulheres, que está atualmente a preparar um Relatório sobre os progressos e desafios na matéria, com
base na experiência dos membros da Assembleia nos seus respetivos países e nos Relatórios de avaliação
do GREVIO, que contou ainda com a participação do Presidente da APCE, da Presidente do Grupo de
Peritos sobre o Combate à Violência contra as Mulheres e à Violência Doméstica (GREVIO), da Presidente
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do Comité das Partes para a Prevenção e Combate à Violência contra as Mulheres e à Violência Doméstica
(Convenção de Istambul), e do Representante Permanente da França no Conselho da Europa.
Comissões e Subcomissões
Os membros da Delegação participaram nas seguintes reuniões das respetivas Comissões e
Comissão de Assuntos Políticos e Democracia – Deputado Paulo Moniz (PSD), no dia 10 de
Comissão de Assuntos Jurídicos e Direitos Humanos – Deputadas Isabel Moreira (PS) e Catarina
Rocha Ferreira (PSD), nos dias 11 e 12 de outubro;
Comissão de Assuntos Sociais, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – Deputado Pedro
Cegonho (PS) e Deputada Catarina Rocha Ferreira (PSD), nos dias 10 e 13 de outubro;
Comissão de Migrações, Refugiados e Deslocados Internos e Subcomissão das Diásporas –
Deputado Paulo Pisco (PS), nos dias 10 e 13 de outubro;
Comissão de Cultura, Ciência, Educação e Media – Deputado Paulo Moniz (PSD), no dia 11 de
Comissão da Igualdade e da Não Discriminação – Deputadas Edite Estrela (PS) e Isabel Moreira
(PS), nos dias 10 e 13 de outubro;
Comissão para o Respeito das Obrigações e Deveres dos Estados-membros do Conselho da
Europa (Suivi / Monitoring) – Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), no dia 13 de outubro.
Grupos Políticos
Os vários membros da Delegação participaram nas reuniões dos diversos Grupos Políticos da Assembleia
Parlamentar, nos dias 10 e 12 de outubro.
Reunião de Secretários das Delegações Nacionais
A reunião com Secretária-Geral da APCE, Despina Chatzivassiliou-Tsovilis, que habitualmente antecede a
Sessão Plenária, teve lugar no dia 10 de outubro, destacando-se da Ordem de Trabalhos os seguintes
Apresentação do Projeto de Ordem de Trabalhos da 4ª Parte da Sessão Plenária de 2022
(procedimentos a adotar durante a Sessão Plenária: eleições, temas em debate, oradores, tempos
de intervenção, inscrições online, medidas sanitárias, etc.), Cerimónia de entrega do Prémio Václav
Havel e reunião do Comité Misto;
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Reunião da Comissão Permanente, Reiquiavique, Islândia, 24 e 25 de novembro;
Reunião de Secretários-Gerais de Parlamento, 20 de outubro de 2022;
Conferência Europeia de Presidentes de Parlamento, Dublin, Irlanda, 28 e 29 de setembro de 2023.
Organização dos trabalhos devida às obras de renovação do hemiciclo previstas entre abril de 2023
e janeiro de 2024.
Realça-se ainda o excelente apoio da Missão Permanente junto do Conselho da Europa, nomeadamente
do Representante Permanente, Embaixador Gilberto Jerónimo, e dos seus colaboradores.
Palácio de S. Bento, 15 de novembro de 2022.
A Assessora Parlamentar, Ana Maria Guapo.
Anexo 1 - Ordem de trabalhos da Sessão Plenária;
Anexo 2 - Documentos adotados durante a Sessão Plenária.
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Doc. 1560313 October 2022
Fourth part of the 2022 Ordinary Session (10-14 October 2022)
1. Adopted by the Assembly on 10 October 2022.
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AbbreviationsBur: Bureau of the AssemblyPer: Standing CommitteePol: Committee on Political Affairs and DemocracyJur: Committee on Legal Affairs and Human RightsSoc: Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable DevelopmentMig: Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced PersonsCult: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and MediaEga: Committee on Equality and Non-DiscriminationMon: Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee)Pro: Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional AffairsCdh: Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
SOC: Socialists, Democrats and Greens GroupEPP/CD: Group of the European People's PartyEC/DA: European Conservatives Group and Democratic AllianceALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EuropeUEL: Group of the Unified European LeftNR: Members not belonging to a political group
Symbols0 Presentation, statement¹ Deadline for tabling documents4 Lists (speakers, questions)% Votes
Meetings outside the Chamber
Joint CommitteeTuesday: 15:30-17:00
Bureau of the AssemblyMonday: 08:00-09:30Friday: 08:30-10:00
CommitteesMonday: 14:00-15:00Tuesday: 08:30-10:00Tuesday: 14:00-15:30Wednesday: 14:00-15:30Thursday: 08:30-10:00Thursday: 14:00-15:30
Political groupsMonday: 09:30-11:30Monday: 17:00-19:00Wednesday: 08:30-10:00
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Monday 10 October 2022
Sitting No. 26 (11:30-13:00)
1. Opening of the part-session1.1. Statement by the President
1.2. Examination of credentials0 List of delegations:
o (Doc. 15627)
1.3. Election of a Vice-President of the Assembly in respect of France (AS/Inf (2022) 02 rev2)
1.4. Changes in the membership of committees (Commissions (2022) 07 + Add.)
1.5. Requests for debate:1.5.1. Current affairs debate: "The military hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan"
1.5.2. Urgent procedure debate: "Recent outrageous and inhuman activities of the Russian Federation"
1.5.3. Current affairs debate: "Threatened bans of Pride events in Council of Europe member States"
1.5.4. Urgent procedure debate: "Political consequences of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine"
1.5.5. Current affairs debate: "Military hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including strikes against settlements and civilian infrastructures"
1.6. Adoption of the agenda
2. Debate2.1. Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
0 Presentation by:o Ms Selin SAYEK BÖKE (Türkiye, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Bur (Doc. 15626, Doc. 15626 Add. 1)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 10 October, 10:00)
3. Prize Award Ceremony (12:30-13:00)3.1. Václav Havel Human Rights Prize2
Sitting No. 27 (15:00-17:00)
4. Address (15:00-16:00)4.1. His Excellency Mr Ignazio CASSIS, Federal Councillor, President of the Swiss
Confederation4 Questions (deadline for registration: Monday 3 October, 15:00)
5. Current affairs debate5.1. Military hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including strikes against settlements
and civilian infrastructures4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 10 October, 13:30)
2. See separate programme, AS/Inf(2022)12.
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Tuesday 11 October 2022
Sitting No. 28 (10:00-13:00)
6. Debate6.1. Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
0 Presentation by:o Mr George PAPANDREOU (Greece, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Pol (Doc. 15609)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 10 October, 16:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 10 October, 16:00)% Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15609)
7. Address (12:00-13:00)7.1. His Excellency Mr Michael D. HIGGINS, President of Ireland4 Questions (deadline for registration: Tuesday 4 October, 12:00)
Sitting No. 29 (17:00-20:30)
8. Question time (17:00-17:30)8.1. Ms Marija PEJČINOVIĆ BURIĆ, Secretary General of the Council of Europe4 Questions (deadline for registration: Tuesday 11 October, 12:00)
9. Debate9.1. Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe
0 Presentation by:o Mr Momodou Malcolm JALLOW (Sweden, UEL), Rapporteur AS/Ega (Doc. 15616)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 11 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 10 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15616)
10. Debate10.1. Misuse of the Schengen Information system by Council of Europe member States as a
politically-motivated sanction0 Presentation by:
o Mr Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ (Türkiye, NR), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15600)4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 11 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 10 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15600)
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Wednesday 12 October 2022
Sitting No. 30 (10:00-13:00)
11. Address (10:00-11:00)11.1. Communication from the Committee of Ministers
0 Presentation by:o Mr Thomas BYRNE, Minister of State for European Affairs of Ireland, Irish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
4 Questions (deadline for registration: Tuesday 11 October, 19:30)
12. Debate12.1. The honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye
0 Presentation by:o Mr John HOWELL (United Kingdom, EC/DA), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15618, Doc. 15618 Add.)o Mr Boriss CILEVIČS (Latvia, SOC), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15618, Doc. 15618 Add.)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 11 October, 19:30)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 11 October, 10:30)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15618)
Sitting No. 31 (15:30-20:30)
13. Address (15:30-16:30)13.1. Mr Edi RAMA, Prime Minister of Albania4 Questions (deadline for registration: Wednesday 12 October, 12:00)
14. Debate14.1. The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Hungary
0 Presentation by:o Mr George PAPANDREOU (Greece, SOC), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15619)o Mr Eerik-Niiles KROSS (Estonia, ALDE), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15619)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 12 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 11 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15619)
15. Joint debate15.1. Safe third countries for asylum seekers
0 Presentation by:o Ms Stephanie KRISPER (Austria, ALDE), Rapporteur AS/Mig (Doc. 15592)
15.2. Pushbacks on land and sea: illegal measures of migration management0 Presentation by:
o Mr Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ (Switzerland, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Mig (Doc. 15604)4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 12 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 11 October, 16:00)% Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15592)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15604)
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Thursday 13 October 2022
Sitting No. 32 (10:00-13:00)
16. Address (10:00-11:00) (by videoconference)16.1. His Excellency Mr Volodymyr ZELENSKYY, President of Ukraine4 Questions (deadline for registration: Friday 7 October, 10:00)
17. Debate under urgent procedure17.1. Further escalation in the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine
0 Presentation by:o Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS (Lithuania, EPP/CD), Rapporteur AS/Pol (Doc. 15631)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 12 October, 19:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 12 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15631)
Sitting No. 33 (15:30-20:00)
18. Current affairs debate18.1. Threatened bans of Pride events in Council of Europe member States4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 12:00)
19. Debate19.1. The impact of Brexit on human rights on the island of Ireland
0 Presentation by:o Mr George KATROUGALOS (Greece, UEL), Rapporteur AS/Pol (Doc. 15615)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 12 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15615)
20. Debate20.1. The fight for a level playing field – ending discrimination against women in the world of
sport0 Presentation by:
o Ms Edite ESTRELA (Portugal, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Ega (Doc. 15611)4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 12 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15611)
21. Debate21.1. The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Romania
0 Presentation by:o Ms Edite ESTRELA (Portugal, SOC), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15617)o Ms Krista BAUMANE (Latvia, ALDE), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15617)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 12 October, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15617)
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Friday 14 October 2022
Sitting No. 34 (10:00-13:00)
22. Debate22.1. The future of work is here: revisiting labour rights
0 Presentation by:o Ms Selin SAYEK BÖKE (Türkiye, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Soc (Doc. 15620)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 19:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 13 October, 10:30)% Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15620)
23. Debate23.1. Preventing vaccine discrimination
0 Presentation by:o Ms Thórhildur Sunna ÆVARSDÓTTIR (Iceland, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15608)o Ms Carmen LEYTE (Spain, EPP/CD), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Soc (Doc. 15625)
4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 19:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 13 October, 10:30)% Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15608)
24. Free debate4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 13 October, 19:00)
25. Progress report (continued)25.1. Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee (continued)
0 Addendum:o (Doc. 15626 Add. 2), Doc. 15626 Add. 3)
26. Closure of the part-session
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F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex | Tel: + 33 3 88 41 2000 |
Fourth part
10-14 October 2022
Provisional versions
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Table of contents Recommendations
Recommendation 2237 (2022) Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans (Doc. 15609)
Recommendation 2238 (2022) Safe third countries for asylum seekers (Doc. 15592)
Recommendation 2239 (2022) The future of work is here: revisiting labourrights(Doc. 15620)
Recommendation 2240 (2022) Preventing vaccine discrimination(Doc. 15608)
Resolution 2456 (2022) Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans (Doc. 15609)
Resolution 2457 (2022) Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe (Doc. 15616)
Resolution 2458 (2022) Misuse of the Schengen Information system by Council of Europe member States as a politically-motivated sanction (Doc. 15600)
Resolution 2459 (2022) The honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye (Doc. 15618)
Resolution 2460 (2022) The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Hungary (Doc. 15619)
Resolution 2461 (2022) Safe third countries for asylum seekers (Doc. 15592)
Resolution 2462 (2022) Pushbacks on land and sea: illegal measures of migration management (Doc. 15604)
Resolution 2463 (2022) Further escalation in the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine (Doc. 15631)
Resolution 2464 (2022) The impact of Brexit on human rights on the island of Ireland (Doc. 15615)
Resolution 2465 (2022) The fight for a level playing field – ending discrimination against women in the world of sport (Doc. 15611)
Resolution 2466 (2022) The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Romania (Doc. 15617)
Resolution 2467 (2022) The future of work is here: revisiting labour rights (Doc. 15620)
Resolution 2468 (2022) Preventing vaccine discrimination (Doc. 15608)
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Por iniciativa da Representante Especial da APOSCE para questões de género, Hedy Fry
(Canadá), realizou-se no dia 27 de outubro, online, a reunião inaugural da Rede de
Mulheres da Assembleia Parlamentar da Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na
Europa (APOSCE), reunindo um grupo diversificado de parlamentares para a primeira de
uma série de discussões sobre igualdade de género e diversidade de género na região da
Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (OSCE).
A delegação portuguesa esteve representada nesta reunião pela Deputada Paula Cardoso
(PSD), Presidente da Delegação.
Na abertura da reunião, Hedy Fry destacou o papel e o propósito de estabelecer uma Rede
de Mulheres, observando: “Tornou-se evidente que há uma necessidade de melhorar a
interação e a partilha das melhores práticas entre as mulheres parlamentares na APOSCE.
Acho que fortalecerá o foco e os resultados das medidas de igualdade de género. Aguardo
com expectativa a contribuição que esta rede trará, ao aumentar e à conscientização de
género em toda a APOSCE e outros órgãos da OSCE.”
A Rede de Mulheres visa identificar áreas onde o progresso de género foi feito, juntamente
com os principais obstáculos que impedem a realização mais completa da igualdade de
género na região da OSCE, bem como dentro da APOSCE e outras estruturas da OSCE.
A Presidente da APOSCE, Margareta Cederfelt (Suécia), saudou a iniciativa e encorajou a
participação ativa de parlamentares tanto mulheres como homens na identificação de
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questões de género e no trabalho conjunto para promover a igualdade de género na região
da OSCE.
O Secretário-Geral da APOSCE, Roberto Montella, também falou na reunião online,
elogiando o trabalho do Representante Especial Hedy Fry relativamente à integração das
questões de género na OSCE e saudando a Rede de Mulheres como um passo importante
para alcançar maior igualdade de género não apenas na Assembleia, mas também na
região da OSCE como um todo.
Durante a discussão, os parlamentares tiveram discussões informais sobre questões atuais
relacionadas ao género nos seus países e na região da OSCE e trocaram ideias e melhores
práticas destinadas a melhorar a igualdade de género na região da OSCE.
Assembleia da República, 28 de outubro de 2022.
A Assessora Parlamentar, Ana Margarida Isidoro.
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