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Terça-feira, 26 de março de 2024 II Série-D — Número 1
Delegação da Assembleia da República:
— Relatório da participação da Assembleia da República na 8.ª Cimeira de Presidentes e na 17.ª Sessão Plenária da Assembleia Parlamentar da União para o Mediterrâneo, que se realizou em Rabat, Marrocos, nos dias 15 e 16 de fevereiro de 2024.
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A 17.ª Sessão Plenária da Assembleia Parlamentar da União para o Mediterrâneo (AP-UpM) teve lugar em
Rabat, na Câmara dos Representantes do Reino de Marrocos, nos dias 15 e 16 de fevereiro de 2024, sob o
tema «O papel da Assembleia Parlamentar da União para o Mediterrâneo na cooperação Euro-Mediterrânica no
Século XXI».
A delegação portuguesa foi liderada pelo Presidente da Assembleia da República, Prof. Dr. Augusto Santos
Silva, e integrou ainda os Deputados Bruno Coimbra (PSD), Presidente da Delegação da AR à AP-UpM e
Presidente da Comissão da Energia, do Ambiente e da Água, Jorge Botelho (PS), Vice-Presidente da Delegação
da AR à AP-UpM e Vice-Presidente da Comissão dos Assuntos Políticos, da Segurança e do Direitos Humanos,
e Lúcia Araújo Silva (PS), membro da Delegação da AR à AP-UpM.
15 de fevereiro
09h00 – Comissões
A Comissão da Energia, do Ambiente e da
Água, presidida pelo Deputado Bruno Coimbra,
realizou a quinta reunião para discutir e aprovar o
projeto de recomendação. Tendo sido
apresentados seis conjuntos de propostas de
alteração ao projeto de recomendação, no total de
28 alterações, cinco foram retiradas, uma foi
rejeitada e 22 foram aprovadas. Assim, a
recomendação foi aprovada com uma larga
maioria, com dez votos a favor e apenas duas
Em paralelo, para discutir e aprovar os
respetivos projetos de recomendação, reuniu a Comissão Política, de Segurança e dos Direitos Humanos,
Presidida pela Deputada Margarida Marques (PE), na qual participou o Vice-Presidente da Comissão, Deputado
Jorge Botelho, e a Comissão dos Direitos das Mulheres nos países Euro-Mediterrânicos, presidida pela
Deputada Simona Petrucci (Itália), na qual participou a Deputada Lúcia Araújo Silva.
15h00 – 8.ª Cimeira de Presidentes
No dia 15 de fevereiro reuniu a 8.ª Cimeira de Presidentes da AP-UpM, na qual a Assembleia da República
se fez representar por S. Ex.ª o Presidente da Assembleia da República, Prof. Dr. Augusto Santos Silva.
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A Cimeira foi aberta por Rachid Talbi el Alami, Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Reino de
Marrocos e Presidente da AP-UpM, e subordinou-se ao tema «O papel da Assembleia Parlamentar da União
para o Mediterrâneo na cooperação Euro-Mediterrânica no século XXI», tendo em conclusão, sido adotada uma
declaração conjunta.
15h00 – Grupo de Trabalho sobre o Financiamento e a Revisão das Regras de Procedimento
No mesmo dia reuniu o Grupo de Trabalho sobre o Financiamento e a Revisão das Regras de Procedimento,
presidido pela Deputada Margarida Marques (PE), com a presença dos Deputados Bruno Coimbra e Jorge
Da agenda da reunião constava uma primeira troca
de pontos de vista sobre o relançamento do
estabelecimento do secretariado permanente em
Após a intervenção do Deputado Bruno Coimbra,
que sublinhou a necessidade de criar uma estrutura
estável de forma ao secretariado ser um promotor da
AP-UpM, foi dada a palavra à secretária-geral interina
da AP-UpM, Fabrizia Bientinesi (Itália).
Em jeito de conclusão, foi sublinhada a necessidade
de obter um mandato por parte do Bureau para que,
durante a presidência espanhola da AP-UpM, se faça o debate e se aprove um novo regulamento para o
19h30 – Bureau e Bureau Alargado
No dia 15 de fevereiro reuniu ainda o Bureau e, de seguida, o Bureau Alargado da AP-UpM.
O Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Reino de Marrocos e Presidente da AP-UpM, Rachid Talbi
el Alami, dirigiu estes encontros.
Estas reuniões contaram com a participação de Francina Armengol, Presidente do Congresso dos Deputados
do Reino de Espanha, Margarida Marques (PE), em representação do Parlamento Europeu, e Mohamed Abou
El Enein, Vice-Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Parlamento egípcio.
O Presidente da Comissão de Energia, do Ambiente e da Água, Deputado Bruno Coimbra, assistiu à reunião
do Bureau e participou na reunião do Bureau Alargado aos Presidentes das Comissões e do Grupo de Trabalho
para as Regras e Procedimentos.
Na reunião do Bureau, o Presidente Rachid Talbi el Alami informou da decisão de admitir a Câmara dos
Representantes do Egito como quarto membro do Bureau da AP-UpM, representando, juntamente com a
Câmara dos Representantes do Reino de Marrocos, os países do Sul do Mediterrâneo.
No que se refere ao secretariado, referiu a necessidade de melhorar o salário e a duração do mandato de
forma a tornar o cargo mais
atrativo e a incentivar novas
candidaturas. Foi decidido que
a próxima presidência mandate
o Grupo de Trabalho nesse
Na reunião do Bureau
Alargado o Presidente Rachid
Talbi el Alami deu a palavra aos
presidentes das comissões
para apresentarem as suas
propostas de recomendações,
bem como descreverem as atividades.
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Assim, foi dada a palavra à Deputada Margarida Marques (PE), em representação do Presidente da
Comissão dos Assuntos Políticos, da Segurança e dos Direitos Humanos, à Deputada Simona Petrucci (Itália),
Presidente da Comissão dos Direitos da Mulher nos países Euro-Mediterrânicos, ao Deputado Mohamed Zidouh
(Marrocos), Presidente da Comissão para a Promoção da Qualidade de Vida, dos Intercâmbios entre as
Sociedades Civis e da Cultura, ao Deputado Bruno Coimbra (Portugal), Presidente da Comissão da Energia, do
Ambiente e da Água, e ao Deputado Samil Ayrim (Turquia), Presidente da Comissão dos Assuntos Económicos
e Financeiros, dos Assuntos Sociais e da Educação.
16 de fevereiro
09h00 – 17.ª Sessão Plenária
No dia 16 de fevereiro realizou-se a 17.ª Sessão Plenária da AP-UpM, na qual a Assembleia da República
se fez representar por toda a delegação.
Esta sessão foi aberta pelo Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Reino de Marrocos e Presidente
da AP-UpM, Rachid Talbi el Alami, e subordinou-se ao tema: «O papel da Assembleia Parlamentar da União
para o Mediterrâneo na cooperação Euro-Mediterrânica no Século XXI».
A reunião iniciou-se com uma intervenção do Presidente Rachid Talbi El Alami. De seguida, foi dada a palavra
a Francina Armengol, Presidente do Congresso dos Deputados do Reino de Espanha e Vice-Presidente da AP-
UpM, a Marc Angel, Vice-Presidente do Parlamento Europeu PE e Vice-Presidente da AP-UpM, e a Mohamed
Abou El Enein, Vice-Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Egito e Vice-Presidente da AP-UpM. A
sessão de abertura contou ainda com a intervenção de Kamal El Mahadaoui, Conselheiro Político Principal do
Gabinete do Secretário-Geral da UpM, e Moustapha Bousmina, Presidente da Universidade Euromed de Fez.
Seguiu-se a apresentação pelos
presidentes de comissão e a aprovação, pelo
Plenário, das recomendações preparadas
pelas cinco Comissões Permanentes da AP-
Da intervenção do Presidente da Comissão
da Energia, do Ambiente e da Água, Deputado
Bruno Coimbra, destacam-se os seguintes
A informação de que foram realizadas duas
reuniões da Comissão, uma em janeiro na
Assembleia da República, onde foi
apresentado e discutido o projeto de recomendação, e a outra, uma reunião temática, em março na Universidade
de Aveiro, que contou com a participação de académicos de diferentes países, subordinada ao tema «Enfrentar
as alterações climáticas na região mediterrânica».
A interação da Comissão com várias organizações, como a UpM, a ONU ou a UIP, e a cooperação com
agentes regionais relevantes para o conhecimento e estudo, como o Gabinete de Informação para o
Mediterrâneo (MIO-ECSDE).
A aprovação da recomendação da Comissão por uma larga maioria, com 10 votos a favor e apenas duas
O facto de a recomendação aprovada abranger diversos domínios, como as alterações climáticas e a perda
de biodiversidade; a economia circular, a utilização eficiente dos recursos e a necessidade de dissociar o
crescimento económico da utilização dos recursos, bem como a gestão e distribuição da água e o problema
crítico das perdas de água; a segurança alimentar, a transformação urgente e significativa de que os sistemas
alimentares necessitam para se tornarem sustentáveis e a paz como condição essencial para que haja
segurança alimentar para todos; a aceleração da transição energética e a eficiência energética, a capacidade
energética renovável e com baixas emissões de carbono e a luta contra a pobreza energética; a importância do
investimento em investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação no domínio das tecnologias limpas, na partilha das
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melhores práticas, conhecimentos e instrumentos; e a Convenção de Aarhus no que se refere às práticas de
transparência, à participação do público e ao envolvimento com a sociedade civil.
Por último, procedeu-se à transferência rotativa da Presidência da AP-UpM da Câmara dos Representantes
do Reino de Marrocos para o Congresso de Deputados do Reino de Espanha, tendo feito uma breve intervenção
a Presidente Francina Armengol.
Palácio de São Bento, 21 de março de 2024.
A Assessora Parlamentar, Maria do Rosário Tavares.
Em anexo:
• Programa
• Agenda da Comissão da Energia
• Recomendações da Comissão da Energia
• Agenda da Comissão Política
• Agenda da Comissão das Mulheres
• Agenda da 8.ª Cimeira de Presidentes
• Declaração da 8.ª Cimeira de Presidentes
• Agenda do Grupo de Trabalho
• Agenda da 17.ª Sessão Plenária
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Ref: B/DA-PAUFM-NS 3-2024
PAUFM 17th PLENARY SESSIONI 5-I 6 February, 2024
House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco- Rabat, Morocco
Morning of Thursday Febru.ary 15, 202408:30 Arrival of delegations Inscriotion 9:00 am - 11 :30 am Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human
Rights lvieeting Room: Room 11 New Building
10:00 am - 1 O: 15 am Coffee break
9:00 am - 11 :30 am Committee for the Promotion of the Quality of Life, Exchanges between Civil Societies and Culture Meeting Room: lvioroccan Salon
10:00 am - 10:15am Coffee break
9:00 am - 11:30 am Committee on Women's Rights in Euro-Mediterranean Countries J\1eeting Room: Room 5 New Building
10:00 am - 10:15am Coffee break
9:00 am - 11:30 am Committee on Energy, Environment and Water J\1eeting Room: Roorn 8 New Building
10:00 am - 1 O: 15 am Coffee break
\ I3h00- I 5h00 1 break
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Afternoon of Thursday February 15, 2024
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m 8th Summit of Presidents Meeting Room: Moroccan room
4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m Coffee break 6:00 p.m Family photo (P.-esidents and heads of dclcgations)
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Committee on Economic, Financial, Social Affairs and Education 1'v1eeting Room: Room l l New Building
4:00 p.m. - 4: 15 p.m Coffee break
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Working Group on the Financing of the Assembly and on the Revision of the Rules of Procedure 1'v1eeti11g Room: Room 8 New Building
4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m Coffee break 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m Bureau meeting
J\1eeting Roorn: Moroccan room
7: 15 p.m. - 8: 15 p.m Meeting of the Enlarged Bureau Meeting Room: Moroccan room
8:20 p.m Photo of Family (members of the8ureau and Enlarged JJureau).
18:30 p.m I Diner for all participants
Morning of Friday February 16th 2024 �nscription
9:00 am - 13:00 pm 171h Plenary Se.ssion of the PAUfM
Plenary Room
Family photo (ali participants)
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الجمعية البرلمانية لالتحاد من اجل المتوسط
Committee on Energy, Environment and Water
Thursday, 15 February 2024, 09.00-11.30
Rabat, Morocco
Room 5 New Building
1. Adoption of draft agenda;
2. Adoption of minutes of the previous meeting (6 March 2023);
3. Chair 's announcements, Mr. Bruno COIMBRA;
4. Discussion of the amendments and adoption of the draft Recommendation;
5. Any other business;
6. Date and place of next meeting.
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The Committee on Energy, Environment and Water of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Union for the Mediterranean:
1. Recognises the citizens’ call to protect conserve and restore biodiversity, the landscape and
oceans, eliminate pollution, and to foster knowledge, awareness, education, and dialogues on
environment, climate change, resource and energy use and efficiency, and sustainability1
within planetary boundaries.
2. Encourages coordinated action on the Committee’s matters by all states by building
partnerships and alliances with states, institutions, research institutes and economic actors in
the Mediterranean region as a way to improve knowledge, fair trade and quality of life.
3. Underlines that the global community must endeavour to continuously increase mitigation
efforts, to stay in line with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degree target, as duly emphasised by the
United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently at the UN
27th Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh and in the UN Biodiversity
Conference (COP15) Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and recognises the
severe impact that climate change is having on the Mediterranean area. Calls on the region’s
parliaments and countries to continue to cooperate, implement ambitious climate policies and
keep up the efforts to raise awareness so that the world’s biggest polluters also take on more
ambitious targets and responsibilities regarding emissions reduction.
4. Recognises the serious challenges regarding water management, particularly in the
Mediterranean area, which is highly affected by desertification, and highlights that desalination
1 Conference on the Future of Europe – Report on the Final Outcome, May 2022, Proposal 2 (1, 4, 5) p. 44,
Proposal 6 (6) p. 48.
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projects should be seen as an important solution, complementary to other existing water
management solutions, that can be used to help tackle desertification and climate change
5. Highlights the importance of access to drinking water for the well-being of populations and
the risks associated with climate change concerning water quality and availability. Notes the
importance of improving the water management and distribution infrastructure, as drinking
water losses remain a critical problem throughout the region, and invites parliaments and
member states to revisit this issue with the utmost urgency.
6. Highlights the importance of afforestation, reforestation and ecosystem restoration as part of
the solution to combat climate change and biodiversity loss, as a nature-based solution to
capture and store carbon, prevent heat islands and prevent atypical expansions of desert
ecosystems. Stresses the particular importance of these actions within the Mediterranean
context, as planting trees and deploying green infrastructure help to cool urban areas and
mitigate the impact of natural disasters.
7. Stresses the importance of promoting nature-based solutions and recognises that cost-
effective adaptation to climate change, above all, can especially solely be achieved by
protecting and restoring ecosystems. Notes that having a greater number of biodiverse
ecosystems leads to higher resilience to climate change and provides more effective forms of
disaster reduction and prevention.
8. Highlights the trend of more people living in cities, as recognised by the United Nations, and
the important effects of climate change on urban areas. Stresses the role of parliaments and
local authorities in designing and implementing climate mitigation and adaptation policies for
urban areas. Stresses, in this context, the importance of greening cities to reduce the rise in
temperature, and the adverse effects of its increase on urban life.
9. Underlines the importance of furthering the current investment in research, development and
innovation in clean technologies to better address mitigation and adaptation problems. Calls on
member states to invest, while maintaining ecosystem services in good condition, in the
technologies needed to achieve climate neutrality, achieve energy security and modernise
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industry, such as renewable energy, alternative fuels and sustainable and energy-efficient
building materials. Stresses the importance of using data to develop digital tools to prevent and
respond to extreme climate events.
10. Recalls that, worldwide and in the Mediterranean region, food systems need urgent and
significant transformation to become sustainable, to follow a regenerative agriculture path, and
that they are responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion and biodiversity
loss. Therefore, asks decision-makers and stakeholders to redesign agricultural practices in
order to reduce the large amounts of natural resources consumed. Adds that current practices
result in biodiversity loss and negative health impacts (due to both undernutrition and
overnutrition) and stresses the need to allow fair economic returns and livelihoods for all actors,
particularly primary producers. Recognises that the current use of pesticides is unsustainable
with proven negative impacts on human health and biodiversity.
11. Underlines the importance of, on the one hand, working towards food security for all,
particularly bearing in mind the current geopolitical tensions and conflicts, primarily Russia’s
war against Ukraine, while improving sustainability standards on the other hand. The transition
of the food system towards sustainability is a societal task, and its success will depend on
systemic behavioural changes and the responsibilities of all actors in the food system.
Therefore, invites member states and parliaments to present and implement strategies aimed at
guaranteeing that food production chains comply with current environmental standards,
promoting land conservation and supporting farmers in implementing farming practices that
make efficient use of water resources and preserve land.
12. Emphasises the importance of accelerating energy transition by improving energy
efficiency and existing renewable and low-carbon energy capacity, as well as by facilitating
energy interconnections between Mediterranean countries and the current renewable capacity,
especially in solar energy, promoting a fair and environmentally friendly transition in order to
support states, economies and populations that are nowadays more dependent on fossil fuels.
13. Condemns the ongoing unjustifiable and unprovoked war of aggression of the Russian
Federation against Ukraine. Recognises the problems concerning high energy prices that stem
from the war in Ukraine and their contribution to the inflation experienced worldwide, which
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must drive decision-makers to invest in renewable energy, shifting away from fossil fuels and
improving their strategic energy autonomy. Calls once again on member states to cooperate in
order to strengthen energy connections, promoting environmentally friendly renewable energy
and highlighting the Mediterranean region’s potential in renewable energy, particularly
regarding hydrogen and solar energy, for a swift energy transition.
14. Highlights that the energy poverty faced by a large portion of the population in the
Mediterranean area can have severe implications on health, well-being, social inclusion and
quality of life. Member states should cooperate to address this issue, not only to improve the
population’s quality of life and help provide better access to energy but also to be more energy
efficient and, hence, have significant energy savings and protect the climate and biodiversity.
15. Underlines the importance of member states accelerating the transition towards
regenerative economic models that allow decoupling economic growth from resource use.
Considers this transition an essential stepping stone towards keeping resource consumption
within planetary boundaries and, therefore, striving to reduce the consumption footprint and
significantly boost the circular material use rate in the coming decade.
16. Stresses the importance of urban and regional planning cooperation to improve the circular
economy and the relevance of involving all stakeholders to successfully implement waste
management models that allow circular industrial processes, promote individual responsibility,
broadly reduce the environmental footprint and promote a circular economy as the norm.
16. a. Reminds that by 2050 our consumption needs to be fully within planetary boundaries;
stresses that this would only be achieved if the European Union together with the
overconsuming nations multiply their efforts in actions in favour of the environment, such as
climate and biodiversity, and energy efficiency and transition, increase the resource efficiency
by tenfold while respecting the non-toxicity and “do no significant harm” principle.
17. Recognises that biodiversity loss and climate change pose a significant risk to public health
and well-being, and priority should be given to protecting the oceans and biodiversity. Calls
on member states to show ambition to reverse biodiversity loss. Welcomes the historic
adoption, at the COP15 on biodiversity, of the Kunming-Montreal agreement which aims to
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protect 30% of land and oceans by 2030, to restore 30% of ecosystems by 2030, and cut the
risks associated with the use of pesticides by half. Calls on the Member States to do everything
to rapidly achieve these objectives.
18. Notes that biodiversity is suffering with human economic activity due to the release of
nutrients, chemical pesticides, pharmaceuticals, hazardous chemicals, and urban and industrial
wastewater, and member states must update and enforce their current legislation to protect
biodiversity in the most appropriate way. Underlines the importance of capacity-building and
invites member states to share best practices, knowledge and tools for biodiversity
preservation. Welcomes the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at the
UN Biodiversity Conference (GBF COP15).
19. Calls on parliaments and member states to be ambitious regarding environmental and
climate legislation and policies, improving transparency practices and engaging with civil
society, allowing participation in decision-making processes regarding projects, plans and
programmes affecting and related to the environment. Calls on all countries of the
Mediterranean region to ratify the Aarhus Convention.
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Thursday, 15 February 2024, 9.00-11.30
Rabat, Morocco
Room 5 New Building
1. Adoption of draft agenda;
2. Adoption of minutes of the previous meeting (13 July 2022);
3. Communications by the Chair, Ms Simona PETRUCCI;
4. Exchange of views on: "Women's access to STEM education as an agent of change";
5. Contribution of Representatives of the UfM Division on Higher Education andResearch;
6. Any other business;
7. Date and place of next meeting.
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�,Bã AP-UpM
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8th Presidents' Summit
Royaume du Maroc Parlement
Chambre des Représentants
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
February 15th, 2024
2:45 p.m. Registration of Presidents and Heads of Delegations
3:00p.m -3:15 p.m. Opening Ceremony of the Session
• Welcome Remarks and Presentation of the Debate Topic"Role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the
Mediterranean in Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in the
21st century" by H.E Mr. Rachid Talbi EI Alami Speaker of the
House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco and
President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the
3:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. • lntervention by H.E. Ms. Francina Armengol Speaker of theCongress of Deputies of the Kingdom of Spain and Vice-
President of the PA-UfM• lntervention by H.E. Mr. Naam Miyara President of the House
of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco.• lntervention by H.E. Mr. Marc ANGEL Vice-President of the
European Parliament and Vice-President of the PA-UfM• lntervention by H.E. Mr. Mohamed Abou EI Enein Vice-
President of the House of Representatives of Egypt and Vice-
President of the PA-UfM
3:45 p.m.-4 p.m. Coffee break
4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. lntervention by Presidents and Heads of Delegations
5:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Opening of the debate
5:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Discussion and adoption of the Presidents' Summit Statement
6:00p.m. Family Photo of PAUFM Presidents and Heads of Delegations.
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Declaration of thc thc 17'11c scssion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for Mediterranean
The Rabat Spirit February 16th, 2024
1- Under the presidency of J'vfr. Rachid Talbi El Alam.i, Speaker of theHouse of Representarives of thc K.ingdo111 of J'vlorocco and Presidentof the Parlia1nentary Assembly of the Union for the J'vfediterranean,and at h.is invitarion;
2- Deeply attached to thc principies of peaceful coexiscence andtolerance, and eager to preserve the cohcsion and spirit of compro1nisethat unite the Euro-Medicerrancan pcoplcs and n1otivate their jointparliamentary acr.ion ;
3. Drivcn by thc need to pursue dialogue and consultation amongparliaincnts and to screngthen the efforts already undertaken, with theaim of making thc J'vlcditerranean a prosperous space where pcacc,dcmocracy, and co-dcvelopment prevaiJ;
4- Recalling, the com1nitment cxprcssed by J'vle s- The presidents of the PA-UfM members cmphasizc thc need to jointheir efforcs to face co1runon challcngcs and agree on the .relevance ofa strong Un.ion for the Mediterranean that focnses on a rcnewcdneighborhood policy with chc Europcan Union. This policy shouldconsider the tre111cndous dcvelop1nents occurring in the Ellro.Niediterranean region and chc unprecedcnted challenges it mustconfront; 6- They are closely following che reform process of tl1e Union for tl1cMeditcrranean, launched i.n November 2022, aiming to preserve itsstrategic and political rdcvance, develop its achievements, andstrengthcn its i.nstrun1cnts to be in linc with the multifaceted challengesof the present and futurc at both regional and global leveis. II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16
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7- They welcome the EU-Jordan Co-Presidency initiated by the Unionfor the Medicerranean and applaud chc candidacy of the I s- They recall cheir ducy to consider the expectations and peoplc'sconcerns in cenns of cllinate change, health secLLrity, 1nigration issues,human trafficking, organized crÍ1ne, terrorism, separatism, and alisecurity challenges that requite a. common Euro-:NJediterranean action. 9- Thcy e111phasize the threat posed by terrorisc groups taking advancageof Í11stability and confüct to proliferate and dcstabilize the:Niediterranerm region ; 10- They rcgrected che persistence of severa! polir.ical and ccono1nicbarricrs chac prevcnc Mediterranean cooperation fro1n producingconcrete content that n1ccts thc aspirations of Mediterranean citi:tens,parcicularly youth. and that is conducive to the development of allcountries in the region; 11- Thcy call for the econonúc dimension to be given top priori!:)' "vithinthe Uf.LV1 through encouragu1g free trade and the development ofinvcstmcnt projects in the region, particularly in key seccors forregional .iJ1tcgration such as cransport and energy connectivity; 12- - 'l'hey recalled the 1nain pillars of J\1Icclitcrranean parliatnentary cooperation, namely political dialogue, econonuc and cultural coopcration, and hwnan, social and cultural dialogue, and stressed the Í1nportance of repositioning cooperntion and partnership through structuring anel innovative projects in areas of comn1O11 intcrcst; 13- They callecl for greacer commitmenc from the 1ncmbers of thePA-UflvI anel bcttcr coordination co preserve the Euro-N!editerraneanparliatnentiu-y achieve1nents, through greacer mobili:tar.ion of betccrtargeted and efficient means to revitali7.e their joint action; 14- The Presidents condemnecl thc resurgence of violence in the Ga7.aStrip and the \,'(/cst Bank, anel thc hun1an cost it is Í11flict.iJ1g, .insistingon the neeel for an immediate anel permanent ccascfire, in fullcompliance ,vith internacional humanitarian law, and thc liberation ofinnocent civilians, while denouncing ccrrorist actions and calling forthe resumption of efforts aimed at achievÍ11g the two Staces politicalsolution ; 26 DE MARÇO DE 2024_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17
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1s-They expressed, in this connection, their rejcction of forciblc displacement of Palestinians, calling for an adcquatc, safe and unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid destined to rJ1e civilian population in the Gaza Strip;
16- Thcy rcitcratcd thc urgcnt nccd to reaccivate the Israeli-Palesúnianpeace process to pro1note the search for a comprehensive solution tothe Middle East question, one that is just and lasting, and which cancrcatc a political horizon conducivc to chc cstablisluncnt of C\vo Statcsliving sidc by sidc in pcacc and harmony;
11- The Presidents expressed their support for the efforts made bycountries .in the reg.ion to consolida te democracy and the rule of law;
is- Thcy cxprcsscd thcir suppott for thc cfforts n1adc by ilic councries ofthe region to consolidatc dcmocracy and the rule of law;
19- The Summít commended the Moroccan Presidency for its activecontribut.ion to che PA-Ufütf bodies and the efforts it has made duringits term of office, praising the Kingdon1 of 1-Iorocco's significantparliamentary contribution, as a founding member, to the successfulorganization of the Bureau and Enlarged Bureau meetings, as well asthe hosting of the PA-Uf.l\1's 17th plenary session and ilie preparationof.its work;
20- Thc Summit praiscd thc commitment of the Spanish Prcsidcncy,which is caking ovcr frotn Morocco, co breathing new lifc into EuroMcditerranean parliamentary action.
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OJ\1295741EN.docx AP103.185v01-00
Thursday, 15 February 2024, 15.00-17.30
House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco
Room 8 - New Building
1. Adoption of the draft agenda (PA103.185v01-00)
2. Adoption of the minutes of 3 December 2021 (PA103.186 v01-00)
3. Chair’s announcements
4. First exchange of views on the relaunching of the establishment of the permanent
secretariat in Rome
5. Any other business
6. Date and place of next meeting
26 DE MARÇO DE 2024_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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PA-Ufl\1 ·\�/"}
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17th Plenary Session
Royaume du Maroc Parlement
Chambre des Représentants
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
February 16th, 2024
Delegatl! registratian
Opening ceremony:
• Speech by H.E Mr. Rachid Talbi EI Alami Speaker of the House of Representatives of theKingdom of Morocco and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for theMediterranean.
• Speech by H.E Ms. Francina Armengol Speaker of the Congress of Deputies of the Kingdom
of Spain and Vice-President of the PA-UfM
• Speech by H.E.M Marc ANGEL Vice-President of the European Parliament and VicePresident of the PA-UfM
• Speech by H.E.M Mohamed Abou EI Enein Vice-President of the House of Representa tives of Egypt and Vice-President of the PA-UfM
• lntervention by Mr. Kamal EI Mahdaoui, Political Director of the UFM General Secretarial
• lntervention by Pr. Moustapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez.
l0hlS-10.30 Coffee break
10h30 - 12h30 Presentation and adoption of recommendations and proposals from the
Committees and the Working Group on assembly procedures and finances.
1. Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights: European Parliament
2. Committee for the Promotion of the Quality of Life, exchanges between civilsocieties and culture: Morocco
3. Committee on Economic, Financial, Social Affairs and Education: Turkey-
4. Committee on Energy Environment and water: Portugal
5. Committee on Women's Rights in Euro-Mediterranean Countries: ltaly
6. Working group on the Financing of the Assembly and Revision of the Rules of
Procedure: European Parliament
7. Call for the Future by students of Euromed University of Fez.
8. Adoption of Committee's Reports and Recommendations.
12h30-13h00 • Transfer of the Presidency ofthe PA-UfM • Speech by the new President of the PA-UfM
• Closing of work
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