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Nos termos da alínea d) do n." 1 do artigo 200." da Constituição, o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República a seguinte proposta de resolução:

1 — É aprovado, para adesão, o Convénio Constitutivo da Associação Intentacional de Desenvolvimento, cujo texto em língua inglesa e portuguesa se publica em anexo.

2 — Fica o Governo autorizado, através do Ministro das Finanças, com possibilidade de delegar, a praticar lodos os actos necessários à adesão de Portugal ao Convénio Constitutivo da Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento.

Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 24 de Setembro de 1992. — O Primeiro-Ministro, Aníbal António Cavaco Silva. — O Ministro das Finanças, Jorge Braga de Macedo. — O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Joilo de Deus Rogado Salvador Pinheiro. — O Ministro Adjunto, Luís Manuel Gonçalves Marques Mendes.


The Governments on whose behalf üiis Agreement is signed, considering:

That mutual cooperation for constructive economic purposes, healthy development of die world economy and balanced growdi of international trade foster international relationships conducive to the maintenance of peace mid world prosperity;

That an acceleration of economic development which will promote higher standards of living and economic and social progress in the less-developed countries is desirable not only in the interests of those countries but also in the interests of the international community as a whole;

That achievement of these objectives would be facili-taded by an increase in the international How capital, public and private, to assist in the development of the resources of the less-deveioped countries;

do hereby agree as follows:


The International Development Association (hereinafter called «the Association*) is established and shall operate in accordance widi the following provisions.

ARTICLE I Purposes

The purposes of the Association are to promote economic development increase productivity and Uius núse standards of living in die less-developed areas of die world in-eluded within the Associations'* membership, in particular by providing finance to meet their important developmental requirements on terms which are more flexible and bear less

heavily on the balance of payments than those of con-ventional loans, thereby furthering the developmental objectives of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter called «the Bank») and supplementing its activities.

The Association shall be guided in all its decisions by the provisions of this article.

ARTICLE II Membership; initial subscriptions

Section 1


a) The original members of the Association shall be those members of the Bank listed in schedule A hereto which, on or before the date specified in article m, section 2, c), accept membership in the Association.

b) Membership shall be open to other members of the Bank at such times and in accordance with such tenns as the Association may determine.

Section 2 Initial subscriptions

a) Upon accepting membership each member shall subscribe funds in the amount assigned to it. Such subscriptions are herein referred to as initial subscriptions.

b) The initial subscription assigned to each original member shall be in die amount set forth opposite its name in schedule A, expressed in terms of United States dollars of tlie weight mid fineness in elect on January 1, 1960.

c) 10% of the initial subscription of each original member sh;dl be payable in gold or freely convertible currency as follows: 50 % within 30 days alter die date on which the Association shall begin operations pursuant to article xi, section 4, or on the date on which die original member becomes a member, whichever shall be later; 12,5 % one year after the beginning of operations of the Association; and 12,5 % each year thereafter at annual intervals until the 10 % portion of the initial subscriptions shall have been paid in full.

d) The remaining 90 % of the initial subscription of each original member shall be payable in gold or freely convertible currency in die case of members listed in part i of schedule A and in the currency of die subscribing member in the ease of members listed in part n of schedule A. This 90 % portion of initial subscriptions of original members shall be payable in five equal annual instalments as follows: the first such instalment within 30 days alter the date on which the Association shall begin operations pursuant to article xr, section 4, or tin die date tin which the original member becomes a member, whichever shall be later; the second instalment one year alter die beginning of operations of die Association, and succeeding instalments each year thereafter at annual intervals until the 90 % portion of die initial subscription shall have been paid in full.

e) The Association shall accept from any member, in place of any part of the member's currency paid in or payable by die member under die preceding subsection d) or under section 2 of article iv and not needed by die Association in its operations, notes or similar obligations issued by die governments of die member or die depository