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h) The board of governors, and the executive directors to the extent authorized, may adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to conduct the business of the Association.

0 Governors and alternate governors shall serve as such without compensation from the Association.

Section 3


a) Each original member shall, in respect of its initial subscription, have 500 votes plus one additional vote for each $5,000 of its initial subscription. Subscriptions other than initial subscriptions of original members shall carry such voting rights as the board of governors shall determine pursuant to the provisions of article n, section 1, /;), or article in, section 1, /;) and t), as die case may be. Additions to resources other than subscriptions under article n, section 1, b), and additional subscriptions under article in, section 1, shall not carry voting rights.

b) Except as otherwise specifically provided, all matters before die Association shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.

Section 4

Executive directors

a) The executive directors shall be responsible for the conduct of the general operations of the Association, and for diis purpose shall exercise all the powers given to them by this Agreement or delegated to them by the board of governors.

b) The executive directors of the Association shall be composed ex officio of each executive director of the Bank who shall have been: 0 appointed by a member of the Bank which is also a member of the Association; or ii) elected in an election in which the votes of at least one member of the Bank which is also a member of the Association shall have counted toward his election. The alternate to each such executive director of the Bank shall ex officio be an alternate director of the Association. Any director shall cease to hold office if the member by which he was appointed, or if all the members whose votes counted toward his election, shall cease to be members of the Association.

c) Each director who is an appointed executive director of the Bank shall be entitled to cast die number of votes which die member by which he was appointed is entitled to cast in the Association. Each director who is an elected executive director of the Bank shall be entitled to cast the number of votes which the member or members of the association whose votes counted toward his election in the Bank are entitled to cast in the Association. All the votes which a director is entitled to cast shall be cast as an unit.

il) An alternate director shall have ful! power to act in the absence of the director who shall have appointed him. When a director is present, his alternate may participate in meetings but shall not vote.

e) A quorum for any meeting of the executive directors shall be a majority of the directors exercising not less than one-half of ttte total voting power.

f) The executive directors shall meet as often as the business of the association may require.

¿0 The board of governors shall adopt regulations under which a member of the Association not entitled to appoint an executive director of the Bank may send a representative to attend any meeting of the executive directors of the Association when a request made by, or a matter particularly affecting, that member is under consideration.

Section 5

President and .staff

a) The president of the Bank shall be ex officio president of the Association. The president shall be chairman of the executive directors of the Association but shall have no vote except a deciding vote in case of an equal division. He may participate in meetings of the board of governors but shall not vote at such meetings.

b) The president shall be chief of the operating staff of the Association. Under the direction of the executive directors he shall conduct the ordinary business of the Association and under their general control shall be responsible for the organization, appointment and dismissal of the officers and staff. To the extent practicable, officers and staff of the Bank shall be appointed to serve concurrently as officers and staff of the Association.

t) The president, officers and staff of the Association, in the discharge of their offices, owe their duty entirely to the Association and to no other authority. Each member of die Association shall respect the international character of this duty and shall refrain from all attempts to influence any of them in the discharge of their duties.

d) In appointing officers and staff the president shall, subject to the paramount importance of securing die highest standards of efficiency and of technical competence, pay due regard to the importance of recruiting personnel on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

Section 6

Relationship I» the Bank

a) The Association shall be an entity separate and distinct from the Bank and die funds of the Association shall be kept separate and apart from those of the Bank. The Association shall not borrow from or lend to the Bank, except that this shall not preclude die Association from investing funds not needed in its financing operations in obligations of the Bank.

b) The Association may make arrangements with the Bank regarding facilities, personnel and services and arrangements for reimbursement of administrative expenses paid in the first instance by either organizations on behalf of the other.

c) Nothing in this Agreement shall make the Association liable for the acts or obligations of the Bank, or the Bank liable for the acts or obligations of the Association.

Section 7

Relations with other internaUonal organization*

The Association shall enter into formal arrangements with the United Nations and may enter into such arrangements with odier public international organizations having speci.'tlized responsibilities in related fields.