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e) The same facilities as regards there personal luggage as are accorded to experts of other intergovernmental organizations.

2 — The Parties to the Protocol shall not be obliged to accord to their nationals or permanent residents the privileges and immunities referred to in sub-paragraphs c), d) and e) of paragraph 1.

Article 12

Notification of staff members and experts

The Director General of INMARSAT shall at least once every year notify the Parties to the Protocol of the names and nationalities of the staff members and experts to whom the provisions of articles 7, 8 and 11 apply.

Article 13 Waiver

1 —The privileges, exemptions and immunities provided for in this Protocol are not granted for the personal benefit of individuals but for the efficient performance of their official functions.

2 — If, in the view of the authorities listed below, privileges and immunities are likely to impede the course of justice, and in all cases where they may be waived without prejudice to the purposes for which they have been accorded, these authorities have the right and duty to waive such privileges and immunities:

a) The Parties to the Protocol in respect of their representatives and representatives of their Signatories;

b) The council in respect of the Director General of INMARSAT,

c) The Director General of INMARSAT in respect of staff members and experts;

d) The Assembly, convened if necessary in extraordinary session, in respect of INMARSAT.

Article 14

Assistance to individuals

The Parties to the Protocol shall take all appropriate measures to facilitate entry, stay and departure of representatives, staff members and experts.

Article 15

Observance of laws and regulations

INMARSAT and all persons enjoying privileges and immunities under this Protocol, shall, without prejudice to the other provisions thereof, respect the laws and regulations of the Parties to the Protocol concerned and cooperate at all times with the competent authorities of those Parties in order to ensure the observance of their laws and regulations.

Article 16

Precautionary measures

Each Party to the Protocol retains the right to take all precautionary measures necessary in die interest of its security.

Article 17

Settlement of disputes

Any dispute between Parties to the Protocol or between INMARSAT and a Party to the Protocol concerning the

interpretation or application of the Protocol shall be settled by negotiation or by some other agreed method. If the dispute is. not settled within twelve (12) months, the Parties concerned may, by common agreement, refer the dispute for decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators. One of the arbitrators shall be chosen by each of the Parties to the dispute, and the third, who shall be the Chairman of the tribunal, shall be chosen by the first two arbitrators. Should the first two arbitrators fail to agree upon the third within two months of their own appointment, the third arbitrator shall be chosen by the President of the International Court of Justice. The tribunal shall adopt its own procedures and its decisions shall be final and binding on the Parties to the dispute.

Article 18

Complementary agreements

INMARSAT may conclude with any Party to the Protocol complementary agreements to give effect to the provisions of this Protocol as regards such Party to the Protocol to ensure die efficient functioning of INMARSAT.

Article 19 Signature, ratification and accession

1 — This Protocol shall be open for signature at London from 1 December 1981 to 31 May 1982.

2 — All Parties to the Convention, other than the Headquarters Party, may become Parties to this Protocol by:

a) Signature not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval; or

b) Signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or

c) Accession.

3 — Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of the appropriate instrument wSVn the Depositary.

4 — Reservations to this Protocol may be made in accordance with international law.

Article 20 Entry into force and duration of Protocol

1 —This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which ten Parties to the Convention have fulfilled the requirements of paragraph 2 of article 19.

2— This Protocol shall cease to be in force if the Convention ceases to be in force.

Article 21 Entry into force and duration for a State

1 —For a State which has fulfilled the requirements of paragraph 2 of article 19 after the date of entry into force of this Protocol the Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of signature or of the deposit of such instrument with the Depositary respective/y.

2 — Any Party to the Protocol may denounce this Protocol by giving written notice to the Depositary. The denunciation shall become effective twelve (12) months after the date of receipt of the notice by the Depositary or such longer period as may be specified in the notice.

3 — A Party to the Protocol shall cease to be a Party to the Protocol on the date that it ceases to be a Party to the Convention.

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