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iv) Other, including a specification of these other purposes.

Declarations on past production of schedule 2 chemicals for chemical weapons purposes

9 — Each State Party shall, not later than 30 years after this Convention enters into force for it, declare all plant sites comprising plants that produced at any time since 1 January 1946 a schedule 2 chemical for chemical weapons purposes.

10 — Declarations of a plant site pursuant to paragraph 9 shall include:

a) The name of the plant site and the name of the owner, company, or enterprise operating it;

b) Its precise location including the address;

c) For each plant which is located within the plant site, and which falls under the specifications set forth in paragraph 9, the same information as required under paragraph 7, subparagraphs a) to e); and

d) For each schedule 2 chemical produced for chemical weapons purposes:

0 The chemical name, common or trade name used by the plant site for chemical weapons production purposes, structural formula, and Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned;

ii) The dates when the chemical was produced and the quantity produced; and

Hi) The location to which the chemical was delivered and the final product produced there, if known.

Information to States Parties

11— A list of plant sites declared under this section together with the information provided under paragraphs 6, 7, a), 7, c), 7, d), i). 7, d). Hi), 8, a), and 10 shall be transmitted by the Technical Secretariat to States Parties upon request.

B — Verification General

12 — Verification provided for in article vi, paragraph 4, shall be carried out through on-site inspection at those of the declared plant sites that comprise one or more plants which produced, processed or consumed during any of the previous three calendar years or are anticipated to produce, process or consume in the next calendar year more than:

a) 10 kg of a chemical designated «(*)» in schedule 2, part A;

b) 1 tonne of any other chemical listed in schedule 2, part A; or

c) 10 tonnes of a chemical listed in schedule 2, partB.

13 — The programme and budget of the Organization to be adopted by the Conference pursuant to article vni, paragraph 21, a), shall contain, as a separate item, a programme and budget for verification under this section. In the allocation of resources made available for verification under article vi, the Technical Secretariat shall, during the

first three years after the entry into force of this Convention, give priority to the initial inspections of plant sites declared under section A. The allocation shall thereafter be reviewed on the basis of the experience gained.

14 —The Technical Secretariat shall conduct initial inspections and subsequent inspections in accordance with paragraphs 15 to 22.

Inspection aims

15 — The general aim of inspections shall be to verify that activities are in accordance with obligations under this Convention and consistent with the information to be provided in declarations. Particular aims of inspections at plant sites declared under section A shall include verification of:

a) The absence of any schedule 1 chemical, especially its production, except if in accordance with part vi of this Annex;

b) Consistency with declarations of levels of production, processing or .consumption of schedule 2 chemicals; and

c) Non-diversion of schedule 2 chemicals for activities prohibited under this Convention.

Initial inspections •

16 — Each plant site to be inspected pursuant to paragraph 12 shall receive an initial inspection as soon as possible but preferably not later than three years after entry into force of this Convention. Plant sites declared after this period shall receive an initial inspection not later than one year after production, processing or consumption is first declared. Selection of plant sites for initial inspections shall be made by the Technical Secretariat in such a way as to preclude the prediction of precisely when the plant site is to be inspected.

17 — During the initial inspection, a draft facility agreement for the plant site shall be prepared unless the inspected State Party and the Technical Secretariat agree that it is not needed.

18 — With regard to frequency and intensity of subsequent inspections, inspectors shall during the initial inspection assess the risk to the object and purpose of this Convention posed by the relevant chemicals, the characteristics of the p\ant site and the nature of the activities carried out there, taking into account, inter alia, the following criteria:

a) The toxicity of the scheduled chemicals and of the end-products produced with it, if any;

b) The quantity of the scheduled chemicals typically stored at the inspected site;

c) The quantity of feedstock chemicals for the scheduled chemicals typically stored at the inspected site;

d) The production capacity of the schedule 2 plants; and

e) The capability and convertibility for initiating production, storage and filling of toxic chemicals at the inspected site.


19 — Having received the initial inspection, each plant site to be inspected pursuant to paragraph 12 shall be subject to subsequent inspections.