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27 | II Série A - Número: 082S1 | 17 de Abril de 2008

3. The acquisition of goods and services referred to in the previous paragraph, purchased in other member States of the European Union, are not subject to the payment of VAT in Portugal.

4. On purchasing in the national market new automobiles for official use, the Laboratory shall be exempt from paying the automobile tax.

Article 10 Import and export exemptions

1. The Laboratory shall be exempt from import and export duties and from any other taxes, prohibitions and restrictions on goods of whatsoever nature imported or exported by it as the result of its official activities.

2. Imported, exported or transferred goods, if transported as luggage, may be declared to the custom offices by using the diplomatic pouch, labels and forms. Article 11 Alienation to third parties

1. The goods acquired in accordance with Articles 8 and 9, or imported in accordance with Article 10 of the present Agreement, shall not be donated, sold, rented or otherwise disposed of within five years of their acquisition. 2. If the period specified in the previous paragraph is not respected, the competent authorities will be notified and any necessary taxes or import duties shall be paid.