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102 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 6 de Novembro de 2008

11. ITU officials receive an appropriate daily subsistence allowance (DSA), which may vary from area to area and with salary levels, in accordance with the current United Nations schedule of rates. The DSA schedule is updated monthly by the United Nations.
12. As lodging is provided free of charge by the Portuguese Party, the standard rate shall be reduced by fifty (50) percent.
13. The DSA rates appearing in the United Nations schedule shall apply to the travel of ITU officials in grades P.5 and below.
14. The rates for elected officials will be forty percent (40%) (rounded to the nearest US dollar) above the normal rates.
15. The rates for staff in the Senior Counsellors category (D1 and D2) shall be fifteen percent (15%) above the published rates (rounded to the nearest US dollar).
IV. Rest days during travel, depending on its duration 16. When an ITU official travels at the Union's expense, by air or mainly by air: i) if the scheduled or actual flight time for the journey is between six (6) and ten (10) hours, he/she will not normally be required to commence duty within twelve (12) hours of arriving at his/her destination; ii) if the scheduled or actual flight time is more than ten (10) hours but not more than sixteen (16) hours, he/she will not normally be required to commence duty within twenty-four (24) hours of arriving at his/her destination. Alternatively, the Union may decide to grant a stopover not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours. If the final stage of the journey exceeds six (6) hours, the ITU official will not normally be required to commence duty within twelve (12) hours of arrival; iii) if the scheduled or actual flight time of the journey exceeds sixteen (16) hours, the Union may allow either two stopovers, neither of which shall exceed twenty-four (24) hours or one stopover with a rest period not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours on arrival at the destination.
17. DSA is paid for the whole period of travel, including rest periods and stopovers.
V. Necessary additional expenses incurred during travel 18. Necessary additional expenses incurred by ITU officials in connection with official business or in the performance of authorized travel may be reimbursed by the Union after completion of travel, provided the necessity and nature of the expenses are satisfactorily explained and supported by proper receipts, which shall normally be required for any expenditure in excess of six US dollars (US$ 6).
VI. Particular restrictions 19. For security reasons, the Secretary-General and the Deputy-Secretary General are not allowed to travel on the same flights or to use the same mode of transportation on the same date and hour.
20. The number of ITU officials travelling on the same flight or using the same mode of transportation is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) people.
VII. Ticket issuance 21. Due to the high number of tickets for transportation to be issued during a limited period of time, as well as recurring modifications to be handled (changes in the staffing table, modification of travel dates, cancellations, etc.), issuance of tickets shall be made at ITU headquarters by the on-site travel agency, taking into account special negotiated fares, if any.