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19 | II Série A - Número: 120S1 | 23 de Maio de 2009

b a service provider offering its services in the territory of the Party to submit subscriber information relating to such services in that service provider’s possession or control.
2 The powers and procedures referred to in this article shall be subject to Articles 14 and 15.
3 For the purpose of this article, the term “subscriber information” means any information contained in the form of computer data or any other form that is held by a service provider, relating to subscribers of its services other than traffic or content data and by which can be established:
a the type of communication service used, the technical provisions taken thereto and the period of service;
b the subscriber’s identity, postal or geographic address, telephone and other access number, billing and payment information, available on the basis of the service agreement or arrangement;
c any other information on the site of the installation of communication equipment, available on the basis of the service agreement or arrangement.

Title 4 – Search and seizure of stored computer data
Article 19 – Search and seizure of stored computer data 1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to empower its competent authorities to search or similarly access: a a computer system or part of it and computer data stored therein; and
b a computer-data storage medium in which computer data may be stored
in its territory.
2 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to ensure that where its authorities search or similarly access a specific computer system or part of it, pursuant to paragraph 1.a, and have grounds to believe that the data sought is stored in another computer system or part of it in its territory, and such data is lawfully accessible from or available to the initial system, the authorities shall be able to expeditiously extend the search or similar accessing to the other system.
3 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to empower its competent authorities to seize or similarly secure computer data accessed according to paragraphs 1 or 2. These measures shall include the power to:
a seize or similarly secure a computer system or part of it or a computer-data storage medium;
b make and retain a copy of those computer data;