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8 | II Série A - Número: 164S2 | 23 de Julho de 2009

4. The depositary Government shall inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each deposit of an instrument of ratification or accession, and the date of entry into force of the Treaty and of any modification or amendment thereto.
5. Upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the signatory States, the present Treaty shall enter into force for those States and for States which have deposited instruments of accession. Thereafter the Treaty shall enter into force for any acceding State upon the deposit of its instruments of accession.
6. The present Treaty shall be registered by the depositary Government pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article XIV The present Treaty, done in the English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each version being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America, which shall transmit duly certified copies thereof to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signed the present Treaty.
DONE at Washington this first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine.

EN FOI DE QUOI, les Plénipotentiaires soussignés, dûment autorisés, ont apposé leur signature au présent Traité.
FAIT à Washington le premier décembre mille' neuf cent cinquante-neuf.

В УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЧЕГО Полномочные представи тели, должным об разом на то уполномоченные, подписали настоящий Договор. СОВЕРНІЕНО в городе Вашингтоне, декабря первого дня тысяча девятьсот пятьдесят девятого года. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, los infrascritos Plenipotenciarios, debidamente autorizados, suscriben el presente Tratado.
HECHO en Washington, el primer día del mes de diciembre de mil novecientos cincuenta y nueve.