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108 | II Série A - Número: 205S3 | 5 de Julho de 2012

Completion of the negotiations under Article XXI.2(a) of the GATS - the joint letter and the report concerning the results of the negotiations with Índia
As foreseen in paragraph 5 of the Procedures for the implementation of Article XXI of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (document S/L/80) and following our notification pursuant to Article V of the GATS (circulated as document S/SECRET/8 dated 11 June 2004, we hereby send to the WTO Secretariat a joint letter from the European Communities and its Member States and India, signed respectively, together with'a report concerning the results of the negotiations negotiation conducted under paragraph 2(a) óf Article XXI, initialled by the EC and India.
I would be-grateful if you would, in accordance with paragraph 5 of S/L/80, arrange for the circulation-tetter and the report to all Members in a secret document.