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141 | II Série A - Número: 205S3 | 5 de Julho de 2012

Geneva, 7 August 2006 D(2006)D 701964 Dear Mr Mamdouh, Subject: Completion of the negotiations under Article XXI.2(a) of the GATS - the joint letter and the report concerningthe results of the negotiations with the United States of America As foreseen in paragraph 5 of the Procedures for the implementation of Article XXI of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (document S/L/80) and following our notification pursuant to Article V of the GATS (circulated as document S/SECRET/8 dated 11 June 2004, we hereby send to the WTO Secretariat a joint letter from the European Communities and its Member States and the United States of America, signed respectively, together with a report concerning the results of the negotiations negotiation conducted under paragraph 2(a) of Article XXI, initialled by the EC and the United States of America.
I would be grateful if you would, in accordance with paragraph 5 of S/L/80, arrange for the circulation letter and the report to all Members in a secret document.