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3 | II Série A - Número: 091 | 10 de Março de 2015

beginning of the financial years in which the General Assembly is held and two months before the beginning of the other financial years, Noting that Article 33 (1) of the Statutes providing that “any suggested amendment to the present Statutes and its Annex shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General who shall circulate it to the Full Members at least six months before being submitted to the consideration of the Assembly” has been duly observed, Adopts the amendments to the Statutes, annexed to this resolution, which form an integral part of the present resolution, the English, the French, Russian and Spanish texts being equally authentic; Decides that two copies of this resolution shall be certified by the signatures of the President of the General Assembly of the Organization and by the Secretary-General of the Organization, one copy to be transmitted to the Spanish Government as permanent depositary of the Statutes and the other to be retained in the files of the Organization; and Considering that the said amendments to the Statutes will come into force for all Members when two-thirds of the member States have notified the Depositary Government of their approval thereof, in accordance with Article 33 (3) of the Statutes, Decides that the member States shall signify their approval of the said amendments by depositing a formal instrument with the Spanish Government as permanent depositary of the Statutes.


Article 38 of the Statutes

Existing text to be deleted and replaced by: “The official languages of the Organization shall be English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish.”

Paragraph 12 of the Financing Rules attached to the Statutes

Existing text to be deleted and replaced by: “The Members of the Organization shall pay their contribution in the firs month of the financial year for which it is due.
Members shall be notified of the amount of their contribution, as determined by the Assembly, six months before the beginning of financial years in which the General Assembly is held and two months before the beginning of the other financial years. However, the Council may approve justified cases of arrears due to different financial years existing in different countries.”


Torremolinos, Espanha, 17 – 28 de setembro de 1979 A/RES/61 (III)

Propostas de alteração aos Estatutos Item da Agenda 9 (a) [documento A/3/9 (a)]

A Assembleia-Geral: Reinvocando a sua resolução 46 (II), segundo a qual aprovou o princípio da introdução do árabe como idioma oficial da Organização;

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