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Committee on Economic and Monetary AffairsThe Chair

ip-econ@europarl.europa.eu - www.europarl.europa.eu

B-1047 Brussels - Tel +32 2 28 43101 - Fax +32 2 28 49025F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel +33 3 88 1 74132 - Fax +33 3 88 1 79070

Dear Chairperson,Dear colleague,

The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the European Parliament willdiscuss at its meeting of 23 September 2014 (10:30 - 12:30) the draft report on EuropeanSemester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities.

At this occasion, the committee will debate on the assessment of the 2014 EuropeanSemester as well as on the priorities for the 2015 Annual Growth Survey, which will be thebasis for next year's Semester. Furthermore, the Council of the Union has adopted Country-Specific Recommendations, which directly concern your country. With this in mind, andbuilding on the success of the previous years’ similar events, the ECON Committee wouldlike to invite National Parliaments to attend the discussion on this topic at the meeting of 23September.

Due to the high importance of the subject matter, we would welcome your personalattendance to express your committee's views on the Country-Specific Recommendationsthat are addressed to your country by the Council of the Union and to comment on the draftreport on the European Semester. You will find attached some questions that could frame thediscussion on Country-Specific Recommendations.

The draft agenda, supporting documents and online registration form will be forwarded to theBrussels representative of your Parliament Chamber in due course by the Directorate forrelations with national Parliaments. For further information on the meeting itself, pleasecontact Mr. Samuel de Lemos (samuel.delemos@europarl.europa.eu) of the ECONCommittee Secretariat.

I hope that you will accept this invitation and look forward to welcoming you in theEuropean Parliament.

With best regards,

Roberto Gualtieri

13 DE OUTUBRO DE 2014________________________________________________________________________________________________________________