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· Recall that over the past two decades three quarters of our citizens have consistently favoured amore common European defence and underline that the European Union still needs to deliver onthat demand. Most Member States are committed to increase their defence spending or alreadyspend 2% of their GDP on defence. Until 2040/45 this will amount to a cumulated defence ex-penditure of 10 trillion Euro in the EU. The Member States, assisted by the EU institutions, needto develop a coherent strategy for investing this amount in European security and defence and todevise the actions to be undertaken at EU level.

· Developing permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) is a key project for the defence dimensionof the EU and strengthens national capabilities. Moreover, the European Defence Fund (EDF)serves to improve national capabilities and support development of the national defence industriesand defence capabilities.

· EU defence cooperation should be continued to be coordinated with Nato and should aim to createsynergies for both EU and Nato.

Security Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region and the Arctic

· Note that the security environment in Northern Europe has deteriorated in recent years due tosecurity and environmental developments. Energy security is closely related to climate changeand must be improved by reducing the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels. The transformation ofthe Arctic represents one major effect of climate change on EU security.

· Emphasises that the Arctic should remain a region of non-conflictual cooperation; stresses theimportance of continued engagement and dialogue with Russia and all parties within the frame-work of Arctic regional cooperation, particularly the Arctic Council and EU-Russia cross-bordercooperation, notwithstanding the increase in the stationing of Russian military forces in the re-gion, the building and reopening of Russian military bases and the creation of a Russian Arcticmilitary district;

· Point to the changing nature of security threats in the Baltic Sea region, including the degradationof the maritime environment, controversial energy infrastructure projects and growing cyberthreats; is deeply concerned by the significant shift from de-militarisation to re-militarization ofthe Baltic Sea region;

Transatlantic relations

· Recall that even though over recent years the transatlantic partnership has been facing a greatnumber of challenges and disruptions, long-term cooperation between the EU and US, as like-minded partners, remains crucial and a core interest for both partners’ collective security andprosperity.

· Consider that in a global, complex and increasingly multipolar world, the EU and the US mustplay a leading and constructive role by strengthening and upholding international law, promotingand protecting fundamental rights and principles and jointly addressing regional conflicts andglobal challenges;

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