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Assembly of the Republic, Assemblée de la République, Assembleia da República

Mr MarcoAntónio Costa

Head ofDelegation, Chairof the NationalDefence Commitee

European People’sParty, EPP

Mr Sérgio Sousa Pinto

Member ofDelegation, Chairof the ForeignAffairs Committee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr Vitalino Canas

Member ofDelegation,Member of theEuropean AffairsCommittee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr José Cesário

Member ofDelegation,Member of theForeign AffairsCommittee

European People’sParty, EPP

Mrs Inês Domingos

Member ofDelegation,Member of theEuropean AffairsCommittee

European People’sParty, EPP

Mrs Maria da Luz Lopes

Member ofDelegation,Member of theDefence Committee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr Bruno Dias Pinheiro

Delegation Staff,PermanentRepresentative ofthe PortugueseParliament to theEU Institutions

Ms Patrícia Sárrea Grave

Delegation Staff,Adviser to theNational DefenceCommitee

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________