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Subcommittee onSecurity andDefence

Mr Wojciech Danecki

Delegation Staff,Head of Unit forForeign Affairs,Human Rights,Security andDefence

ECR Group in theEuropean Parliament

Mr Ivaylo Dimitrov

Delegation Staff,Political Adviser,Relations withNational Parliament


Mr Robert Golanski Delegation Staff,Political Adviser EPP

Mr Tobias Heider Delegation Staff,Political Adviser

The Greens/EuropeanFree Alliance,Greens/EFA

Mr Alexandre Krauss Delegation Staff,Policy Adviser Renew Europe

Mr Sakari Linden Delegation Staff,Policy AdviserIdentity and Democracy,ID

Ms Karin Schuettpelz Delegation Staff,Head of Unit GUE/NGL Group

Mr Maximilian SchröderDelegation Staff,Head of Unit,SEDE Secretariat

Ms Joanna Kaminska Delegation Staff,Administrator

Mr Tobias VogetDelegation Staff,Administrator,AFET Secretariat

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________