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You might be aware that in our region, we have already exceeded the 1.5 degree increase. It remains

therefore imperative for all of us to keep the pressure on our respective governments in order to honour the

Paris Agreement obligations. And, in this respect, I personally believe that PAM remains a fundamental

instrument for soft diplomacy. Let me congratulate PAM for having been appointed in July 2021 as a member of

the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development. This is a recognition of all your efforts!

Dear Honourable Colleagues,

The human health and economic costs of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be tragically high. But the

crisis has also provided an unprecedented opportunity to change course and to rebuild a global economy that is

more resilient in the face of future shocks such as climate change. The post-COVID recovery presents a

historic opportunity to decarbonize economies. In this regard, I would like to mention the initiative, recently

launched by President Migliore: «The Mediterranean and Gulf Initiative for Renewable Energies (MECORE)»,

which he presented at the World Green Economy Summit held in Dubai on 6-7 October 2021. You will hear

more details on this initiative from President Migliore.

PAM continues its efforts to engage with the private sector and the academia world recognizing the pivotal

role they can play in post-COVID 19 recovery. On 20 October 2021 PAM signed a MoU with the Chamber of

Commerce and the University of Salerno, in Italy, with the aim of promoting the establishment of a fintech and

crowdfunding hub in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf areas, creating opportunities for businesses and

encourage investment in the two regions. I understand that Honourable Centemero will provide us with more

details on this in his intervention.

Let me conclude by drawing your attention to some forthcoming events PAM will organize within the scope

of the 2nd Standing Committee:

1) Signing of the MoU with UNEP/MAP pending the approval by the PAM Bureau of some amendments of

the PAM statutes. UNEP/MAP is a critical partner for PAM on all issues related to sustainable development in

the Mediterranean region;

2) The event on Post-COVI19 recovery, to be jointly organized by TURKPA and PAM will take place in

Antalya next year, most likely in April. Unfortunately due to COVID it could not be organized this year;

3) Also, next year, we foresee the organization of the conference on tourism and economic development

thanks to the support from our colleagues from Montenegro. The event will be organized in partnership with

WTO. In this respect, let me inform you that PAM has been invited for the first time to attend the WTO

Ministerial Conference which will be held in Geneva at the end of this month.

I thank you for your attention.