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20th lnter-Parliamentary Conference

on the Common Foreign and Security Policy

and the Common Security and Defence Pollcy (CFSP/CSDP)

25 February 2022


We, the representatives of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of all the national

parliaments of the European Union and of the European Parliament

1. Condemn in the strongest terms the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, in

flagrant violation of the principies recognized by the international community and of the

commitments undertaken by Russia.

2. Express our absolute solidarity with the legitimate authorities of Ukraine and the

Ukrainian people.

3. Strongly affirm our support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity

of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

4. Call on the Russian Federation to immediately and unconditionally withdraw its

military forces deployed in Ukraine.

5. Condemn the blank check given by the Russian Parliament to the invasion of Ukraine

and the instrumentalization of the parliamentary institution for the purpose of territorial


6. Call on the parliamentary bodies of multilateral organizations to condemn the

invasion of Ukraine and the actions of the Russian Federation.

7. Emphasize the responsibility of the leaders of the Russian Federation for the

outbreak and consequences of this conflict.

8. Call on the European Union to impose political, economic, commercial and financial

sanctions on an unprecedented scale against the Russian Federation, applicable without

delay and established in coordination with our partners and allies.

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