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Doc. 1568723 January 2023

Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes

Report on credentials

1. In accordance with Rule 6, paragraphs 1 and 3, of the Rules of Procedure, the President of the Assembly has received the credentials of representatives and substitutes for the 2023 Ordinary Session of the Assembly, which have been transmitted in due form by the competent authorities of member States.

2. The Assembly is called upon to express its decision on the validation of the credentials of the representatives and substitutes whose names are given in this report.

3. Five seats of representative and five seats of substitute remain vacant for Bosnia and Herzegovina (until the credentials are transmitted following the parliamentary elections of 2 October 2022).

4. One seat of representative and one seat of substitute remain vacant for Cyprus.

5. One seat of representative and three seats of substitute remain vacant for the Slovak Republic.

6. In the case of reasoned objection or contestation, the contested credentials shall be referred without debate to the appropriate committee which shall report back to the Assembly, in accordance with Rules 7 and 8 of the Rules of Procedure.




Mr Lulzim BASHA (Democratic Party)Ms Klotilda BUSHKA (Socialist Party)Ms Etilda GJONAJ (Socialist Party)Ms Blerina GJYLAMETI (Socialist Party)


Ms Aurora MARA (Socialist Party)Mr Eduard SHALSI (Socialist Party)Ms Jorida TABAKU (Democratic Party)Mr Ferdinand XHAFERI (Democratic Party)



Mme Mònica BONELL (Groupe Démocrate)M. Pere LÓPEZ (Groupe Social Démocrate)



15 DE MAIO DE 2023 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________