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“The Council of Europe as a pioneer of human rights protection: the new generation of rights” Interactive panel discussion moderated by Ms Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir, Office of the Prime Minister of Iceland and former Chairperson of the Icelandic delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly, with the participation of:

o Ms Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland o Mr Tiny Kox, President of the Assembly o Ms Ilze Brands Kehris, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights o Ms Nathalie Smuha, Researcher and Assistant Lecturer, Institute for European Law, KU

Leuven, expert on Artificial Intelligence o Ms Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, youth representative in the Icelandic Climate Council

Exchange of views with members of the Assembly Statement by Ms Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Leader of the Belarus democratic opposition

Concluding remarks by Ms Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, and Mr Tiny Kox, President of the Parliamentary Assembly6. Other business 7. Next meeting

Riga, 26 May 2023

20 DE JULHO DE 2023 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________