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9. The Assembly urges States which have been found to practice severe physical ill-treatment including torture in places of detention on a systemic or widespread scale, in particular the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Türkiye, to address the root causes of the problem, to introduce systemic changes aimed at eliminating abusive and unlawful practices, and to ensure accountability, including in terms of criminal and civil liability, of individual perpetrators, high-ranking officials, and State bodies, for practising or tolerating torture and ill-treatment. In particular, it urges:

9.1. the Russian Federation to ensure that all perpetrators, high-ranking officials and State bodies responsible for the use of torture in prisons, particularly the phenomenon known as “torture conveyors”, are held to account, and that all victims receive adequate reparation;

9.2. Azerbaijan to ensure that all perpetrators, high-ranking officials and State bodies responsible for the use of torture in the so-called “Terter cases” are held to account, and that all victims are compensated and rehabilitated, including through the quashing of convictions based on confessions obtained through torture and through their release.

10. With regard to the CPT, the Assembly calls on States Parties to the CPT Convention to:

10.1. agree in advance to the automatic publication of all CPT visit reports, as many States have done already; authorise the publication of past CPT visit reports, if they have not yet done so. This applies in particular to Azerbaijan, Türkiye and the Russian Federation;

10.2. co-operate fully with the CPT in the organisation of upcoming visits and ensure the follow-up of CPT recommendations, including through the active engagement of national parliaments, in accordance with Resolution 2160 (2017).

11. The Assembly invites the CPT and the Court to indicate more explicitly in their reports and judgments whenever practices of torture and ill-treatment are found to be of a systemic or structural nature in the country concerned. There should be a more timely and co-ordinated action between all Council of Europe bodies, including the Court, the CPT, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Assembly, to address emerging problems of systemic torture in particular countries, with a view to providing early warning and assistance. In this context, the Assembly invites its Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights to hold exchanges of views with national delegations of countries which have been found to have systemic or structural problems related to torture or ill-treatment, on the basis of CPT reports and Court judgments.

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