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24.5. have recourse to instruments of universal jurisdiction to record the facts of crimes committed, ensure justice, and create the conditions to prevent the recurrence of similar crimes in the future, and employ various forms of international legal co-operation to exchange data on the facts of forcible transfers and deportation of Ukrainian children;

24.6. inform the competent authorities of Ukraine, via a duly-designated partner authority in each country, in cases of border crossings by citizens of the Russian Federation who have unlawfully adopted or established guardianship over a Ukrainian child, with the aim of returning that child to the territory of Ukraine;

24.7. provide political, logistical, and financial support for the establishment of an effective, rapid, and safe legal mechanism for the identification, tracing, and repatriation of children, and to strengthen co-ordination with all relevant Ukrainian national institutions and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights;

24.8. provide comprehensive support to the competent Ukrainian authorities at all levels and non-governmental organisations dealing with such categories of children as internally displaced, those in need of institutional care, orphans, children of fallen soldiers and veterans, and those physically and psychologically affected by war, in particular in their efforts to secure full access to education and healthcare, including physical and psychological rehabilitation, and reintegration;

24.9. impose and further comply with sanctions against the Russian Federation and Belarus, as well as to include in the sanctions lists individuals involved in the deportation, forcible transfer, and unjustifiable delay in repatriation of Ukrainian children;

24.10. assess, via their competent national authorities, the participation of journalists or other media representatives in propaganda campaigns organised by the Russian Federation or Belarus concerning Ukrainian children deported and forcibly transferred by the Russian Federation, with a view to applying appropriate measures in such cases, for example as regards refusal of accreditation and of access to public events;

24.11. facilitate the reintegration of children from Ukrainian residential care facilities who were evacuated to Council of Europe member States into their families, or their placement with Ukrainian citizens’ families, as determined by the decisions of competent Ukrainian authorities; and ensure the swift acknowledgement of those authorities for executing custody rights over children;

24.12. foster a full exchange of information concerning Ukrainian children of institutional care and ensure close co-operation in this respect between the competent authorities of Ukraine and the member States;

24.13. support the implementation of specific measures that insure the protection and well-being of the children of Ukraine, including those in the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine, “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction (2023-2026)”.

25. The Assembly emphasises the need for enhanced co-operation among various existing mechanisms, including civil society, to pool efforts for the return of children, relying in particular on third-party intervention which can offer guarantees of impartiality and effectiveness. In this respect, it calls on the various organisations whose neutrality-based mandate allows them to gain access to the territories of the Russian Federation, Belarus, and occupied territories of Ukraine, to contribute to the process of identification, location and repatriation of deported and forcibly transferred Ukrainian children and to work closely with Ukraine and all States which could facilitate the return of children.

26. In this regard, the Assembly is committed to continuing its role as a facilitator, including by considering what Assembly structure or mechanism(s) could be used to support the Ukrainian authorities and various international organisations, such as the UNICEF, High Commissioner for Refugees, High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other competent UN agencies, and the ICRC, in determining the most rapid means to identify and facilitate an effective search for children, with access to as much information as possible about their identity and the conditions of their deportation or forcible transfer by the Russian Federation.

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