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– the enlarged partial Agreement on the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the RussianFederation against Ukraine.

16. The Assembly invites Kosovo to:

16.1. fully participate in the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-MoneyLaundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) and to thereafter implement itsrecommendations without delay;

16.2. amend the composition of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council in line with the recommendations ofthe Venice Commission in its Opinion CDL-AD(2023)043 adopted on 15-16 December 2023;

16.3. refer the new draft law on expropriations to the Venice Commission, for an opinion;

16.4. ensure self-restraint of politicians, who should refrain from criticising decisions of the judiciary;

16.5. improve respect for administrative procedures, in particular for expropriations and publicappointments and consider introducing an administrative complaint procedure;

16.6. launch procedural reforms to tackle the excessive length of judicial proceedings and considercreating a specific remedy for excessive length of proceedings;

16.7. reduce excessive recourse to pre-charge and pre-trial detention for unduly lengthy periods oftime and without proper reasons;

16.8. promote the use of de-escalatory policing techniques, especially by police deployed in the northof Kosovo;

16.9. improve language training and education to meet the constitutional requirements for bilingualismin actual practice, especially in the police force and the justice system;

16.10. foster awareness among police officers, prosecutors and judges of hate crimes and strengthentheir ability to treat victims of such crimes with sensitivity; improve the response of these actors in thejudicial system to the issue of domestic violence.

17. The Assembly reasserts the importance of protecting the human rights of all, including the rights ofpersons from non-majority communities, women’s rights, the rights of LGBTI persons and the rights ofpersons with disabilities. It calls on the authorities of Kosovo to:

17.1. ensure the legal recognition of civil partnerships for same-sex couples;

17.2. step up efforts to combat discrimination on any grounds;

17.3. promote gender equality;

17.4. prevent and combat gender-based violence, and prosecute and punish perpetrators of this violence;

17.5. prevent and combat hate speech.

18. In light of the above, the Assembly considers that Kosovo is able and willing to:

18.1. fulfil the provisions of Article 3 of the Council of Europe Statute which stipulates that “[e]verymember of the Council of Europe must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment byall persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms”;

18.2. collaborate sincerely and effectively in the realisation of the aim of the Council of Europe asspecified in Chapter I of the Statute, thereby fulfilling the conditions for accession to the Council ofEurope as laid down in Article 4 of the Statute.

19. The Assembly, therefore, recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

19.1. invite Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe with the name “Kosovo”;

19.2. allocate 3 seats to Kosovo in the Parliamentary Assembly.

20. While supporting Kosovo’s membership of the Council of Europe, the Assembly is aware of theunprecedented circumstances of this application, as a number of Council of Europe member States do notrecognise Kosovo as a State. Diplomacy, dialogue and compromise are necessary to ensure that the

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