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f) Executive Directors shall continue in office until their successors are appointed or elected. If the office of and elected Executive Director becomes vacant more than ninety days before the end of his term, another Executive Director shall be elected for the remainder of the term by the members that elected the former Executive Director. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for election. While the office remains vacant, the Alternate of the former Executive Director shall exercise his powers, except that of appointing an Alternate.

g) The Executive Board shall function in continuous session at the principal office of the Fund and shall meet as often as the business of the Fund may require.

h) A quorum for any meeting of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Directors having not less than one-half of the total voting power.


i) Each appointed Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes allotted under section 5 of this article to the member appointing him;

ii) If the votes allotted to a member that appoints an Executive Director under c) above were cast by an Executive Director together with the votes allotted to other members as a result of the last regular election of Executive Directors, the member may agree with each of the other members that the number of votes allotted to it shall be cast by the appointed Executive Director. A member making such an agreement shall not participate in the election of Executive Directors;

iii) Each elected Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes which counted towards his election;

iv) When the provisions of section 5-b) of this article are applicable, the votes which an Executive Director would otherwise be entitled to cast shall be increased or decreased correspondingly. All the votes which an Executive Director is entitled to cast shall be cast as a unit.

j) The Board of Governors shall adopt regulations under which a member not entitled to appoint an Executive Director under b) above may send a repre-senltative to attend any meeting of the Executive Board when a request made by, or a matter particularly affecting, that member is under consideration.

Section 4. Managing Director and staff.

a) The Executive Board shall select a Managing Director who shall not be a Governor or an Executive Director. The Managing Director shall be chairman of the Executive Board, but shall have no vote except a deciding vote in case of an equal division. He may participate in meetings of the Board of Governors, but shall not vote at such meetings. The Managing Director shall cease to hold office when the Executive Board so decides.

b) The Managing Director shall be chief of the operating staff of the Fund and shall conduct, under the direction of the Executive Board, the ordinary business of the Fund. Subject to the general control of the Executive Board, he shall be responsible for the organization, appointment, and dismissal of the staff of the Fund.

c) The Managing Director and the staff of the Fund, in the discharge of their functions, shall owe their duty entirely to the Fund and to no other authority. Each member of the Fund shall respect the international character of this duty and shall refrain from all attempts influence any of the staff in the discharge of these functions.

d) In appointing the staff the Managing Director shall, subject to the paramount importance of securing the highest standards of efficiency and of technical competence, pay due regard to the importance of recruiting personnel on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

Section 5. Voting.

a) Each member shall have two hundred fifty votes plus one additional vote for each part of its quota equivalent to one hundred thousand special drawing rights.

b) Whenever voting as required under article v, section 4 or 5, each member shall have the number of votes to which it is entitled under a) above adjusted

i) By the addition of one vote for the equivalent of each four hundred thousand special drawing rights of net sales of its currency from the general resources of the Fund up to the date when the vote is taken, or ii) By the subtraction of one vote for the equivalent of each four hundred thousand special drawing rights of its net purchases under article v, section 3-b) and f) up to the date when the vote is taken,

provided that neither net purchases nor net sales shall be deemed at any time to exceed an amount equal to the quota of the member involved.

c) Except as otherwise specifically provided, all decisions of the Fund shall be made by a majority of the votes cast.

Section 6. Reserves, distribution of net income, and investment.

a) The Fund shall determine annually what part of its net income shall be placed to general reserve or special reserve, and what part, if any, shall be distributed.

b) The Fund may use the special reserve for any purpose for which it may use the general reserve, except distribution.

c) If any distribution is made of the net income of any year, it shall be made to all members in proportion to their quotas.

d) The Fund, by a seventy percent majority of the total voting power, may decide at any time to distribute any part of the general reserve. Any such