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apenas por um período máximo de 30 dias a contar da data da suspensão; ü) Se restarem 90 dias ou menos até à próxima eleição ordinária dos directores executivos, o director executivo continuará em exercício durante o período restante do mandato.

4 — 0 membro terá direito a enviar um representante a qualquer reunião da Assembleia de Governadores, do Conselho ou do Directório Executivo em que seja examinado um pedido feito por esse membro ou um assunto que particularmente o afecte; não poderá, porém, fazer-se representar em qualquer reunião das comissões constituídas por aqueles órgãos.

Está conforme o original.

8 de Fevereiro de 1991. — A Adjunta Diplomática do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Ana Maria Ribeiro da Silva.



Nos termos da alínea a) do n.° 1 do artigo 200.° da Constituição, o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República a seguinte proposta de resolução:

1 — É aprovado, para adesão, o Acordo Constitutivo do Banco Europeu de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento (BERD), concluído em Paris em 29 de Maio de 1990, cujo texto original na língua inglesa e a respectiva tradução para a língua portuguesa se publicam em anexo à presente resolução.

2 — Fica o Governo autorizado a praticar todos os actos necessários à adesão de Portugal ao Acordo Constitutivo do Banco Europeu de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento.

Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 7 de Fevereiro de 1991. — O Primeiro-Ministro, Aníbal António Cavaco Silva. — O Ministro dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Manuel Joaquim Dias Loureiro. — O Ministro das Finanças, Luis Miguel Couceiro Pizarro Beleza. — O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, João de Deus Rogado Salvador Pinheiro.



I — Purpose, functions and membership.

II — Capital.

III — Operations.

IV — Borrowing and other miscellaneous powers.

V — Currencies.

VI — Organization and management.

Vit — Withdrawal and suspension of membership, temporary suspension and termination of operations.

VIII — Status, immunities, privileges and exemptions.

IX — Amendments, interpretation, arbitration.

X — Final provisions.

Annex A. Annex B.

The Contracting Parties:

Committed to the fundamental principles of multiparty democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and market economics;

Recalling the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and in particular its Declaration on Principles;

Welcoming the intent of Central and Eastern European countries to further the practical implementation of multiparty democracy, strengthening democratic institutions, the rule of law and respect for human rights and their willingness to implement reforms in order to envolve towards market-oriented economies;

Considering the importance of close and coordinated cooperation in order to promote the economic progress of Central and Eastern European countries to help their economies become more internationally competitive and assist them in their reconstruction and development and thus to reduce, where appropriate, any risks related to the financing of their economies;

Convinced that the establishment of a multilateral financial institution which is European in its basic character and broadly international in its membership would help serve these ends and would constitute a new and unique structure of cooperation in Europe;

have agreed to establish hereby the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter called «the Bank») which shall operate in accordance with the following:

CHAPTER I Purpose, functions and membership

Article 1 Purpose

In contributing to economic progress and reconstruction, the purpose of the Bank shall be to foster the transition towards open market oriented economies and to promove private and entrepreneurial initiative in the Central and Eastern European countries committed to and applying the principles of multiparty democracy, pluralism and market economics.

Article 2 Functions

1 — To fulfil on a long-term basis its purpose of fostering the transition of Central and Eastern European countries towards open market-oriented economies and the promotion of private and entrepreneurial initiative, the Bank shall assist the recipient member countries to implement structural and sectoral economic reforms, including demonopolization, decentralization and privatization, to help their economies become fully integrated into the international economy by measures:

/) To promote, through private and other interested investors, the establishment, improvement and expansion of productive, competitive and private sector activity, in particular small

and medium sized enterprises;