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article. Conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in storage other than in designated permanent storage sites shall be counted as conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in active units.

5 — Active units or formations shall not be located within designated permanent storage sites, except as provided for in paragraph 6 of this article.

6 — Only personnel associated with the security or operation of designated permanent storage sites, or the maintenance of the armaments and equipment stored therein, shall be located within the designated permanent storage sites.

7 — For the purpose of maintenance, repair or modification of convention armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty located within designated permanent storage sites, each State Party shall have the right, without prior notification, to remove from and retain outside designated permanent storage sites simultaneously up to 10%, rounded up to the nearest even whole number, of the notified holdings of each category of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in each designated permanent storage site, or 10 items of the conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in each category in each designated permanent storage site, whichever is less.

8 — Except as provided for in paragraph 7 of this article, no State Party shall remove conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty from designated permanent storage sites unless notification has been provided to all other States Parties at least 42 days in advance of such removal. Notification shall be given by the State Party to which the conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty belong. Such notification shall specify:

A) The location of the designated permanent storage site from which conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty are to be removed and the numbers by type of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty of each category to be removed;

B) The dates of removal and return of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty; and

C) The intended location and use of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty while outside the designated permanent storage site.

9 — Except as provided for in paragraph 7 of this article, the aggregate numbers of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty removed from and retained outside designated permanent storage sites by States Parties belonging to the same group of States Parties shall at no time exceed the following levels:

A) 550 battle tanks;

B) 1,000 armoured combat vehicles; and O 300 pieces of artillery.

10 — Conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty removed from designated permanent storage sites pursuant to paragraphs 8 and 9 of this article shall be returned to designated permanent storage sites no later than 42 days after ther removal,

except for those items of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty removed for industrial rebuild. Such items shall be returned to designated permanent storage sites immediately on completion of the rebuild. j

11 — Each State Party shall have the right to replace conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty located in designated permanent storage sites. Each State Party shall notify all other States Parties, at the beginning or replacement, of the number, location, type and disposition of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty being replaced.

Article XI

1 — Each State Party shall limit its armoured vehicle launched bridges so that, 40 months after entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, for the group of States Parties to which it belongs the aggregate number of armoured vehicle launched bridges in active units within the area of application does not exceed 740.

2 — All armoured vehicle launched bridges within the area of application in excess of the aggregate number specified in paragraph 1 of this article for each group of States Parties shall be placed in designated permanent storage sites, as defined in article II. When armoured vehicle launched bridges are placed in a designated permanent storage site, either on their own or together with conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty, article x, paragraphs 1 to 6, shall apply to armoured vehicle launched bridges as well as to conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty. Armoured vehicle launched bridges placed in designated permanent storage sites shall not be considered as being in active units.

3 — Except as provided for in paragraph 6 of this article, armoured vehicle launched bridges may be removed, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article, from designated permanent storage sites only after notification has been provided to all other States Parties at least 42 days prior to such removal. This notification shall specify:

A) The locations of the'. designated permanent storage sites from which armoured vehicle launched bridges are to be removed and the numbers of armoured vehicle launched bridges to be removed from each such site;

B) The dates of removal of armoured vehicle launched bridges from and return to designated permanent storage sites; and

C) The intended use of armoured vehicle launched bridges during the period of their removal from designated permanent storage sites.

4 — Except as provided for, in paragraph 6 of this article, armoured vehicle launched bridges removed from designated permanent ^storage sites shall be returned to them no later than 42 days after the actual date of removal.

5 — The aggregate number of armoured vehicle launched bridges removed from and retained outside of designated permanent storage sites by each group of States Parties shall not exceed 50 at any one time.

6 — States Parties shall have the right, for the purpose of maintenance or modification, to remove and