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nied by a corresponding reduction in the previously notified maximum levels for holdings of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty of one or more States Parties belonging to the same group of States Parties. The notification of a change in the maximum levels for holdings shall remain valid from the date specified in the notification until the date specified in a subsequent notification of change pursuant of this paragraph.

4 — Each notification recquired pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3 of this article for armoured combat vehicles shall also include maximum levels for the holdings of armoured infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armament combat vehicles of the State Party providing the notification.

5 — 90 days before expiration of the 40-month period of reductions set forth in article vm and subsequently at the time of any notification of a change pursuant to paragraph 3 of this article, each State Party shall provide notification of the maximum levels for its holdings of battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles and artillery with respect to each of the areas described in article IV, paragraphs 2 to 4, and article v, paragraph 1, subparagraph A).

6 — A decrease in the numbers of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty held by a State Party and subject to notification pursuant to the Protocol on Information Exchange shall by itself confer no right on any other State Party to increase the maximum levels for its holdings subject to notification pursuant to this article.

7 — It shall be the responsibility solely of each individual State Party to ensure that the maximum levels for its holdings notified pursuant to the provisions of this article are not exceeded. States Parties belonging to the same group of States Parties shall consult in order to ensure that the maximum levels for holdings notified pursuant to the provisions of this article, taken together as appropriate, do not exceed the limitations set forth in articles iv, v and vi.

Article VIII

1 — The numerical limitations set forth in articles iv, v and vi shall be achieved only by means of reduction in accordance with the Protocol on Reduction, The Protocol on Helicopter Recategorisation, The Protocol on Aircraft Reclassification, the footnote to section i, paragraph 2, subparagraph a), of the Protocol on Existing Types and the Protocol on Inspection.

2 — The categories of conventional armaments and equipment subject to reductions are battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft and attack helicopters. The specific types are listed in the Protocol on Existing Types.

A) Battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles shall be reduced by destruction, conversion for non-military purposes, placement on static display, use as ground targets, or, in the case of armoured personnel carriers, modification in accordance with the footnote to section i, paragraph 2, subparagraph A), of the Protocol on Existing Types.

B) Artillery shall be reduced by destruction or placement on static display, or, in the case of self-propelled artillery, by use as ground targets.

Q Combat aircraft shall be reduced by destruction, placement on static display, use for ground instructional purposes, or in the case of specific models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft, reclassification into unarmed trainer aircraft.

D) Specialised attack helicopters shall be reduced by destruction, placement on static display, or use for ground instructional purposes.

E) Multi-purpose attack helicopters shall be reduced by destruction, placement on static display, use for ground instructional purposes, or recategorisation./

3 — Conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty shall be deemed to be reduced upon execution of the procedures set forth in the protocols listed in paragraph 1 of this article and upon notification as required by these protocols. Armaments and equipment so reduced shall no longer be counted against the numerical limitations set forth in articles iv, v and vi.

4 — Reductions shall be effected in three phases and completed no later than 40 months after entry into force of this Treaty, so that:

A) By the end of the first reduction phase, that is, no later than 16 months after entry into force of this Treaty, each State Party shall have ensured that at least 25% of its total reduction liability in each of the categories of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty has been reduced;

B) By the end of the second reduction phase, that is, no later than 28 months after entry into force of -this Treaty, each State Party shall have ensured that at least 60 % of its total reduction liability in each of the categories of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty has been reduced;

Q By the end of the third reduction phase, that is, no later than 40 months afer entry into force of this Treaty, each State Party shall have reduced its total reduction liability in each of the categories of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty. States Parties carrying out conversion for non-military purposes shall have ensured that the conversion of all battle tanks in accordance with section vm of the Protocol on Reduction shall have been completed by the end of the third reduction phase; and

D) Armoured combat vehicles deemed reduced by reason of having been partially destroyed in accordance with section vm, paragraph 6, of the Protocol on Reduction shall have been fully converted for non-military purposes, or destroyed in accordance with section iv of the Protocol on Reduction, no later than 64 months after entry into force of this Treaty.

5 — Conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty to be reduced shall have been declared present within the area of application in exchange of information at signature of this Treaty.'

6 — No later than 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty, each State Party shall provide notification to all other States Parties of its reduction liability.

7 — Except as provided for in paragraph 8 of this article, a State Party's reduction liability in each