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Q The term «battle tank» means a self-propelled armoured fighting vehicle, capable of heavy

firepower, primarily of a high muzzle velocity direct fire main gun necessary to engage armoured and other targets, with high crosscountry mobility, with a high level of self-protection, and which is not designed and equipped primarily to transport combat troops. Such armoured vehicles serve as the principal weapon system of ground-force tank and other armoured formations.

Battle tanks are tracked armoured fighting vehicles which weigh at least 16.5 metric tonnes unladen weight and which are armed with a 360-degree traverse gun of at least 75 millimetres calibre. In addition, any wheeled armoured fighting vehicles entering into service which meet all the other criteria stated above shall also be deemed battle tanks; D) The term «armoured combat vehicle» means a self-propelled vehicle with armoured protection and cross-country capability. Armoured combat vehicles include armoured personnel carriers, armoured infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armament combat vehicles.

The term «armoured personnel carrier» means an armoured combat vehicle which is designed and equipped to transport a combat infantry squad and which, as a rule, is armed with an integral or organic weapon of less than 20 millimetres calibre.

The term «armoured infantry fighting vehi-cle» means an armoured combat vehicle which is designed and equipped primarily to transport a combat infantry squad, which normally provides the capability for the troops to deliber fire from inside the vehicle under armoured protection, and which is armed with an integral or organic cannon of at least 20 millimetres calibre and sometimes an antitank missile launcher. Armoured infantry fighting vehicles serve as the principal weapon system of armoured infantry or mechanised infantry or motorised infantry formations and units of ground forces.

The term «heavy armament combat vehicle» means an armoured combat vehicle with an integral or organic direct fire gun of at least 75 millimetres calibre, weighing at least 6.0 metric tonnes unladen weight, which does not fall within the definitions of an armoured personnel carrier, or an armoured infantry fighting vehicle or a battle tank;

E) The term «unladen weight» means the weight of a vehicle excluding the weight of ammunition; fuel, oil and lubricants; removable reactive armour; spare parts, tools and accessories; removable snorkelling equipment; and crew and their personal kit;

F) The term «artillery» means large calibre systems capable of engaging ground targets by delivering primarily indirect fire. Such artillery systems provide the essential indirect fire support to combined arms formations.

Large calibre artillery sistems are guns, howitzers, artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers, mortars and multiple launch rocket systems with a calibre of 100 millimetres and above. In addition, any future large calibre direct fire system which has a secondary effective indirect fire capability shall be counted against the artillery ceilings;

C) The term «stationed conventional armed forces» means conventional armed forces of a State Party that are stationed within the area of application on the territory of another State Party;

H) The term «designated permanent storage site» means a place with a clearly defined physical boundary containing conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty, which are counted within overall ceilings but which are not subject to limitations on conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in active units;

I) The term «armoured vehicle launched bridge» means a self-propelled armoured transporter-launcher vehicle capable of carrying and, through built-in mechanisms, of emplacing and retrieving a bridge structure. Such a vehicle with a bridge structure operates as an integrated system;

J) The term «conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty» means battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft and attack helicopters subject to the numerical limitations set forth in articles iv, v and vi;

K) The term «combat aircraftw means a fixed-wing or variable-geometry wing aircraft armed and equipped to engage targets by employing guided missiles, unguided rockets, bombs, guns, cannons, or other weapons of destruction, as well as any model or version of such an aircraft which performs other military functions such as reconnaissance or electronic warfare. The term «combat aircraftw does not include primary trainer aircraft;

L) The term «combat helicopter» means a rotary wing aircraft armed and equipped to engage targets or equipped to perform other military functions. The term «combat helicopter» comprises attack helicopters and combat support helicopters. The term «combat helicopter» does not include unarmed transport helicopters;

M) The term «attack helicopter» means a combat helicopter equipped to employ antiarmour, air-to-ground, or air-to-air guided weapons and equipped with an integrated fire control and aiming system for these weapons. The term «attack helicopter» comprises specialised attack helicopters and multi-purpose attack helicopters;

AO The term «specialised attack helicopter» means' an attack helicopter that is designed primarily to employ guided weapons;

O) The term «mutti-purpose attack helicopter» means an attack helicopter designed to perform