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11 DE MARÇO DE 1992


multiple military functions and equipped to employ guided weapons;

P) The term «combat support helicopter» means a combat helicopter which does not fulfill the requeriments to qualify as an attack helicopter and which may be equipped with a variety of self-defence and area suppression weapons, such as guns, cannons and unguided rockets, bombs or cluster bombs, or which may be equipped to perform other military functions;

Q) The term conventional armaments and equipment subject to the Treaty» means battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircaft, primary trainer aircraft, unarmed trainer aircraft, combat helicopters, unarmed transport helicopters, armoured vehicle launched bridges, armoured personnel carrier look-alikes and armoured infantry fighting vehicle look-alikes subject to information exchange in accordance with the Protocol on Information Exchange;

R) The term «in service», as it applies to conventional armed forces and conventional armaments and equipment, means battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft, primary trainer aircraft, unarmed trainer aircraft, combat helicopters, unarmed transport helicopters, armoured vehicle launched bridges, armoured personnel carrier look-alikes and armoured infantry fighting vehicle look-alikes that are within the area of application, except for those that are held by organisations designed and structured to perform in peacetime internal security functions or that meet any of the exceptions set forth in article Hi;

S) The terms «armoured personnel carrier look-alike» and «armoured infantry fighting vehicles look-alike» mean an armoured vehicle based on the same chassis as, and externally similar to, an armoured personel carrier or armoured infantry fighting vehicle, respectively, which does not have a cannon or gun of 20 millimetres calibre or greater and which has been constructed or modified in such a way as not to permit the transportation of a combat infantry squad. Taking into account the provisions of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Conditions of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, of 12 August 1949, that confer a special status on ambulances, armoured personnel carrier ambulances shall not be deemed armoured combat vehicles or armoured personnel carrier look-alikes;

7) The term «reduction site» means a clearly designated location where the reduction of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty in accordance with article vm takes place;

U) The term «reduction liability)) means the number in each category of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty that a State Party commits itself to reduce during the period of 40 months following the entry into force of this Treaty in order to ensure compliance with article vn.

2 — Existing types of conventional armaments and equipment subject to the Treaty are listed in the Protocol on Existing Types. The lists of existing types shall be periodically updated in accordance with article xvi, paragraph 2, subparagraph D), and section iv of the Protocol on Existing Types. Such updates to the existing types lists shall not be deemed amendments to this Treaty.

3 — The existing types of combat helicopters listed in the Protocol on Existing Types shall be categorised in accordance with section I of the Protocol on Helicopter Recategorisation.

Article III

1 — For the purposes of this Treaty, the States Parties shall apply the following counting rules: all battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft and attack helicopters, as defined in article ii, within the area of application shall be subject to the numerical limitations and other provisions set forth in articles iv, v and vi, with the exception of those which in a manner consistent with a State Party's normal practices:

A) Are in the process of manufacture, including manufacturing-related testing;

B) Are used exclusively for the purposes of research and development;

Q Belong to historical collections;

D) Are awaiting disposal, having been decommissioned from service in accordance with the provisions of article ix;

E) Are awaiting, or are being refurbished for, export or re-export and are temporarily retained within the area of application. Such battle thanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft and attack helicopters shall be located elsewhere than at sites declared under the terms of section v of the Protocol on Information Exchange or at no more than 10 such declared sites which shall have been notified in the previous year's annual information exchange. In the latter case, they shall be separately distinguishable from conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty;

F) Are, in the case of armoured personnel carriers, armoured infantry fighting vehicles, heavy armament combat vehicles or multipurpose attack helicopter, held by organisations designed and structured to perform in peacetime internal security functions; or

G) Are in transit through the area of application from a location outside the area of application

• to a final destination outside the area of application, and are in the area of application for no longer than a total of seven days.

2 — If, in respect of any such battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery, combat aircraft or attack helicopters, the notification of which is required under section iv of the Protocol on Information Exchange, a State Party notifies an unusually high number in more than two successive annual information exchanges, it shall explain the reasons in the Joint Consultative Group, if so requested.