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18 DE MARÇO DE 1994


of Benelux, as referred to in article xiv of the Treaty, two observation flights over the territory of Canada, two observation flights over the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, three observation flights over the territory of the French Republic, three observation flights over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, two observation flights over the territory of the Italian Republic, two observation flight over the territory of the Kingdom of Norway, two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Turkey, three observation flights over the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and four observation flights over the territory of the United State of America; The Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, referred to as the Benelux, shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;

The Republic of Bulgaria shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Italian Republic, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Turkey;

Canada shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Repuplic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland, and one observation flight, shared with the United States of America, over the territory of Ukraine;

The Kingdom of Denmark shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;

The Kingdom of Spain shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic;

The French Republic shall have the right to conduct three observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territoty of Romania;

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall have the right to conduct three observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;

The Hellenic Republic shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, and one observation flight over the territory of Romania; •

The Republic of Hungary shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory

of Romania, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;

The Italian Republic shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, and one observation flight, shared with the Republic of Turkey, over the territory of Ukraine;

The Kingdom of Norway shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;

The Republic of Poland shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;

Romania shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;

The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;

The Republic of Turkey shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, and two observation flights, one of which is shared with the Italian Republic, over the territory of Ukraine;

Ukraine shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland, one observation flight over the territory of Romania, and two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Turkey.

2 — Following this first distribution and until the date of full implementation of the Treaty specified in article xvm to that effect for the use of active quotas, annual distributions shall be based on the 75 per cent rule estalished in paragraph 1 of this section in relation to the allocation of individual passive quotas.

3 — From the date of full implementation of the Treaty each State Partie shall accept during subsequent distributions of active quotas over its territory, if so requested, a number of observation flights up to the full amount of its individual passive quota. Whenever possible or requested and unless otherwise agreed, those distributions shall be based on a proportionate increase of the active quotas distributed in the first distribution.

4 — In the event that an additional State ratifies or accedes to the Treaty in accordance with the provisions of article xvit, the distribution of active quotas to such State shall be considered during the regular session of the Open