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3 — Navigation, communications and landing aids:

A) Each type of navigation equipment installed on the observation aircraft, including its positional accuracy, in metres; and

B) Radio communications, approach and landing aid equipment installed on the observation aircraft, in accordance with standard ICAO practice.

4 — Ground handling:

A) Length, wingspan, maximum height, wheel base, and turning radius;

B) Maximum take-off weight and maximum landing weight;

O Airfield runway length and pavement strength required at maximum take-off and landing weights, including any capability for landing on unpaved strips;

D) Types and capacities of fuel, oils, hydraulic fluid and oxigen;

E) Types of electrical servicing and starting units; and

F) Any special requirements.

5 — Accommodation facilities:

A) Number of flight crew;

B) Number of sensor operators;

O Number of flight representatives, flight monitors or representatives who could be seated on board; and

D) Sleeping berths.


Certification of observation aircraft and sensors

Section I General provisions

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to participate in the certification of an observation aircraft of each type and model and its associated set of sensors designated by another State Party pursuant to article v of the Treaty, during which the observation aircraft and its sensors shall be examined both on the ground and in-flight.

2 — Each certification shall be conducted in order to establish:

A) That the aircraft is of a type and model designated pursuant to article v of the Treaty;

B) That the sensors installed on the observation aircraft are of a category specified in article iv, paragraph 1, of the Treaty and satisfy the requirements specified in article iv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty;

C) That the technical information has been provided in accordance with the provisions of annex B, section i, to the Treaty;

D) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, the minimum height above ground level from which each sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model may be operated during an observation flight, pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in article iv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty;

E) In the event that the ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model, pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in article iv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty; and

F) That the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in their proper position in accordance with the provisions of article iv, paragraph 4, of the Treaty.

3 — Each State Party conducting a certification shall notify all other States Parties, no less than 60 days in advance, of the period of seven days during which the certification of that observation aircraft and its sensors will take place. Such notification shall specify:

A) The State Party conducting the certification of the observation aircraft and its sensors;

B) The point of entry at which personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification should arrive;

C) The location at which the certification is to be conducted;

D) The dates on which the certification is to begin and end;

E) The number, type and model of each observation aircraft to be certified; and

F) The type and model, description and configuration of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft to be certified, in accordance with the format specified in annex B, appendix 1, to the Treaty.

4 — No later than ten days after receipt of the notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this section, each State Party shall notify all other States Parties of its intention to participate in the certification of such aircraft and its sensors pursuant to the provisions of article iv, paragraph 11. The number of individuals that shall participate in the certification from amongst those States Parties that notified their intention to participate shall be decided upon within the Open Skies Consultative Commission. Unless otherwise agreed, the number of individuals shall total no more than 40 and include no more than four from any one State Party. In the event that two or more States Parties notify their intention to conduct a certification during the same period, it shall be decided within the Open Skies Consultative Commission which of them shall conduct the certification in this period.

5 — Each State Party taking part in the certification shall notify the State Party conducting the certification no less than 30 days prior to the date on which the certification of the observation aircraft is to begin, as notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of this section, of the following:

A) The names of the individuals taking part in the certification and, in the event that a non-commercial transport aircraft is used to travel to the point of entry, a list of the names of the crew members, in each case specifying gender, date of birth, place of birth and passport number. All such individuals shall be on the list of individuals designated pursuant to article xiu, section I, of the Treaty;