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examination or in-flight examination. The States Parties conducting the examination shall be permitted to take on board the observation aircraft and use video cameras, handheld audio recorders and hand-held electronic computers. The States Parties taking part in the certification shall be permitted to use other items of equipment, subject to the approval of the State Party conducting the certification.

6 — The States Parties taking part in the certification shall, together with the State Party conducting the certification, conduct an inventory of each item of equipment provided for in paragraph 5 of this section, and review the inventory procedures which shall be followed to confirm that each item of equipment brought on board the observation aircraft by the States Parties taking part in the certification has been removed from the observation aircraft upon conclusion of the examination.

7 — Personnel of each State Party taking part in the certification shall have the right to conduct the following activities during the ground examination on the observation aircraft and of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft:

A) Confirm that the number and configuration of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft correspond to the information provided in accordance with the provisions of section i, paragraph 6, of this annex, annex C and annex B, section i;

B) Familiarize themselves with the installation of each sensor on the observation aircraft, including the constituent parts thereof and their connections to each other and to any associated equipment used for the annotation of data;

C) Obtain a demonstration of the control and operation of each sensor; and

D) Familiarize themselves with the flight test data provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this section.

8 — At the request of any State Party taking part in the certification, the State Party conducting the certification shall photograph any sensor installed on the observation aircraft, the associated equipment on the observation aircraft, or the sensor apertures with their covers or devices which inhibit the operation of sensors. Such photographs shall fulfil the requirements specified in section i, paragraph 6, subparagraphs B), 1), 2) and 3), of this annex.

9 — The State Party conducting the certification shall have the right to designate personnel to accompany throughout the ground examination the personnel'of the States Parties taking part in the certification to confirm compliance with the provisions of this section. The personnel of the State Party conducting the certification shall not interfere with die activities of the States Parties taking part in the certification, unless such activities conflict with the safety precautions provided for in paragraph 4, subparagraph C), of this section.

10 — The State Party conducting the certification shall provide the States Parties taking part in the certification access to the entire observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment and sufficient power to operate its sensors and associated equipment. The State Party conducting the certification shall open such compartments or remove panels or barriers, to the extent necessary to permit examination of any sensor and associated equipment subject to certification.

11 — Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the ground examination shall be conducted in a manner that does not:

A) Degrade, damage, or prevent subsequent operation of the observation aircraft or its sensors;

B) Alter the electrical or mechanical structure of the observation aircraft or its sensors; or

O Impair the airworthiness of the observation aircraft.

12 — The States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to take measurements, and make notes, sketches, similar records and recordings using the items of equipment listed in paragraph 5 of this section, relating to the observation aircraft, its sensors and their associated equipment. Such working materials may be retained by the State Party taking part in the certification and shall not be subject to any review or examination by the State Party conducting the certification.

13 — The State Party conducting the certification shall make every effort to answer questions of the States Parties taking part in the certification that pertain to the ground examination.

14 — Upon completion of the ground examination, the States Parties taking part in the certification shall leave the observation aircraft, and the State Party conducting the certification shall have the right to use its own inventory procedures set forth in accordance with paragraph 6 of this section to confirm that all the equipment used during the ground examination in accordance with paragraph 5 of this section has been removed from the observation aircraft.

Section III In-flight examination

1 — In addition to conducting a ground examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors, the State Party conducting the certification shall conduct one in-flight examination of its sensors which shall be sufficient, to-.

A) Permit observation of the operation of all the sensors installed on the observation aircraft;

B) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, establish the minimum height above ground level from which each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model shall be operated for any observation flight, in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in article w, paxa.-graph 2, of the Treaty; and

C) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is not dependent upon height above ground level, estalish the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model is in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in article iv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty.

2 — Prior to the commencement of the in-flight examination of the sensors, the State Party conducting the certification shall brief the States Parties participating in the certification on its plan for the conduct of the in-flight examination. This briefing shall include the following information:

A) A diagram of the calibration targets \hav to. intends to use for the in-flight examination in