by a white bar. The width of black and white bars within a group shall remain constant. The width of the bars in groups of bars in the calibration target shall change in steps sufficient to ensure accurate measurement of the ground resolution. The length of the bars shall remain constant within each group. The contrast ratio of the black to white bars shall be consistent throughout the target and shall be at least 5 to 1 (equivalent to a modulation of 0.66).
3 — Calibration targets for establishing the ground resolution of infra-red line-scanning devices shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
4 — Calibration targets for establishing the ground resolution of sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar shall consist of arrays of trihedral corner reflectors whose configuration shall be in accordance with the methodologies determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
5 — Each State Party shall provide all other States Parties with a diagram of the calibration targets that it intends to use for the purpose of in-flight examination. Such diagrams shall be annotated with the overall dimensions of the calibration targets, their locations and the type of terrain on which they are deployed, as well as the information appropriate to each type of calibration target as determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
Section II Conduct of in-flight examination
1 — In order to establish the ground resolution of panoramic or vertically-installed framing cameras, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be directly over and parallel to the calibration target. In order to establish the ground resolution of obliquely-installed framing cameras, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be parallel to the calibration target at a range such that the image of the calibration target appears in the forground of the field of view of the optical camera set at its maximum angle measured from the horizontal or minimum angle measured from the vertical.
2 — In order to establish the ground resolution of an infra-red line-scanning device, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be directly over and parallel to the calibration target at an agreed range of heights above ground level.
3 — In order to establish the ground resolution of a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be to the side of the array of the corner reflectors.
Section HI
Analysis of data collected during the in-flight examination
1 — Following the in-flight examination, the State Party conducting the certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification shall jointly analyse the data collected during die in-flight examination pursuant to annex D, section iv, paragraph 1, to the Treaty.
2 — The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which each optical camera installed oh the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight, including the value of the contrast ratio or the equivalent modulation to be used in this calculation, which shall be not less than 1.6:1 (correspondingly 0.23) and not greater than 4:1 (correspondingly 0.6),
shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application and prior to 30 June 1992. The ground resolution of optical cameras shall be determined from a visual analysis of the image of the calibration target on the original film negative. The numerical value of ground resolution shall be equal to the width of the smallest bar of the calibration target that is distinguishable as a separate bar.
3 — The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which each video camera installed on the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
4 — The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which an infra-red line-scanning device installed on the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight, including the value of the minimum resolvable temperature difference to be used in this calculation, shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
5 — The methodology for calculating the ground resolution of a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, including the determination of the relationship between the impulse response method and the object separation method, shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
Procedures for arrivals and departures
1 — Each State Party shall designated one or more points of entry, one or more points of exit, and one or more open skies airfields on its territory. Points of entry and points of exit may or may not be the same as the open skies airfields. Unless otherwise agreed, if an open skies airfiled is different from a point of entry, the open skies airfield shall be designated so that the observing Party can reach ihe open skies airfield within five hours from the point of entry either in its own observation aircraft or in transportation provided by the observed Party. The observing Party, after arriving at a point of entry or an open skies airfield, shall have the right to a rest period, subject to the provisions of article vi of the Treaty.
2 — Each State Party shall have the right to designate entry fixes and exit fixes. If a State Party elects to designate entry fixes and exit fixes, such fixes shall facilitate flight from the territory of the observing Party to the point of entry of the observed Party. Planned flights between entry fixes and points of entry and between points of exit and exit fixes shall be conducted in accordance with published ICAO standards and recommended practices and national regulations. In the event that portions of the flights between entry fixes and points of entry or between points of exit and exit fixes lie in international airspace, die flight through international airspace shall be conducted in accordance with published international regulations.
3 — Information on points of entry and points of exit, open skies airfields, entry fixes and exit fixes, refuelling airfields, and calibration targets shall initially be as specified in appendix I to this annex.
4 — A State Party shall have the right to introduce changes to appendix 1 to this annex by notifying all other States Parties of such changes, in writing, no less than 90 days before such changes become effective.