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A Assembleia da República resolve, nos termos dos artigos 164.°, alínea y), e 169.°, n." 5, da Constituição, aprovar o seguinte:

Artigo 1.° É aprovada, para adesão, a Convenção Constitutiva do Fundo Multilateral de Investimentos, cujo texto nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa segue em anexo à presente resolução.

Art. 2.° É igualmente aprovada, para adesão, a Convenção de Administração do Fundo Multilateral de Investimentos, complementar da Convenção prevista no artigo anterior, cujo texto nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa segue em anexo à presente resolução.

Aprovada em 17 de Março de 1994.

O Presidente da Assembleia da República, António Moreira Barbosa de Melo.


Whereas, many leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean have embraced market-based economic reform, recognized the need to reduce external debt burdens to manageable levels and recognized the need for liberalized investment regimes;

Whereas, the need to attract private capital is critical to the economic development of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and investment reform is needed to stimulate foreign and domestic investment in these countries;

Whereas, the prospective donor members of the Inter-American Development Bank listed in schedule A of this Agreement (each considered a «donor» on adherence to this Agreement and so referred to hereinafter) have agreed to establish a multilateral fund in the Bank as a transitional measure to assist in investment reform;

Whereas, such a multilateral fund can provide critical resources to suplement and complement the activities of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Inter-American Investment Corporation and other multilateral development banks, to provide support for their policies and their initiatives to promote investment reform and stimulate in particular the activities of micro-enterprises;

Whereas, the Inter-American Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the «Bank»), to fulfill its purposes and in pursuit of its objectives, has agreed to administer such a fund, and on 11 February 1992, has signed the Agreement for the Administration of the Multilateral Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the «Administration Agreement»);

Therefore, the donors agree to establish the Multilateral Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the «Fund») as follows:

ARTICLE 1 General purposes

The general purposes of the Fund are to:

a) Encourage the development and implementation of investment reforms and facilitate significantly increased levels of private investment, both foreign and domestic, thereby accelerating the economic and social growth and development in the regional developing member countries of the Bank, and the developing member countries of the Caribbean Development Bank;

b) Encourage those members in their efforts to implement development strategies based on sound economic policies which encourage increased private investment and an expanding private sector, as those policies will increase employment opportunities and foster small businesses and micro-enterprises, and thus help alleviate poverty, improve income distribution, and strengthen the role of women in development;

c) Stimulate micro-enterprises, small businesses and other enterpreneurial activities in those members;

d) Provide financing to help enable those members to: 0 identify and implement policy reforms which will increase investment; ii) bear certain of the costs associated with investment reforms and an expanding private sector, and ¿ti) broaden participation of smaller entrepreneurs in their economies; and

e) Promote in the full range of its operations environmentally sound and sustainable economic development.

ARTICLE 2 Contributions to the Fund

Section 1 Instruments of contribution

a) As soon as reasonably possible after depositing tite instrument indicating that it has ratified, accepted, or approved this Agreement under article 6, section 1 (hereinafter referred to as an «instrument of acceptance*), but no later than sixty days after depositing that instrument, each donor shall deposit with the Bank an instrumwA s>i contribution in which it agrees to pay to the Fund the amount set forth for it in schedule A in five equal annual installments (such contribution hereinafter referred to as an «unqualified contribution»). Donors which have deposited an instrument of contribution prior to v\\t date this Agreement enters into force pursuant to article 5, section 1 (hereinafter referred to as the «effective date») may postpone payment of the first installment until the 30th day after that date. Donors depositing an instrument of contribution on or after the effective date shall pay their first installment within 30 days after such deposit, but no later than the first anniversary of the effective date or such later date as determined by the committee established under article 4 fhereinafter referred to as the «Donors Com-