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18 DE ABRIL DE 1996


C — Production General principles for production

7 — Each State Party, during production under paragraphs 8 to 12, shall assign the highest priority to ensuring the safety of people and to protecting the environment. Each State Party shall conduct such production in accordance with its national standards for safety and emissions.

Single small-scale facility

8 — Each State Party that produces schedule 1 chemicals for research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes shall carry out the production at a single small-scale facility approved by the State Party, except as set forth in paragraphs 10, 11 and 12.

9 —'The production at a single small-scale facility shall be carried out in reaction vessels in production lines not configurated for continuous operation. The volume of such a reaction vessel shall not exceed 100 1, and the total volume of all reaction vessels with a volume exceeding 5 1 shall not be more than 5001.

Other facilities

10 — Production of schedule 1 chemicals in aggregate quantities not exceeding 10 kg per year may be carried out for protective purposes at one facility outside a single small-scale facility. This facility shall be approved by the State Party.

11 — Production of schedule 1 chemicals in quantities of more than 100 g per year may be carried out for research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes outside a single small-scale facility in aggregate quantities not exceeding 10 kg per year per facility. These facilities shall be approved by the State Party.

12 — Synthesis of schedule 1 chemicals for research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes, but not for protective purposes, may be carried out at laboratories in aggregate quantities less than 100 g per year per facility. These facilities shall not by subject to any obligation relating to declaration and verification as specified in sections D and E.

O — Declarations

Single small-scale facility

13 — Each State Party that plans to operate a single small-scale facility shall provide the Technical Secretariat with the precise location and a detailed technical description of the facility, including an inventory of equipment and detailed diagrams. For existing facilities, this initial declaration shall be provided not later than 30 days after this Convention enters into force for the State Party. Initial declarations on new facilities shall be provided not less than 180 days before operations are to begin.

14 — Each State Party shall give advance notification to the Technical Secretariat of planned changes related to the initial declaration. The notification shall be submitted not less than 180 days before the changes are to take place.

15 — A State Party producing schedule 1 chemicals at a single small-scale facility shall make a detailed annual declaration regarding the activities of the facility for the

previous year. The declaration shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the end of that year and shall include:

a) Identification of the facility;

b) For each schedule 1 chemical produced, acquired, consumed or stored at the facility, the following information:

i) The chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry

—r number, if assigned; ¿0 The methods employed and quantity produced;

Hi) The name and quantity of precursors listed in schedules 1, 2 or 3, used for production of schedule 1 chemicals;

iv) The quantity consumed at the facility and the purpose(s) of the consumption;

v) The quantity received from or shipped to other facilities in the State Party. For each shipment the quantity, recipient and purpose should be included;

vi) The maximum quantity stored at any time during the year; and

vü) The quantity stored at the end of the year; and

c) Information on any changes at the facility during the year compared to previously submitted detailed technical descriptions of the facility including inventories of equipment and detailed diagrams.

16 — Each State Party producing schedule 1 chemicals at a single small-scale facility shall make a detailed annual declaration regarding the projected activities and the anticipated production at the facility for the coming year. The declaration shall be submitted not less than 90 days before the beginning or that year and shall include:

a) Identification of the facility;

0) For each schedule 1 chemical anticipated to be

produced, consumed or stored at the facility, the

following information:

0 The chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned;

ii) The quantity anticipated to be produced and the purpose of the production; and

c) Information on any anticipated changes at the facility during the year compared to previously submitted detailed technical descriptions of the facility including inventories of equipment and detailed diagrams.

Other facilities referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11

17 — For each facility, a State Party shall provide the Technical Secretariat with the name, location and a detailed technical description of the facility or its relevant part(s) as requested by the Technical Secretariat. The facility producing schedule 1 chemicals for protective purposes shall be specifically identified. For existing facilities, this initial declarations shall be provided not later than 30 days after this Convention enters into force for the State Party. Initial declarations on new facilities shall be provided not less than 180 days before operations are to begin.