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18 — Each State Party shall give advance notification to the Technical Secretariat of planned changes related to the initial declaration. The notification shall be submitted not less than 180 days before the changes are to take place.

19 — Each State Party shall, for each facility, make a detailed annual declaration regarding the activities of the facility for the previous year. The declaration shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the end of that year and shall include:

a) Identification of the facility;

b) For each schedule 1 chemical the following information:

0 The chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned;

ii) The quantity produced and, in case of production for protective purposes, methods employed;

iii) The name and quantity of precursors listed in schedules 1, 2 or 3, used for production of schedule 1 chemicals;

iv) The quantity consumed at the facility and the purpose of the consumption;

v) The quantity transferred to other facilities within the State Party. For each transfer the quantity, recipient and purpose should be included;

vi) The maximum quantity stored at any time during the year; and

vu) The quantity stored at the end of the year; and

c) Information on any changes at the facility or its relevant parts during the year compared to previously submitted detailed technical description of the facility.

20 — Each State Party shall, for each facility, make a detailed annual declaration regarding the projected activities and the antecipated production at the facility for the coming year. The declaration shall be submitted not less than 90 days before the beginning of that year and shall include:

a) Identification of the facility;

b) For each schedule 1 chemical the following information:

j) The chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned; and ii) The quantity anticipated to be produced, the time periods when the production is anticipated to take place and the purposes of the production; and

c) Information on any anticipated changes at the facility or its relevant parts, during the year compared to previously submitted detailed technical descriptions of the facility.

E — Verification

Single small-scale facility

21—The aim of verification activities at the single small-scale facility shall be to verify that the quantities-of

schedule 1 chemicals produced are correctly declared and, in particular, that their aggregate amount does not exceed

1 tonne.

22 — The facility shall be subject to systematic verification through on-site inspection and monitoring with on-site instruments.

23 — The number, intensity, duration, timing and mode of inspections for a particular facility shall be based on the risk to the object and purpose of this Convention posed by the relevant chemicals, the characteristics of the facility and the nature of the activities carried out there. Appropriate guidelines shall be considered and approved by the Conference pursuant to article vm, paragraph 21, i).

24 — The purpose of the initial inspection shall be to verify information provided concerning the facility, including verification of the limits on reaction vessels set forth in paragraph 9.

25 — Not later than 180 days after this Convention enters into force for a State Party, it shall conclude a facility agreement, based on a model agreement, with the Organization, covering detailed inspection procedures for the facility.

26 — Each State Party planning to establish a single small-scale facility after this Convention enters into force for it shall conclude a facility agreement, with the Organization, covering detailed inspection procedures for the facility before it begins operation or is used.

27 —t A model for agreements shall be considered and approved by the Conference pursuant to article vm, paragraph 21, i).

Other facilities referred to in paragraphs 10 and It

28 — The aim of verification activities at any facility referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11 shall be to verify that:

a) The facility is not used to produce any schedule 1 chemical, except for the declared chemicals;

b) The quantities of schedule 1 chemicals produced, processed or consumed are correctly declared and consistent with needs for the declared purpose; and

c) The schedule 1 chemical is not diverted or used for other purposes.

29—The facility shall be subject to systematic verification through on-site inspection and monitoring with on-site instruments.

30 — The number, intensity, duration, timing and mode of inspections for a particular facility shall be based on the risk to the object and purpose of this Convention posed by the quantities of chemicals produced, the'characteristics of the facility and the nature of the activities carried out there. Appropriate guidelines shall be considered and approved by the' Conference pursuant to article vm, paragraph 21, i).

31 —Not later than 180 days after this Convention enters into force for a State Party, it shall conclude facility agreements with the Organization, based on a model agreement covering detailed inspection procedures for each facility.

32 — Each State Party planning to establish such a facility after entry into force of this Convention shall conclude a facility agreement with the Organization before the facility begins operation or is used.