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6 DE JULHO DE 1996


b) The precise location of each chemical weapons storage facility, expressed by:

f) Name;

ii) Geographical coordinates; and ¿¡i) A detailed site diagram, including a boundary map and the location of bunkers/ storage areas within the facility;

c) The detailed inventory for each chemical weapons storage facility including:

i) Chemicals defined as chemical weapons in accordance with article n;

ii) Unfilled munitions, sub-munitions, devices and equipment defined as chemical weapons;

Hi) Equipment specially designed for use directly in connection with the employment of munitions, sub-munitions, devices or equipments specified in sub-subpara-graph ii);

iv) Chemicals specifically designed for use directly in connection with the employment of munitions, sub-munitions, devices or equipment specified in sub-subparagraph ii).

2 — For the declaration of chemicals referred to in paragraph 1, c), i), the following shall apply:

a) Chemicals shall be declared in accordance with the schedules specified in the Annex on Chemicals;

b) For a chemical not listed in the schedules in the Annex on Chemicals the information required for possible assignment of the chemical to the appropriate schedule shall be provided, including the toxicity of the pure compound. For a precursor, the toxicity and identity of the principal final reaction product(s) shall be provided;

c) Chemicals shall be identified by chemical name in accordance with current International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned. For a precursor, the toxicity and identity of the principal final reaction product(s) shall be provided;

d) In cases involving mixtures of two or more chemicals, each chemical shall be identified and the percentage of each shall be provided, and the mixture shall be declared under the category of the most toxic chemical. If a component of a binary chemical weapon consists of a mixture of two or more chemicals, each chemical shall be identified and the percentage of each provided;

e) Binary chemical weapons shall be declared under the relevant end-product within the framework of the categories of chemical weapons referred to in paragraph 16. The following supplementary information shall be provided for each type of binary chemical munition/device:

0 The chemical name of the toxic end-product; ii) The chemical composition and quantity of

each component; ¿ü) The actual weight ratio between the


iv) Which component is considered the key component;

v) The projected quantity of the toxic end-product calculated on a stoichiometric basis from the key component, assuming 100% yield. A declared quantity (in tonnes) of the key component intended for a specific toxic end-product shall be considered equivalent to the quantity (in tonnes) of this toxic end-product calculated on a stoichiometric basis assuming 100% yield;

f) For multicomponent chemical weapons, the declaration shall be analogous to that envisaged for binary chemical weapons;

g) For each chemical the form of storage, i. e. munitions, sub-munitions, devices, equipment or bulk containers and other containers shall be declared. For each form of storage the following shall be listed:

0 Type;

¿0 Size or calibre;

Hi) Number of items; and

/V) Nominal weight of chemical fill per item; •

h) For each chemical the total weight present at the storage facility shall be declared;

i) In addition, for chemicals stored in bulk, the percentage purity shall be declared, if known.

3 — For each type of unfilled munitions, sub-munitions, devices or equipment, referred to in paragraph 1, c), ii), the information shall include:

a) The number of items;

b) The nominal fill volume per item;

c) The intended chemical fill.

Declarations of chemical weapons pursuant to article m, paragraph 1, a), Ui)

4 — The declaration of chemical weapons pursuant to article in, paragraph 1, a), Hi), shall contain all information specified in paragraphs 1 to 3 above. It is the responsibility of the State Party on whose territory the chemical weapons are located to make appropriate arrangements with the other State to ensure that the declarations are made. If the State Party on whose territory the chemical weapons are located is not able to fulfil its obligations under this paragraph, it shall state the reasons therefor.

Declarations of past transfers and receipts

5 — A State Party that has transferred or received chemical weapons since 1 January 1946 shall declare these transfers or receipts pursuant to article in, paragraph 1, a), iv), provided the amount transferred or received exceeded 1 tonne per chemical per year in bulk and/or munition form. This declaration shall be made according to the inventory format specified in paragraphs 1 and 2. This declaration shall also indicate the supplier and recipient countries, the dates of the transfers or receipts and, as precisely as possible, the current location of the transferred items. When not all the specified information is available for transfers or receipts of chemical weapons for the period between 1 January 1946 and 1 January 1970,