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26 — A decision on the request shall be taken by the Conference at its next session, on the recommendation of

the Executive Council. Any extension shall be the minimum necessary, but in no case shall the deadline for a State Party to complete its destruction of all chemical weapons be extended beyond 15 years after the entry into force of this Convention. The Executive Council shall set conditions for the granting of the extension, including the specific verification measures deemed necessary as well as specific actions to be taken by the State Party to overcome problems in its destruction programme. Costs of verification during-the extension period shall be allocated in accordance with article iv, paragraph 16.

27 — If an extension is granted, the State Party shall take appropriate measures to meet all subsequent deadlines.

28 — The State Party shall continue to submit detailed annual plans for destruction in accordance with paragraph 29 and annual reports on the destruction of category 1 chemical weapons in accordance with paragraph 36, until all category 1 chemical weapons are destroyed. In addition, not later than at the end of each 90 days of the extension period, the State Party shall report to the Executive Council on its destruction activity. The Executive Council shall review progress towards completion of destruction and take the necessary measures to document this progress. All information concerning the destruction activities during the extension period shall be provided by the Executive Council to States Parties, upon request.

Detailed annual plans for destruction

29 — The detailed annual plans for destruction shall be submitted to the Technical Secretariat not less than 60 days before each annual destruction period begins pursuant, to article iv, paragraph 7, a), and shall specify:

a) The quantity of each specific type of chemical weapon to be destroyed at each destruction facility and the inclusive dates when the destruction of each specific type of chemical weapon will be accomplished;

b) The detailed site diagram for each chemical weapons destruction facility and any changes to previously submitted diagrams; and

c) The detailed schedule of activities for each chemical weapons destruction facility for the upcoming year, identifying time required for design, construction or modification of the facility, installation of equipment, equipment check-out and operator training, destruction operations for each specific type of chemical weapon, and scheduled periods of inactivity.

30 — A State Party shall provide, for each of its chemical weapons destruction facilities, detailed facility information to assist the Technical Secretariat in developing preliminary inspection procedures for use at the facility.

31 — The detailed facility information for each destruction facility shall include the following information:

a) Name, address and location;

b) Detailed, annotated facility drawings;

c) Facility design drawings, process drawings, and piping and instrumentation design drawings;

d) Detailed technical descriptions, including design drawings and instrument specifications, for the equipment required for: removing the chemical fill from the munitions, devices, and containers; temporarily storing the drained chemical fill; destroying the chemical agent; and destroying the munitions, devices, and containers;

e) Detailed technical descriptions of the destruction process, including material flow rates, temperatures and pressures, and designed destruction efficiency;

f) Design capacity for each specific type of chemical weapon;

g) A detailed description of the products of destruction and the method of their ultimate disposal;

h) A detailed technical description of measures to facilitate inspections in accordance with this Convention;

i) A detailed description of any temporary holding area at the destruction facility that will be used to provide chemical weapons directly to the destruction facility, including site and facility drawings and information on the storage capacity for each specific type of chemical weapon to be destroyed at the 'facility;

A detailed description of the safety and medical

measures in force at the facility; k) A detailed description of the living quarters and

working premises for the inspectors; and /) Suggested measures for international verification.

32 — A State Party shall provide, for each of its chemical weapons destruction facilities, the plant operations manuals, the safety and medical plans, the laboratory operations and quality assurance and control manuals, and the environmental permits that have been obtained, except that this shall not include material previously provided.

33 — A State Party shall promptly notify the Technical Secretariat of any developments that could affect inspection activities at its destruction facilities.

34 — Deadlines for submission of the information specified in paragraphs 30 to 32 shall be considered and appo-ved by the Conference pursuant to article vin, paragraph 21, i).

35 — After a review of the detailed facility infenaa.ti.0TA for each destruction facility, the Technical Secretariat, if the need arises, shall enter into consultation with the State Party concerned in order to ensure that its chemical weapons destruction facilities are designed to assure the destruction of chemical weapons, to allow advanced planning on how verification measures may be applied and to ensure that the application of verification measures is consistent with proper facility operation, and that the facility operation allows appropriate verification.

Annual reports on destruction

36 — Information regarding the implementation of plans for destruction of chemical weapons shall be submitted to the Technical Secretariat pursuant to article rv, çaïaçcaçb. 7, b), not later than 60 days after the end of each annua} destruction period and shall specify the actual amounts of chemical weapons which were destroyed during the previous year at each destruction facility. If appropriate, reasons for not meeting destruction goals should be stated.