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6 DE JULHO DE 1996


42 — If required verification or destruction actions are not taken as planned, all States Parties shall be so informed.

C — Verification

Verification of declarations of chemical weapons production facilities through on-site inspection

43 — The Technical Secretariat shall conduct an initial inspection of each chemical weapons production facility in the period between 90 and 120 days after this Convention enters into force for the State Party.

44 — The purposes of the initial inspection shall be:

a) To confirm that the production of chemical weapons has ceased and that the facility has been inactivated in accordance with this Convention;

b) To permit the Technical Secretariat to familiarize itself with the measures that have been taken to cease production of chemical weapons at the facility;

c) To permit the inspectors to install temporary seals;

d) To permit the inspectors to confirm the inventory of buildings and specialized equipment;

e) To obtain information necessary for planning inspection activities at the facility, including use of tamper-indicating seals and other agreed equipment, which shall be installed pursuant to the detailed facility agreement for the facility; and

f) To conduct preliminary discussions regarding a detailed agreement on inspection procedures at the facility.

45 — Inspectors shall employ, as appropriate, agreed seals, markers or other inventory control procedures to facilitate an accurate inventory of the declared items at each chemical weapons production facility.

46 — Inspectors shall install such agreed devices as may 6e necessary to indicate if any resumption of production of chemical weapons occurs or if any declared item is removed. They shall take the necessary precaution not to hinder closure activities by the inspected State Party. Inspectors may return to maintain and verify the integrity of the devices.

47 — If, on the basis of the initial inspection, the Director-General believes that additional measures are necessary to inactivate the facility in accordance with this Convention, the Director-General may request, not later than 135 days after this Convention enters into force for a State Party, that such measures be implemented by the inspected State Party not later than 180 days after this Convention enters into/force for it. At its discretion, the inspected State Party may satisfy the request. If it does not satisfy the request, the inspected State Party and the Director-General shall consult to resolve the matter.

Systematic verification of chemical weapons production facilities' and cessation of their activities

48 — The purpose of the systematic verification of a chemical weapons production facility shall be to ensure that any resumption of production of chemical weapons or removal of declared items will be detected at this facility.

49 — The detailed facility agreement for each chemical weapons production facility shall specify:

' a) Detailed on-site inspection procedures, which may include;

i) Visual examinations;

jj) Checking and servicing of seals and other

agreed devices; and Hi) Obtaining and analysing samples;

b) Procedures for using tamper-indicating seals and other agreed equipment to prevent the undetected reactivation of the facility, which shall specify:

/) The type, placement, and arrangements for installation; and

ii) The maintenance of such seals and equipment; and

c) Other agreed measures.

50 — The seals or other approved equipment provided for in a detailed agreement on inspection measures for that facility shall be placed not later than 240 days after this Convention enters into force for a State Party. Inspectors shall be permitted to visit each chemical weapons production facility for the installation of such seals or equipment.

51 —During each calendar year, the Technical Secretariat shall be permitted to conduct up to four inspections of each chemical weapons production facility.

52 — The Director-General shall notify the inspected State Party of his decision to inspect or visit a chemical weapons production facility 48 hours before the planned arrival of the inspection team at the facility for systematic inspections or visits. In the case of inspections or visits to resolve urgent problems, this period may be shortened. The Director-General shall specify the purpose of the inspection or visit.

53 — Inspectors shall, in accordance with the facility agreements, have unimpeded access to all parts of the chemical weapons production facilities. The items on the declared inventory to be inspected shall be chosen by the inspectors.

54 — The guidelines for determining the frequency of systematic on-site inspections shall be considered and approved by the Conference pursuant to article vm, paragraph 21, i). The particular production facility to be inspected shall be chosen by the Technical Secretariat in such a way as to preclude the prediction of precisely when the facility is to be inspected.

Verification of destruction of chemical weapons production facilities

55 — The purpose of systematic verification of the destruction of chemical weapons production facilities shall be to confirm that the facility is destroyed in accordance with the obligations under this Convention and that each item on the declared inventory is destroyed in accordance with, the agreed detailed plan for destruction.

56 — When all items on the declared inventory have been destroyed, the Technical Secretariat shall confirm the declaration of the State Party to that effect. After this confirmation, the Technical Secretariat shall terminate the systematic verification of the chemical weapons production facility and shall promptly remove all devices and monitoring instruments installed by the inspectors.

57 — After mis confirmation, the State Party shall make the declaration that the facility has been destroyed.