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127 | II Série A - Número: 152S1 | 10 de Setembro de 2008

8. Earmarked contributions to the Project Sub-Account shall be used only for the pre-projects, projects and activities for which they were designated, unless otherwise decided by the donor in consultation with the Executive Director. After the completion or termination of a pre-project, project or activity, the use of any remaining funds shall be decided by the donor. 9. To ensure the necessary predictability of funds for the Special Account, taking into consideration the voluntary nature of contributions, members shall strive to replenish it to attain an adequate resource level to fully carry out the pre-projects, projects and activities approved by Council.

10. All receipts pertaining to specific pre-projects, projects and activities under the Project Sub-Account or the Thematic Programmes Sub-Account shall be brought into the respective Sub-Account. All expenditures incurred on such pre-projects, projects or activities, including remuneration and travel expenses of consultants and experts, shall be charged to the same SubAccount.

11. No member shall be responsible by reason of its membership in the Organization for any liability arising from any actions by any other member or entity in connection with pre-projects, projects or activities.

12. The Executive Director shall provide assistance in the development of proposals for pre-projects, projects and activities in accordance with articles 24 and 25 and endeavour to seek, on such terms and conditions as the Council may decide, adequate and assured finance for approved pre-projects, projects and activities.


1. A Fund for sustainable management of tropical timber producing forests is hereby established to assist producer members to make the investments necessary to achieve the objective of article 1 (d) of this Agreement.

2. The Fund shall be constituted by:
(a) Contributions from donor members; (b) Fifty per cent of income earned as a result of activities related to the Special Account; (c) Resources from other private and public sources which the Organization may accept consistent with its financial rules; and
(d) Other sources approved by the Council.